September 2016




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May. 12th, 2015


Oh my wizard god pleaaaasee tell me someone has tequila.

And I'll need to be informed of anything Bon Jovi might have released in the last year or two.

Also I would not hate pie right now.

That aside. Hi weird Maine. I'm Lexi.

Apr. 25th, 2015


So, there's really no way home? Damnit! How am I going to tell Adrian that I lost Sydney. Again.

Has, anyone seen a blonde girl? With a tattoo of a lily on her cheek? How am I going to find Jill without her?

Apr. 17th, 2015


Posted after Nightfall

I still don't understand what's happening. Is Klaus still

Elena? Jeremy? Are you two here?

I can't stop thinking about
I need

Apr. 7th, 2015


I'm told I should introduce myself. Good thing I'm not antisocial, really.

Hi, I'm Adrian. I just arrived. And, already been tackle hugged by the only person I know here.

But, I have a very important question. Where's the best bar?

[Little Dhampir]

Unless you want to do something else?

Mar. 19th, 2015


When someone tells you not to watch the shit show about your life, listen to them.
I am going to get very very very drunk.

Feb. 8th, 2015


So this is the perfect end to the worst birthday party ever Or maybe second worst Most of our parties are terrible

So...I'm in Maine? Because of portals? And...fairytale magic? Must be Thursday

This is real and not some weird...I don't even know...purgatory type place or illusion or...something?

Jan. 5th, 2015


Snow just reminded me that I forgot to do this.  I've been a bit busy, sorry.

cut for picture )

Her name is Ruth.  I'm in love.

Nov. 18th, 2014


So this is Storybrooke. I can't say that I'm impressed. Not that your little village isn't quaint, I've just come to prefer a much more interesting sort of life.

Oct. 29th, 2014


Guys, I can't find Elena anywhere.

Oct. 25th, 2014


I think there needs to be a bourbon drinking contest around here.

Oct. 24th, 2014


So, Halloween is a week away and I just realized I have no idea where all the good parties are. Someone help a newbie out?

( Elena and Bonnie )
We're going costume shopping, no excuses or objections allowed.

Posted via Journaler.

Oct. 15th, 2014


(pretend this was actually posted at a reasonable hour on Wednesday morning and not at 3am)

Wow, this was so not what I needed right now. Please tell me that whole being stuck here was just a fib, because I really need to get back like ASAP.

Anyway, right, manners. My name is Caroline Forbes and they told me there were people I knew here, so Mystic Falls peeps, sound off!

Aug. 25th, 2014


You know what would be fun? A night out on the town. First round of drinks are on me.

So who's in?

Aug. 24th, 2014


Filtered to Steve | Marvel 616

Hey :D

Um, some of my friends from home showed up. I kind of told them about you helping me out and they'd like to meet you. Not for that! Because I told them you were really great to me and good person.

They are kind of like me. Okay, not kind of, like me.

Aug. 21st, 2014


Well, this place is... not boring.

[Filtered to Alaric Saltzman]

We should try making our own bourbon. Or Beer. Or start with beer and follow it up with bourbon.

It could be called. VampOut. OR something much more amusing. I'm more focused on pumpkin flavored things.


[Filtered to Caroline Forbes]

So, this friend Steve of yours. Do I get to meet him? Don't worry, his blood is all yours, just curious. Steve is a popular name.


Aug. 20th, 2014


I need more rum.

Who wants to watch a movie called Reservoir Dogs with me?


I'm thinking of buying a horse as a one year anniversary of being here present for myself. Can you buy horses here?

Aug. 17th, 2014


Well, this is defiantly not Portland.

Plus side... I'm not dead.

So, other than being fictional and not dead, what's there to do in this town?

Aug. 15th, 2014


Where is a good place to get cherry pie?

This baby is making me want sweet things.

Aug. 14th, 2014


Tonight feels like one of those 80's movies kinda nights. Who wants to come over and watch Heathers with me?

Aug. 13th, 2014


I am giving up coffee.

My dad will be proud.

Aug. 11th, 2014


So... do any of you new arrivals ride? Or old arrivals. Or natives. Anyone, really.

Aug. 8th, 2014


I don't know if I should get a job or try to go to school or both. Honestly, I wouldn't know where to start with school here but I also don't know what job I'd do.

Aug. 6th, 2014


Thanks to everyone that helped with the party and came out to enjoy it! I had a great time :D Let's do it again real soon. I'm thinking baby shower.

Aug. 5th, 2014


Okay, so here's how this works - who the hell is gonna tell me what's going on and don't give me any shite about some magic portal. I want out.

Aug. 3rd, 2014


This place is far too normal for my taste.

Aug. 1st, 2014


Ah, magic portals, no. At least this place exists, I guess.

Jul. 28th, 2014


This place is complete rubbish at times For those of you who expressed an interest in the new fizzy drink that Fred's been working on developing for the shop, he's still working on it. There was just a small setback a couple of weeks ago, nothing dangerous to anyone but it's still caused a bit of a delay. And if anyone knows where we could get a fire extinguisher to keep in the back room of the shop that would be brilliant. Just to be on the safe side in case Fred or I aren't around and something catches on fire

[Private to James Potter]

I think we should take some time off from everything this weekend do something fun, see if we can't take our minds off things for a bit.

[Private to Remus Lupin]

If you even think about disappearing the way Sirius has I will make you pay for it the next time I see you. Are you alright?

[Private to Carl Grimes]

So Fred had a question and I wasn't entirely sure what the answer was so I thought I'd ask you - do you have magic? It doesn't matter but he did ask.

Jul. 26th, 2014


SO, still here and not any more used to being here than when I first arrived. Does it actually get easier, or I guess do you just eventually get used to being here and forget everything else?


So, this is what the world looked like before you morons blew it all to hell.

It's nice.

Still, send me back. I've got to find my sister and the others.


So anyone who has been here a while knows that the coming and going sucks. But it always happens. So sorry if someone's gone. And sorry if someone's here you don't want to be.

But most of us are missing people. So, what two people do you wish most would show up? And what two do you hope fall in a hole between universes and don't show up?

Scott and Mr. Argent, for Allison, from my world from me, for people I'd want to see.

Don't want to see - any other Argent, basically.


Swan, aren't you meant to be the arm of the law around here? Explosions on your watch, and not even caused by dragons or magic gone awry. You should be ashamed. I expected so much more from you.

You should come see your poor husband and I at the bar and watch us drink while you can't. It can be your pennance.

Jul. 24th, 2014


backdated to the explosion - in case it is needed!

What the hell was that boom?

Jul. 21st, 2014


STOP ME IF YOU'VE HEARD THIS ONE ... so there's this portal? And it sucks people out of a thousand different dimensions and plops them into East Who-Gives-A-Damn Maine. And there's nothing to do but ... reconstitute, re-evaluate and re-form your life?


Oh right. Hi.

I'm Skye.


When are we having the block party? I think it might be a good thing to do, to keep people's minds off things.

I miss my husband. I do hope he's doing okay.

Though I am excited about the impending birth of the baby. It seems so far away, though....

Jul. 18th, 2014



Since I am the Queen of planning parties, I'm thinking we should have one. I'd work to plan most of it-if it's okay-but I think it would be good. All the new people like me can meet all those who have been here or awhile or are citizens here. And hey! Drinking, games, food, music, and dancing? Come on people! It'll be fun! I promise.

Jul. 14th, 2014


Seriously? My best friend is mourning her boyfriend. I'm mourning my best friend. And I'm here? With no chance of going home? What. The. Hell.

There is really no way home?


Okay. So I seem to have accidentally turned into a recluse. And not in a cool, genius inventor kind of way. Just in a sad way.

Anyone fancy showing a kind-of-newbie around?

Jul. 13th, 2014


This is completely unnecessary.

Mar. 6th, 2014


[Filter to Lexi]
I need a drink. Up for the Rabbit Hole?

I cannot believe I've been here as long as I have. Or that I actually miss Mystic Falls.

Mar. 2nd, 2014


I have the urge to get something off my chest.

I am not an American named Alexander Grayson.

I am Dracula.

Just thought you ought to know.

Feb. 6th, 2014


I think it's about high time I got a job. Perhaps a position teaching History is in order...

[The Vampire Diaries/The Originals Crew]

What are your plans for Valentine's Day? Normally I would not bother to even celebrate such a foolish holiday, but I'm rather lonely bored now that Hayley Klaus is gone.


How are you doing? Lame Elijah. Not your smoothest or finest moment.

Feb. 3rd, 2014


[Filtered to Julia Shumway}

Care to join me for dinner tomorrow night?

[/end filter]

I do not mind Storybrooke nearly as much as I thought I would.


Wotcher, Storybrooke! I'm having a party on February 14th for those of us singles about town who don't want to be around annoyingly sappy couples. Details forthcoming. RSVP here if you want to come.

Feb. 1st, 2014


What is this Valentine's Day many of you speak of with great importance, and when is it? There is no such celebration of significance in Camelot by that name.

Jan. 28th, 2014


BONNIE BENNETT! Where are you? I'm back. We need to celebrate! LEXI! ELENA! THAT MEANS YOU TOO!

Jan. 22nd, 2014


I don't care what that person said. Klaus, did you do this? Is this your way to make me do what you want? It won't work. I'm not going to be used by you or Marcel or Elijah ever again. Unless you suddenly want to get back in touch with your animal side, you better fix this now. Send me back. So I can destroy you.


I guess I'll take this over having my eyeballs cut out, but... I really would prefer to be home. Anyone from Mystic Falls here? I could use some help.

[ damon ]
Damon? Please tell me you're here.

Jan. 21st, 2014


I'm boooooored. This place doesn't have anything fun to do.

Jan. 20th, 2014


So...I need to find a job. I've got training as a waiter and bartender. I can host as well.

Any leads?

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