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May. 13th, 2015


Cut for Ultron Spoilers )

May. 8th, 2015


She's gone already.



Age of Ultron Spoilers )

Apr. 27th, 2015


I'm very slowly getting acclimated to this place. Too slowly for my own liking but, at least, it's kind of peaceful. I'm sure that means Frank's getting bored but the gun range should keep him busy.

The jokes in my initial post aside, what is Storybrooke's judicial system like? Is there an office I could get a job at or should I see about opening my own?


This loose ends thing isn't working out so well for me, because now I'm just inventing new weird kinds of mug cakes to try in the microwave, and it doesn't work out that well. So I went and got a job counseling at the high school. Not my area, but as much as some of the kids have been through, I figured I might be able to help out a little here and there.

Still way too much free time though. Anywhere around here need volunteer manpower or anything?

Hey, Rogers, you still standing firm on your blackout on your own movie nonsense? Because I'm going to cave, I know it, so I'm going to plan it for when you're not around and then be annoyed about myself. Barnes, you still with me in masochism?

Mar. 10th, 2015


So. Update.

I have a dog. Not sure on the name but open to suggestions that aren't puns.

Best birthday ever.

Mar. 8th, 2015


As someone who said he wasn't going to watch the movie nonsense I and people I know am in, and then immediately caved and watched it and wished I hadn't, I think the TV needs some kind of automatic blacklist for all the ads for the new movie that are about to start rolling out. I mean I'm not in them, and I am both glad and sad for that, but it's still enough to get me worried.

I'm pretty sure I used to have self control. Can I blame magic? That's just something you can do automatically here, right? I'm doing it.

You people that have to suffer through a weekly show, you've got my sympathy.

Mar. 7th, 2015


I've finally come to accept the fact that I'm not going to wake up and find a certain someone here. He's gone. He's left. And every time he's come back things have been different. I'm the only one hanging onto something and it's just not happening. It's time to face facts and move on. With that in mind I've decided I should probably start dating or flirting again because why not?

Also, I should probably get a job to afford things.

Also, should I have not announced my intention to get back out there over this thing? That's not normal, right?

Also, how do you flirt?

Also, someone teach me to people.

Also, I want a dog. We can call it my therapy dog and I'll name it, like, Alex or Brock or Steve but none of those names because I just remembered they're terrible. The job will probably need to happen before the dog with the terrible name.

Mar. 2nd, 2015


I love how Glinda asks Dorothy if she is a good witch or a bad witch, then states only bad witches are ugly.

Feb. 17th, 2015


Has anyone watched their movie or television show? Because it's on all the time and I

Feb. 13th, 2015


Okay, Bones, where are you taking me for Valentine's Day?

Feb. 11th, 2015


So what kind of employment opportunities are there around here for a soldier with an art degree?

Technically the last time I held a job outside of military or special ops was in You could say my resume is a little dated.

Feb. 3rd, 2015


The last time I wound up in a strange new place I missed out on sixty-six years, give or take. I guess I should consider this an improvement. I appreciate all the orientation information but I was in the middle of something important I'd really like to get back to.

Feb. 2nd, 2015


I take it a thing occurred with your American football and there was much grousing and griping of men with multi-million dollar paychecks? Yes, I suppose, your sporting arrangements have always held some odd fascination for me.

As for myself I've been camping in the woods for nigh a week n


I don't know whether to be angry or just unsurprised. No. Angry. I'm definitely still angry. Of course those cheating sons of bitches won. I wouldn't be surprised if they paid Wilson to take a dive. Though it seemed like the entire Seahawks team was taking stupid pills by the end of it, so it might have just been a case of collective idiocy. The Pats shouldn't have made it this far anyway. Them and their sanctified asshole of a quarterback and dirty dealing coach. That whole outfit is crooked. But what the hell do you expect to come out of Boston?

Jan. 30th, 2015


All right. So I won't say I'm used to the magic thing, because how does that get normal, but I'm settled in enough that I need something to do or making a Jenga tower out of the furniture is going to seem like a good idea.

So what are the options around here, other than job and drinking?

[Filtered to Leo Fitz]
Hey man, so, rumor is I was here before and don't remember, but you built me a pair of wings? Or did I hear that wrong? Any chance you still have them, if so?

Jan. 29th, 2015


Getting set up with office hours and all that nonsense, but if you've problems medically let me know. I think I'm about caught up with all this historical doctoring nonsense. Wish that crazy Scotsman was here, I'm a doctor not an engineer, and trying to get all my equipment up to decent levels is tough.

The bars are good here though.

Jan. 26th, 2015


Has anyone seen Steve Rogers?

Jan. 11th, 2015


So, magic city comes with wi-fi. That updating fairy tale trend isn't gonna die off any time soon, is it?

A fairy nun just gave me a phone and a heads up there's people here I know, so ... someone want to explain the nun thing? And the magic and fairy would be good too, but the nun threw me first.

Sep. 24th, 2014


Anyone up for drinks? I could use a distraction.

Sep. 10th, 2014


Party at Granny's for Agent Simmons' birthday, so don't tell her. Ward, it's your job to get her there with no questions asked.

The rest of you? Shower her in gifts. If Paddington Bear would like it, so would she. I'm gonna use my super power to make sure there are steak hoagies for everyone.

Aug. 31st, 2014


Well, since I've finished Sam's wings just in time for his real ones to show up...

Who would like to try them? He said he's fine with me letting others use them. Though I'm not supposed to let Bucky if Sam is flying that day. Something about letting him tear his new ones apart?

Also I've been thinking of finding a place to teach a class on robotics. Would anyone be interested?

Aug. 23rd, 2014


My wings just showed up.

My working wings. It's like Christmas.

Aug. 4th, 2014


So, ah. What's a good way to ask someone out,,,? If you were going to do something like that. With someone. Of course with someone. I'd appreciate some ideas and everyone has a million of them and I'm tapped out.

Jul. 22nd, 2014


I miss flying.

Is there a place in this town where a guy can rent a plane?

Jun. 17th, 2014


So I don't like bananas and the milk tastes... wrong. Pierce can keep his damn inch of milk.

I'm slowly getting used to cooking. We didn't have a lot of ingredients back in what I'm reminded was my time. Steve's never been fussy about what we had but he used to eat like a bird. I remember him picking at his food a lot. That's changed. The clearer parts of my memories are still him but I think it has to do with the fact that he's a constant.

I still wake up confused. Looking for people who aren't here or aren't alive. I spent a whole morning looking for Howard before I remembered that I Sometimes I wake up expecting people I'd rather forget. I want to say I'm getting better but how do you judge that? How do you fix this?

Steve? If I said it would be therapeutic could we get a pet?

May. 26th, 2014


Happy memorial day.

May. 12th, 2014


I need a drink.

I mean I have a drink. I've had several drinks. Lots and lots of drinks.

The people in this bar are really quite nice. It looked a bit dodgy, but I think I like it here.

But yes. Where was I?

Right. I need another drink. And probably a few more after that.

Because everything's gone to utter shit right now and I just want things to go back to when they made sense and it wasn't all awful.

And I miss my mum.

May. 3rd, 2014


Ever get the feeling that something big is going down around you but no one's telling you anything?


What's going on? Simmons brought me all these pancakes...

Apr. 28th, 2014


It's such a shame that Peggy's gone. I really did quite like her. She was a good friend. I've never had many female friends, so it was nice to have one with Skye gone. Still, it is comforting to know that she was happy and had a good life.

And it's good having Steve and Natasha back. I was worried about them.

( Sam )
I was wondering, now that Steve and Natasha have verified that you are, in fact, not Hydra, if you'd like me to show you around.

Not that I thought you might be Hydra. But Agent Coulson can be rather protective. And I don't think he would have liked me spending too much time with you. He was already a bit cross about me checking in on Bucky.

( Fitz )
I told Steve that I would talk to you about working to see if there's any remaining conditioning in Bucky's system that Pierce could use if he showed up. It is, of course, up to Bucky if we actually do anything, but I thought you would want to know.

I just want to help him, if we can. He's been through so much.

Sam seems nice, doesn't he? a person.

( Bucky )
See? I told you he'd be back.

I am worried about him though. He seems different.

Apr. 23rd, 2014


This has to be some sort of HYDRA plot. I mean, I'm no superhero, but I'm not stupid. Fairytales? Honestly.

The woman who greeted me said some of my friends were here but I almost hope she's wrong. It'd be nice to have people who I trust here. Downside to that being that if I'm right, Steve and Natasha were captured. I need a drink.

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