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Feb. 18th, 2014


So, if I've been reading things right, people who disappeared came back and they remember being here?



This place is real. Of course it's real. You'd think I remember that the third time around.

Mom? Stiles? Alison? Issac?

Please tell me you're all still here. And okay. Yeah. Okay. That's the big one. Please tell me you're all okay.

Feb. 15th, 2014


So this place was real?

It wasn't a dream?

Feb. 10th, 2014


[Filtered to Stiles Stilinski]

I work tomorrow. Why don't you meet me there after school?

I just... want to make sure you're okay.

Feb. 9th, 2014


Walking home tonight, after my shift, I almost slipped on a patch of ice a block away from my apartment. If I'd slipped I most likely would have fallen on my arse and with my luck I probably would have broken my tailbone. Imagine working at the hospital then being brought into the ER not even twenty minutes later. I'm just glad I managed not to fall.


Well, it looks Castiel is gone, shame, he was fun to talk to.

So, what exactly is lacrosse?

[Filtered to Jessica Moore]

Hey, I meant to ask sooner, but are you okay? I heard Sam was gone.

Feb. 4th, 2014


Scott is gone...

Feb. 3rd, 2014


[Filtered to Daryl Dixon and Maggie Greene]

Thank you for having me over last night for the Super Bowl. It was fun.

[Filtered to Rick Grimes]

You friends are nice. I had fun last night.

Can I call you my boyfriend now that I've been introduced to some of your friends?

Come over tonight for dinner? Carl is invited, too.

[Filtered to Scott McCall]

I think maybe it's time for you to meet Rick.

I think he and I might be more serious than I thought.


This is a dream This has to be a dream I'm going to wake up and she's going to be here This is just a dream wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wakeup wakeup wakeupwakeupwakeup

Cora's gone. I can't find her anywhere.

I can't I don't know what to I can't breathe WAKE UP

Jan. 30th, 2014


Two teams I could care less about but at least I get to watch a super bowl. I didn't think I'd ever get to see another one.

[ Rick | Maggie ]
Pizza, beer, wings. Am I missing anything?

Jan. 29th, 2014


I can't believe I was talking about my dad It wasn't that bad being a kid again for a few days, but I'm glad that I'm an adult again.

[Private to Kiera Cameron]
I saw your note about leaving the Sheriff's Department. I just didn't know why some woman I'd never met was telling me about changing her career. I'm sorry Now that I'm myself again - want to get drinks and talk about it?

[Private to Melissa McCall]
You're amazing Would you really have taken care of ten year old me if I hadn't liked Carl?

Jan. 27th, 2014


Okay, that was unexpected.

Do you think if we try really hard, we can pick the next kind of weird crap that happens? Everyone shrinks, or the houses turn into gingerbread, or the animals start talking. Anything other than being a kid again, basically.

I'm sorry, Ms. McCall Melissa. And Dr. Banner. And everyone else I talked to, basically.


So, I'm me again. Thanks to everyone who talked to or took care of little me.

...And let's ignore anything he may have said about getting shipped off-planet. Short version: it happened.

Jan. 25th, 2014


I really don't have to be worried about boredom here, I guess. The magic kind of throws you for a loop. I'm just glad it's nothing like Gotham. I don't think I could handle magic plus maniacs.

Jan. 24th, 2014


[filtered to Scott McCall]


I might have a date. With a man named Rick Grimes. He's kind of 10 right now, but when he's his normal age again.

You cool with that?


Oh my god.

...Can I never do that again please? Not that being a kid again wasn't fun or anything, but yeah. Not doing that again, please.

Jan. 22nd, 2014


My older sister is a teenager.
My baby sister is an adult.
I am babysitting my niece.

I feel really old right now.

[Private to Melissa]

How are Isaac and Scott?

Jan. 21st, 2014


Dad's going to be mad that I went out by myself after dark and got lost. I've never been in this part of town before Can somebody call him and tell him where I am? And that I'm sorry

Jan. 20th, 2014


I lost Scott. And Isaac.

How could this have happened?

Scott and Isaac, you are both in so much trouble.


Here's hoping my algebra teacher accepts magical kidnapping as a valid excuse for missing class.

Jan. 19th, 2014


Has anyone seen Jane Shepard? I dropped by to see if she had gotten hit by the age thing, but she wasn't there. So either she's gone, or there's possibly a tiny future biotic badass running around somewhere, confused about why there's no spaceships anywhere. I hope she's still around.

Out of curiosity, I'm making a list of everyone's changed ages and what they remember, so if you feel like telling me, I'll show you the spreadsheet I'm making. It's a reward system no one will care about.

Or at least sound off if you're NOT suddenly a toddler, missing, or an older version of yourself?

[Filtered to Billy Kaplan]
Are you normal-aged? Half the people from my world are older and weirdly hot and smug about it. It's annoying.

Jan. 18th, 2014


[Filtered to Rick Grimes]

I enjoyed our dinner together the other night, Rick.

I would like to have dinner with you again.

Except... I may have to wait. Because Scott and his friend Isaac are now six.

And I also offered to let a child Jim Kirk stay in my apartment before Scott and Isaac turned six.

You can come over when they're all asleep, though, if you want.


Where am I? My mom is gonna be so mad at me when she finds out I'm not in my room at home cleaning it like she told me too...

Jan. 15th, 2014


Wait so I traveled in time? Back to 2014? This is really weird. Oh wait, did I get knocked back to when everyone was a kid?

This is weird. Guess it could be weirder.


What's with the ancient technology?


[Filter: Storybrooke Sheriff's Department]
As the town's latest magic has gotten to Sheriff Swan, I'll be heading up the department until things pass.  We need all hands on deck, though, so please stay alert.

[Filter: Adults*]

Since we have a sudden influx of rather young children, we're going to need some temporary foster parents.  Please understand that this is not a commitment to be taken lightly.  If you're interested, please let me know, and we will arrange for fosters as the need arises.

* OOC: Charming means this as people over 18, but use your best judgment, based on however your characters' canon ages people. :P

Jan. 14th, 2014


Where am I? Mom? Dad? Can someone tell me where I am? A police officer maybe? I'm not supposed to talk to strange weirdos.


I thought this had been a dream. An elaborate dream, yes, but a dream.

Any chance Scott is still here? Stiles? Anyone?

Also, I think I need my job back at the hospital.

Dec. 2nd, 2013


Did anyone else hear the screaming?

Has anyone seen Lydia?

Nov. 24th, 2013


I have just invested in Netflix. There was only so much infomercials and televangelism I could take.

Scott, I left you the account information for Netflix. I thought you might be tired of this as well.

Nov. 14th, 2013


Hello, everyone. Charming and I will be hosting a bonfire on the beach Saturday November 23rd beginning at around 4pm. Everyone is invited, no matter your age or origin and we do hope to see you there.

Thank you very much for Fix for the suggestion. It really was a wonderful one.

Nov. 11th, 2013


There is something incredibly creepy about watching a bad horror movie with an actress who has your face in it. Besides the fires, The Purge was traumatizing. I don't know why I watched it while I was alone. Trying to become better about fires. Wasn't expecting all of that.

Nov. 3rd, 2013


Sheriff Stilinski is gone...

[Filtered to Stiles Stilinski]

Are you doing okay? Do you need anything?



Rory and my d- River are gone.

Oct. 21st, 2013


If I thought watching myself on television was weird...

I saw my long-lost twin on a show called the Walking Dead tonight?

Oct. 20th, 2013


It always amuses me when it starts to get cold and I'm out there in a t-shirt and I get the weirdest looks from people. Most people at home are used to it, I think, but here they aren't. I was out last night and this old woman told me I should wear a jacket before I catch cold. I had to just smile and nod.

I think I'm close to getting my bike running. I can't wait to take it for a test drive. It's been too long since I've ridden.

Oct. 18th, 2013


Never thought I'd say this, but I'm so happy I'm not a girl anymore.

Oct. 14th, 2013


WQ23245GTD235323214!!!! EMERGENCY. STAT.


Oct. 13th, 2013


[Filtered to Melissa McCall]
I think we should invite Chris with us. Talk him through everyone. It'd be good for him to spend some time with adults he knows. I'm sure he wants to spend time with Allison but with everything that's happened to our kids, I think this would be good for all of us.

[Filtered to Chris Argent and Melissa McCall]
How about you come to Granny's with Melissa and me tomorrow night? We'll fill you in on everything and catch up. Also, I don't know when you came from but Melissa and I know everything about everything at home.

Oct. 10th, 2013


I don't really see much point in asking questions other people have probably already asked or pointing out how shocked I am to suddenly be in a small town full of people who used to be princesses or mice or witches. Of course I'm shocked. Who wouldn't be? I'm also annoyed and confused. I can multitask like that. I really just have one question.

Where's my daughter?


Never, ever laugh at your friends when they wake up as girls, because you've still got your guy parts intact.

Trust me. Karma really sucks right now.

Oct. 9th, 2013


[Filtered to Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Sheriff Stilinski]

I am going to watch Stephen King's It tonight and you three are going to watch it with me. Or, at least, one of you is going to watch it with me. I hate clowns but it's October so I need to watch it.

Who is with me?

[Filtered to Sheriff Stilinski only]

If the boys don't want to watch it, I'm going to request you be the one I watch it with. Are you up for it?

...are we going for labels now?

Oct. 8th, 2013


I miss the days when "will I wake up as a man" wasn't a thought when I went to bed at night.

Oct. 6th, 2013


Anyone says anything, I can still rip out your throats.

This is Derek. I saw your friend Jess as I was going into my apartment. I wanted to tell you before she told you I had some girl in my place.

Also, can I borrow some clothes? Cora is taller than me.

Oct. 1st, 2013


It's good to be back at a police station even if I'm not a sheriff any longer. I don't begrudge Sheriff Swan her job around here but it's nice I can help out as a deputy once again.

[Filter to Stiles Stilinski & Scott McCall]
I'm going out with Melissa tonight. You boys good with pizza? I'll leave some money for you. Don't go crazy. You still have school in the morning.


Dear Allison of twenty minutes ago,

Googling yourself is a terrible idea. Don't do it.

No love,
Allison of right now.

Sep. 30th, 2013


I think I need to work less. I am falling back into habits from home. This needs to change.

[Private to Sheriff Stilinski]

I know we agreed to take things slow, but would you like to go to dinner with me?

Sep. 29th, 2013


Um, so, someone PLEASE tell me why I'm stuck in some lame town that reminds me of depressing places I'd NEVER go? And I have none of my CLOTHES and most importantly, my PINK EYELINER??? How can I LIVE without my pink eyeliner?? I don't suppose there's a Sephora in this lame town?

I'm told there are other Camp Halfblood people here so...hello!

And for all you cute boys out there, I'm Drew.


If you didn't already know, it's National Coffee Day. I'll be parked right here at Storybrooke Coffee celebrating by drinking my weight in mochas.

Sep. 25th, 2013


I miss when Wednesday was more of the how is it only Wednesday variety and less the how did I end up in Maine variety.

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