September 2016




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Jan. 23rd, 2014


Let's just ignore anything I may have said or done.


That was absolutely no fun what so ever. Why is every version of me alone?

Jan. 22nd, 2014


My older sister is a teenager.
My baby sister is an adult.
I am babysitting my niece.

I feel really old right now.

[Private to Melissa]

How are Isaac and Scott?

Jan. 19th, 2014


I need a distraction. Any volunteers?


Has anyone seen Jane Shepard? I dropped by to see if she had gotten hit by the age thing, but she wasn't there. So either she's gone, or there's possibly a tiny future biotic badass running around somewhere, confused about why there's no spaceships anywhere. I hope she's still around.

Out of curiosity, I'm making a list of everyone's changed ages and what they remember, so if you feel like telling me, I'll show you the spreadsheet I'm making. It's a reward system no one will care about.

Or at least sound off if you're NOT suddenly a toddler, missing, or an older version of yourself?

[Filtered to Billy Kaplan]
Are you normal-aged? Half the people from my world are older and weirdly hot and smug about it. It's annoying.

Jan. 18th, 2014


Where am I? My mom is gonna be so mad at me when she finds out I'm not in my room at home cleaning it like she told me too...

Jan. 16th, 2014


Please tell me that I did not get sent back in time.

Stiles? Derek? Laura? Anyone?

I am not going to high school.

Jan. 15th, 2014


Wait so I traveled in time? Back to 2014? This is really weird. Oh wait, did I get knocked back to when everyone was a kid?

This is weird. Guess it could be weirder.

Jan. 14th, 2014


I thought this had been a dream. An elaborate dream, yes, but a dream.

Any chance Scott is still here? Stiles? Anyone?

Also, I think I need my job back at the hospital.

Jan. 11th, 2014


How is it that school's only been back for like two weeks and I already have a mountain of homework.

Jan. 9th, 2014


[Flitered to Beacon Hills people]

Sorry if I worried anyone. I got sent home. But I'm back now.

...I'm also an Alpha.

Jan. 8th, 2014


[Filtered to Pepper Potts and Tony Stark]

I kind of kissed Thor.

I didn't mean to.

He blamed it on the mistletoe being magically enhanced, or something. I am inclined to believe him.
[/end filter]

I am somewhat glad the holidays are over and we can resume some sort of normalcy around here.

Though I am not sure what constitutes normalcy in Storybrooke.

Jan. 2nd, 2014



I was sent back.

I'm not an alpha anymore. I'm okay, I really am. I did it to save Cora and I'd do it again.

Dec. 30th, 2013


I want my brother back.

Dec. 20th, 2013


I don't know what the hell that was, but it sucked.

Is everyone still here? Please tell me everyone else didn't disappear and doesn't remember me.

[Filtered to Beacon Hills People]
I remember all the crap you all do, now. Or at least as much as I saw of it, since you're all still liars who tell me nothing, in the real world.

It's confusing.

Dec. 19th, 2013


I just got kissed by Natasha Romanoff. I think I might have accidentally stepped into a comic book nerd's fantasy for a second. Or it was that mistletoe. I was just picking up pizza.

This town remains so weird.

Dec. 16th, 2013


I'm officially the only one of my friends without a date to the ball.

I think this must be some kind of karma turned back on me.

I think maybe I'll just skip it. I'll still help everyone shop though.


That was insane.

That was actually insane.

Has it really been like...a few hours hours? Seriously?

Because it's been weeks. And I wasn't here and that doesn't make any sense.

And I didn't remember here but now I do remember it.

But I was home and things happen. And I remember watching them on television. But now I remember them happening too. And I don't know what's going on.

Am I going crazy

( Cora )
Oh god. I missed you.

I mean...I didn't. Because I didn't know I was supposed to miss you. But then I came back and it hit me and are you okay? You weren't worried, were you? I'm really sorry.

I never officially asked, but do you want to go to that ball thing with me? I'm pretty sure there won't be any fire.

Sorry, I'm a little manic right now.

Dec. 15th, 2013


Ugh. All this talk about the ball just reminds me that if I go, I'm going alone.

So, I'm just going to take a chance here. Anyone want to go? I'm probably setting myself up for potential public embarrassment here, but I figure screw it. Fortune favors the bold, or whatever.

Note, I'm not necessarily going with the first person that comments, since that could end in tears and bloodshed. Just opening the forum for discussion.

If it helps: I'm Steph. I'm nineteen. I bake a lot. I'm kind of a ninja. I love breakfast food, terrible movies, motorcycles and the color purple. I'm majoring in psychology, I waitress at Granny's and I'm a vigilante in my free time. Also, I have little to no brain to mouth filter.

Also, Katie. Dress shopping? I figure it'll go great because we both love purple to possibly unhealthy degrees.

Edit: Officially also looking for dates for friends.

Cassie Sandsmark: Blonde bombshell demigoddess. Daughter of Zeus. Super fun and awesome. Very friendly. Likes animals. Nicest person ever.

Lydia Martin: Foxy ginger genius. Likes shopping and being incredible at everything. Does not put up with bullshit. Probably smarter than you. Deal with it.

Respond to them below. You know you want to.

Dec. 11th, 2013


My Dad's gone.

My Dad got sent back... I know you guys were, well whatever you were doing, thought you might want to know.


I'm offering up my expertise fashion advice to anyone who wants help shopping for this ball.

Shopping this weekend. Take it or leave it.

If there are other people going alone and want to go in a group, let me know.

Dec. 10th, 2013


I've never not been home for Christmas.

I can't decide if I'm going to go to that ball. Is anyone else going alone?

I'd need to find a dress.

Dec. 8th, 2013


Why do I get the feeling that something strange might happen for Christmas?

It's the vibe I'm getting from this place.

Dec. 7th, 2013


Okay. This is new.

I just want to know how I get sucked through a magic portal, but still end up in a town smaller than Beacon Hills. It could at least have been New York or something?

They said people I know are here. So hey?

Dec. 6th, 2013


Mom's gone.

Dec. 3rd, 2013


One plus side to watching myself on tv every week is that I get to see how cute a new haircut looks on me before I go get it done.

Filter: Elena
So, Elijah wants me to make Lexi a daylight ring.

Filter: Caroline
We need a tree. And lights. And things.

Dec. 2nd, 2013


Sorry to anyone who heard that last night. I mean screaming. If you heard screaming, then sorry.

If not, don't worry about it.

I think you police types should be looking for someone who likes to beat people to death and take their money.

Nov. 19th, 2013


The airwaves are filled with one of the rapiest songs in the world.

That's not degrading at all.

Nov. 16th, 2013


Ignore what the crazy lady my girlfriend Pepper just posted.

All searches will be rewarded.

In liquor.

Edited to add: I'd offer sexual favors as well as a reward, but said Pepper might kill me. or ask to join. Wait. No. Girls, please ask for sexual favors, kthnx.

Nov. 8th, 2013


You know, it sucks that my dad's gone. It really does. I definitely miss him.

But at least I can console myself with the numerous videos I made of Derek Hale singing his feelings at our high school education adviser while they're both dressed like something out of the 1950s. I will treasure them forever.

Nov. 3rd, 2013


Sheriff Stilinski is gone...

[Filtered to Stiles Stilinski]

Are you doing okay? Do you need anything?

Oct. 31st, 2013


I would like to remind everyone to be careful tonight. I wouldn't put it past this place to decide to try something funny. Halloween + magic would result in a lot of things probably best left unmentioned. And I'm not going to clear up a pile of dead bodies tomorrow morning.


While I'm dressing up, if anyone wants to come over and watch movies, we're watching the following movies:

The Exorcist
Evil Dead II
Cabin in the Woods
Rosemary's Baby

I've got snacks and things to drink. Movies starting at 6. We'll get through as many as possible.

Oct. 30th, 2013


I'm so going to have to step it up for Halloween, now that I've seen Cora's costume.

I'm going to look like an idiot, and she's going to realize she could do better

Oct. 25th, 2013


Too much homework, not enough coffee stupid nightma- Send help.

Oct. 22nd, 2013


I think I just met a weretroll. I didn't know they were possible.

Oct. 18th, 2013


Apparently my word isn't good enough for my best friend.

Any single guys out there up to experimenting with me until my so called best friend decides I might actually mean it when I say that I think I'm into him?

No, I'm not joking. No haha's here.

Oct. 17th, 2013


Anyone want to go see Carrie tomorrow before she shows up here and it's incredibly awkward?


That was.... let's just not do it again.

Oct. 14th, 2013


This is officially my least favorite thing that's happened in town.

[Filtered to Lydia Martin, Allison Argent & Jane Sheppard]
I give up. I was trying to just wait it out with sweats, but since it doesn't seem to be ending any time soon - I need clothes and shoes. Someone want to go with me? You can tell me if they're price gouging on bras because of the sudden rush of gender switching.

Oct. 10th, 2013


Never, ever laugh at your friends when they wake up as girls, because you've still got your guy parts intact.

Trust me. Karma really sucks right now.

Oct. 3rd, 2013


If there's anyone who isn't going to the dance and wants to hang out and get pizza, let me know. Maybe scary movies.

Oct. 1st, 2013


Dear Allison of twenty minutes ago,

Googling yourself is a terrible idea. Don't do it.

No love,
Allison of right now.

Sep. 25th, 2013


I miss when Wednesday was more of the how is it only Wednesday variety and less the how did I end up in Maine variety.

Sep. 17th, 2013


I lied about this place being better than home.

I need distraction.


Filtered: Under 25s. There is also a spell on this entry that prevents you from tattling to Regina or other law enforcement types.
As I'm sure some of you already know, Caroline's birthday is coming up Friday. We're having a party down by the beach. We'll have some snacks and some soft drinks, but it's pretty much BYOB if you want to make sure you have enough. Michael Glass is going to provide us with some music and you're all invited.

We start Friday night at 7. If you're interested in coming, let me or Caroline know and we'll get back to you with the exact location.

Filtered: Merlin
And I was sort of hoping you might like to be my date. What do you think?

Sep. 16th, 2013


i wish i could go back and kill them for doing this to me. i used to be able to control this.

I hate the days before the full moon. I get so distracted and it's still days away. Does anyone have today's homework assignments for history and math? i'm sure i'll get failing grades on them anyway. I'm going to flunk out of high school

Sep. 15th, 2013


So what's a girl got to do to get a date around here? Just kidding. Sort of.

Really, I just want to go out and do something.

Also, where has everyone gone? The town almost seems dead.

[Filtered to the Beacon Hills group other than Kate and Peter]

You guys all okay? We're not missing anyone right?

I want to keep tabs on all of you guys since people are apparently going missing.

Besides, I haven't met all of you yet.

To those of you I don't know, I'm Laura. Derek and Cora's big sister.

Sep. 10th, 2013



Kate is here. Be careful and watch yourselves around her.

So is Laura. The only one who has to fear her is Peter. Which will be fun for all of us.

I think you'll be safe around her but just to be safe, I'd avoid mentioning what you can do.

Sep. 7th, 2013


I have recently arrived in this place. I would say strange but the strangest thing is it looks so normal but I have been thoroughly informed on it's not-normal status.

I suppose, however, if I know about the things happening back home, I can handle this.

I wanted to introduce myself to everyone. I'm John Stilinski, I was a sheriff back home in Beacon Hills. Stiles, who most of you might know, is my son.

I am spending time with him now but I look forward to meeting all of you over the next few days. I will also be looking for a job, to keep me busy and earn an income while I am here.

Thank you to everyone who has helped look out for my son.

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