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Dec. 29th, 2014


I wish to buy a miniature giant space hamster. I've seen the hamsters in the store here, but I've been having trouble trying to figure out how to tell the difference between the average hamster from the ones from space. Not even magic will tell me the difference and my familiar is absolutely no help in this case, because all he wants to do is eat them. Does anyone have any other methods of knowing the differences between hamsters or will I need to forgo my dreams of taking my own new space hamster home to mate with my friend's to create a new breed of miniature giant space hamsters for any heroes willing to travel with a furry creature in their pocket?

Dec. 28th, 2014


Oh this is just brilliant. Alternate worlds, parallel dimensions, alternate dimensional worlds; pocket universes, bubble universes, I love them all really. Well not all, some of them have been a bit of a bore, others a bit smelly. This one smells just fine though, a bit metallic but also a hint of cinnamon. Tastes a bit different too, that's how you can tell it really is different. The grass tastes a bit gross. Sadly.

Anyway, hello! I'm The Doctor, lovely little town you've got here. It's always the little towns where the strange events occur isn't it? Big ones get the big events, little ones get the tiny unnoticeable events that are strange and mysterious. Very cliche, but brilliant. Stick with the classics, that's what I always say... actually not really sure I've ever said that before.

Back on track though, seems you've got a wormhole problem; it's okay, happens to most dimensions this age, definitely something I can help with I think. Though this one is just a bit more complex than I've ever seen, feels different in that way. Totally into it, love a challenge, and I guess this means I'm here for the long haul. I don't usually do the long haul, it'll be different...

Suppose this means I'll need to get a job. Only had a job once before, for half a day. How do you get a job?

Dec. 27th, 2014


what the hell.


post card towns are creepy.

there are children of corn or stepford wives or something right?

but free phone.


i was doing stuff.

i hate alternate worlds unless they're fun and they're never freaking fun.


So this place is real?

Really real?

At first I thought I was hallucinating again but I never hallucinated like this before. Then I thought that maybe I was dead but I've been feeling good. Then I thought it was because of the door but portals make a lot of sense. There is a lot of data that supports the existence of parallel universes and other dimensions.

I hope the others don't worry about me.

Dec. 20th, 2014


Christmas sweaters for babies are pretty much the most adorable thing ever. And Joy seems to like the ones I've gotten her. Of course, she's not even a year old yet, so I'm probably just guessing on her opinion here. But she looks super cute.

Loki, I may or may not have gotten you some Christmas sweaters. They're all green and varying levels of ridiculous. You're welcome.

Bruce, you did not escape this.

I think tonight is a good night for a Christmas movie marathon. The tree is decorated. Presents are all bought. Yule isn't until tomorrow. I'm thinking stop motion movies and hot chocolate.

Nov. 25th, 2014


You'd think I'd be used to this place by now, but no.

Also I'm hearing a lot about Thanksgiving. and a Black Friday?

Nov. 24th, 2014


So, sorry this is late but I was recently traumatized by about four thousand different things, not least of which being the fucking alien god who doesn't know how to go about making friends, hint not mind control, but it's time to extend the yearly invitation to the Barton-Romanoff Secret Agent Thanksgiving Dinner. Dinner being used in the loosest sense of the word. Also, Thanksgiving. For our purposes, those words mean vodka, Chinese takeout, and poker. This will all be taking place at the Clint Barton Home for Wayward Failboats and Spysassins, and possibly in a giant blanket fort depending on the varied emotional states of the household that day. SHIELD attendance is mandatory. Other people we know are welcome, including significant others of SHIELD people and their angry Jewish and/or Jersey friends. Loki, if you try to come, someone will set you on fire. Other Loki, I don't mean you. You and Steph are fine. If anyone in the house has anyone they want added to the no invite list, speak now, or speak later, whenever's cool.

We probably have enough room for everyone. There are cats, so mind your allergies. We will have all the eggrolls, they're basically the equivalent of stuffing anyway. When I say all the egg rolls, I mean it. Grant is ridiculous and we love him. Feel free to bring extra takeout if you want. And extra blankets in case of expansion.

Nov. 18th, 2014


I need several drinks. Where's the best place?

You go near him again and all the fondness I have for Thor won't stop me from killing you.

Nov. 17th, 2014


So I guess I should probably get caught up Or something. Do I even still have a job?

Fuck, I forgot how much being an adult sucks when you have to sort out life-altering shit. I need to clean out his stuff Or put it in storage And work out the job thing Kitty probably didn't fire me

( friends and family )
Sorry about that, guys. I wasn't really myself, but I still feel bad about being a dick. And stabbing Ward.

I'm me now though. 100%. So...that's good.

And hey, Jasper. Glad you're not evil. Sorry I was brainwashed, again, when you got here.

( casa del spysassins ) get it out of the way, I'm not fine.

But honestly, that's mostly to do with the whole Loki bullshit. I'm not happy that Phil is gone, it hurts, but I'm accepting it, and that's pretty much the best I can do.

I'd be down for a blanket fort and some takeout soon though.

( regina )
Thanks. I really mean it. I owe you a lot.

( loki )
If you ever come near me again, I'll kill you.

Nov. 7th, 2014


Storybrooke is far more amusing than I had thought possible.

Aug. 27th, 2014


Darcy is gone.

How can Darcy be gone? She was just here. She's been here so much longer than me.

Aug. 25th, 2014


Okay I watched all of Emma Approved.

I want to be Emma Woodhouse. At least with her clothes and her flawless makeup and her frickin hair. It's better than Caroline Lee's. And that's saying something.

Also even though Frank Churchill is a bit of a giant ass, I kind of adore the guy playing him.


This is not where I was supposed to go.

I keep half expecting Cersei to appear around the corner.

Aug. 17th, 2014


What is a PS4 and how do I get one?

Jul. 30th, 2014


Jane, as I understand it, the residents of this place have organized a large gathering of sorts in the coming days.

Would you care to attend it with me?

Jul. 7th, 2014


Greetings, I am Thor, of Asgard, Son of Odin.

Though such a means was not how I had intended to return, I suppose the good fortune means I should be without complaint. Instead I find myself quite thankful that I have landed among such a considerate group of people, people who have informed me that this device will connect me to many of the others of you who have ended here the same as I?

Perhaps then there might be one of you here who could point me in the direction of your delicacy known as pancakes? I find them to be the best choice, when one is forced to deal with a sudden and unexpected arrival in any realm. Your assistance would be most appreciated.

Jun. 21st, 2014


[Private to Jane Foster]
If I may have a word...

[Private to Darcy Lewis]
How would you rate your current boredom?

Jun. 1st, 2014


Why did Floki have to leave. This must be a test, Odin must have greater things planned for me.

( Sonya Blade )

Are you doing decently? You can come over whenever you would like, day or night.

( Athelstan / Jason Todd )

There is this show I wish to watch. Game of Thrones. Will you come over and watch it with me?



So with all these people from my world suddenly having doubles from an alternate world popping up...

WHERE THE HELL IS MY HANDSOME DEVIL DOUBLE? think of the hell we could raise...

Portal. Come on.

Make it happen.

May. 21st, 2014


Wow, everyone got all super angsty and depressing there.

Let's change that.

Lip sync battle? Y/y?

Someone make a giant water slide?

A drive in movie theater? Someone could make that happen.


Someone help me out here. If I see another post about how everyone's sad and angry at each other, I'll do something rash.

May. 16th, 2014


I'm thinking of taking up a calming hobby. Something casual and useful but that provides access to weapons at all times, just in case. Crochet hooks can be lethal, yes?

I just feel like I need a weapon comfort zone to transition with.

[FitzSimmons, May]
I saw what happened to you both. I mean not in person, but I read, and considered putting Ward down. Again.

But the call for now is to try to rehabilitate him. He's currently moved in with Barton, Romanoff, and I. But if you need to see me, just let me know and I'll come to you.

I'm sorry for what you went through, even if you haven't experienced it yet. I promise you, here at least, you'll be safe. I know it's empty, but if there's anything I can do, just tell me.
[/Fitzsimmons, May]

May. 12th, 2014



This is rather unexpected. Now to find whomever was childishly toying with the spell. I don't suppose anyone could just tell me...

Mar. 31st, 2014


Stupid portal. No one ever sticks around long enough. Except me

Mar. 19th, 2014


My Aunt Peggy Carter helped create SHIELD. I've dated her ex boyfriend off and on for years. He isn't here and I'm glad about that. Our world needs him and I think I'm finally ready to move on.

I killed Captain America. Yes, I was brainwashed but still, it was me. I shot him and didn't realize it until later on.

I've done some horrible things in the name of my job and I only really regret a few of them. I always put duty before anything else and it's cost me in ways I really haven't completely realized yet.

Now, I need beer. A lot of beer.

Mar. 18th, 2014


Is this damn truth thing done yet?

I'm on my last life. There's no more after this. A valkyrie always comes back, kind of like a phoenix. But I used up my last one.

I took one of my favorite people to Valhalla. It's not a good place, despite what people think.

Hey, at least I'm hot.

Mar. 9th, 2014


I wonder if the hospital would knock me out until this spell is over.

My secrets are not the sort of secrets anyone should know.

Mar. 7th, 2014


So, I am taking a poll on behalf of one Bruce Banner in spirit of our new friendship...

How many people have thought Bruce Banner resembles a puppy?

Feb. 26th, 2014


( filtered against phil coulson )

Important question time:

How long, approximately, should you be in a relationship with someone, before you impulsively ask them to marry you in a small town in Maine?

Asking for a friend.

Feb. 23rd, 2014


I've been here a couple of days. I've got a job. I've got friends, I guess? I need something to do.

For the love of all that's holy. Someone entertain me.

Oh happy Ragnarok Day. I don't see any impending doom. Anyone kill Loki? Cause otherwise, I'm calling shenanigans.

Feb. 8th, 2014


Filtered: MCU
Thor was talking about us all getting together for drinks before he was sent back. I think we should still do it, even if he's not here. We can drink to his arms him or something.

Feb. 6th, 2014


Thor is gone again, I think.


Has anyone seen May Parker? I know it's kind of a silly thing to ask given the nature of this place but...

Jan. 28th, 2014


I still kind of miss being an adult.

Jan. 25th, 2014


Holy crap, this place was real.

I'm not even sure how long I was gone. Is anyone I know still here?

[ooc: Last night on the way to Stephanie's, Cassie was yoinked out and brought back today for a canon bump to just before "Final Crisis", so she's about 20ish now and has gone through a HELLUVA lot.]


I'm just going to offer a blanket apology to everything and everyone.

Jan. 23rd, 2014


Filtered against Clint Barton (616)

So we're all slowly turning back and I just

Anyone up for grabbing a drink with me?

Jan. 22nd, 2014


It appears I have returned to this place once again. Strange that I had thought it to be a place only of my imaginings, and yet here I am again.

In case I am not remembered, though not much seems to have changed. I am Thor, Son of Odin. I spent time in this place once before. Are any of my friends and allies still present?

Jan. 20th, 2014


Time-traveling magic portal, huh? Can't say that's really the weirdest thing that's ever happened to me, but it maybe falls in the top twenty. Maybe. I've never made a list of weird things that've ever happened to me. Though maybe I should one of these days. Right now, I'm mostly curious as to what kind of magic there is here, I can feel a lot of types, all different from mine.

Sorry, I'm rambling. I'm Willow Rosenberg.

Jan. 18th, 2014


If I'm reading this note right then this is the exact opposite of what I wanted. Thanks a lot, magic.

Teenage me had awful hand writing.

[May Parker]

The note also says I should check in on you and have you join me in cursing my Barton luck.

Jan. 17th, 2014


My brother has taken his leave, for those who know him.

If he reappears as his younger self, no one tell him he can't have dessert first. He'll just tell you he's Odinson and can have whatever he wants.

What to do with myself now, without a constant watchdog? I'll need a hobby.

[Filtered to Nick Fury, edited in later]
Your baby bird will likely be here later, if you'd like to bring him back to the nest before he throws himself at the whole of the building.


Can someone please tell me what's going on?

Jan. 16th, 2014


Things are just so weird right now.

[Loki (MCU)]

Are you still the same age or are you suddenly a mini Loki?

Dec. 29th, 2013


I was given this... thing by someone and I'm not entirely sure why the letters on it are scrambled and they told me where I live now, but I'm pretty sure I'm not... where I was meant to end up. Not that I suppose I really should complain, all things considered. I just don't think I've ever heard of an afterlife quite like this. Suppose I should be glad there aren't little red things with pitchforks.

I'm surprisingly still soaked to the bone and I haven't quite found the flat I'm supposed to be staying at. I wonder if you can still do magic when you're dead, but my wand didn't follow me here. I suppose it wouldn't through, would it?

Dec. 11th, 2013


Rumor has it that there are SHIELD Agents and Avengers here. Please be able to tell me if it was at all worth it I hope it's true.

This is FormerAgent Sharon Carter, also known as Agent 13. I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to be dead.


It's a strange detail to be caught up in, but the sunsets here are colored differently than home. The colors are less vibrant, like watching through glass.

But I do like the cold.

[Filtered to Lokis]
You seem younger than I, but from reading what you've written, I gather it may be illusion, and that your world only bears passing resemblance to mine.

But perhaps we should talk.

Dec. 5th, 2013


Filter: Merlinverse & Friends*
They're having a ball, how lovely!

Dare I hope it will be as nice as those back home were?

Either way, this is something I am looking forward to. Gwen, we'll have to go dress shopping the next afternoon we are both free.

*Feel free to assume!

Dec. 4th, 2013


So. Uncle Barney may have been arrested for solicitation. I'm more confused than before.

I have a couple of questions for you:

Are you a Skrull?
What's a Skrull?
Do you have any connection to the Russian mob?
Did you make out with my dad?!

Nov. 30th, 2013











Oct. 18th, 2013


following her breakfast with Arthur

It is rather disconcerting to learn less than pleasant truths about the person you become in your future. Had it not come from such a credible source, I'm not certain I would have believed any of it.

I'm so sorry

Given the nature of this place, I feel certain that many of you know about the events to which I am referring. Thank you for allowing Arthur to be the one to tell me.

Oct. 11th, 2013


[Filtered to Loki]
Um What?

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