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Oct. 29th, 2013


This place really is terribly strange.

Emma, is this really where you and Snow came from?

Am I doing this right? Can anyone see this?

Oct. 26th, 2013


Werewolves. Vampires. Witches. A man who turns into a green monster.

I'm not sure how I am going to handle all of this.

Oct. 25th, 2013


Magic. Right. I'm just going to go ahead and call bullshit on this one. It's either the angels screwing with me again or one of their pissed off big brothers.

How'd you Michael to shut up?

Oct. 24th, 2013


[Filtered from Padme Amidala]

Now both of the people I believed to be my children are gone.

At least Padme's still here.


Filtered to Padme Amidala]

Would you mind terribly if we shared an apartment, Padme?


Here's the saddest story you'll ever hear. Because of the fact that I've been finding not only this whole displacement completely mad and I'm just going to skip over the part where Fred is here and very much not dead and figuring out that this whole thing has actually put me into a completely different year, I pretty much almost missed that my birthday was coming up.

As in it's today.

I told you it was a sad story.

What I've decided however is to find the best pub -- as in the one with the best beers -- and have myself a few drinks. Considering that I'm missing a few close friends, I welcome virtually any and everyone to join me. Unless you're a complete twat. Then you can just stay away.

Oct. 23rd, 2013


[Filtered Away From Maggie Greene]

What would one have to do to get married here? My fiancé and I got engaged recently and now that we don't have the constant threat of walkers, I wanted to bring up actually getting married, but before I mentioned it to her I wanted to make sure that we could since we're not from around here. So, I guess this would really be focused towards the locals. Maybe I should have just gone to the Mayor, but I wasn't sure. I've never done this before.

Oct. 21st, 2013


I'm glad that everyone's back to normal although it was nice having so many customers coming in to Modern Fashions. I hope that everyone that was changed isn't having any problems now that they're back in their normal genders.

[Private to Arthur and for my amusement any Arthur can see this]
I have the weekend off if you want to do something together? Bran's behaving himself well enough now to be left alone for a little while if Morgana isn't going to be at home.

Oct. 19th, 2013


This place is awesome.


Comic books.

Fairy Tales. Captain Hook is way hotter than the curly haired monstrosity from Disney.

It's like the warehouse threw up and created a town. I need a job though. Until I figure out how to get home, i'm not going to rely on the kindness of strangers.

Oct. 18th, 2013


If anyone wants to return any of the clothes they bought when they weren't their correct gender, I believe most of the stores are giving full refunds.

Or you could just keep them. With the magic still unstable, we can't say if this sort of thing won't happen again, or not.

Doesn't hurt to be prepared, right?


I am fairly excited for Halloween. From everything I've heard it sounds like fun. I still haven't figured out a costume though.

Hey. So I hear there's a party going on for Halloween. And well I was wondering if you might want to go. With me.

Sep. 3rd, 2013


I enrolled in the local community college. I figure if I am here I might as well do what I was planning to back home.

At least I managed to keep my classes on Mondays-Thursdays so I won't have class on my birthday. Small victories. Even though I don't technically have a birthday anymore.

In other news, my dog learned not to go after my shoes. It only took forever.

Aug. 28th, 2013



I am having a lot of fun working at Modern Fashions. It reminds me of my old job. It's a lot of fun helping people shop and find the perfect thing. Or pairing it with jewelry. Sookie, you need to come in! You as well, Sam. I'm certain you could use something.

Aug. 10th, 2013


Since Angel had a whole puppy overload going on and I'm rooming it alone since they shuffled us, I hung onto one. I figure we can keep each other company and if I up and vanish back to where I'm from, he won't be any worse off than he was before.

Cute, right?

I've got to keep us both fed though, so guess I have to look into the job deal too. My hireable skills are pretty much kicking ass and looking wicked hot doing it though, so not much market for that. Anyone need heavy crap hauled around or something, or a little muscle?


So I'm curious and a bit obsessive and wondered about everyone since we have so many amazing people here. I'd love to know where everyone is from, what they can do, and you know, if you're not totally human, what you are. I'll start!

I'm Charlie, I'm from a world much like this one, and I'm run of the mill human. I don't have any special powers or anything, just some mad computer and gaming skills.

Feel free to use filters if you don't want to share with the whole class!

Aug. 9th, 2013


I haven't been here all that long so I can't help but wonder, is it normal to find puppies just loose on the street? If anyone is missing a black dog with brown paws who is rather sweet, I might have found him. I hope no one claims him

Aug. 8th, 2013


Well it looks as if I will no longer be living with Finnick and Annie. Of course I'll miss them, but they deserve to have as much alone time as possible!

Filtered: Annie & Finnick
I wanted to say thank you, for everything that you two have done for me. If you need anything at all, please don't hesitate to contact me! It looks lie I'll still be living in the same building, so I hope you two will visit!

End Filter

I have to admit, I feel incredibly silly right now. If the dates are correct, my 18th birthday was last week. I forgot my own birthday. I'll make an excuse that I've been practicing that time seemed to just fly by! I'll stick with that excuse, it seems less sad that way.

Aug. 7th, 2013


I can only hope that Elijah decides not to join in on the fun and add a new addition to our place. I know nothing about caring for a pet and I certainly don't wish to start now. No matter how amusing the small chubby ones are.

Filtered: Matt D

I suppose I should be finding a job, I haven't decided if I want to return to school or not. Doesn't seem to be worth it, even if I still have yet to have a normalDoesn't really seem to be a good fit for me. Either way, I'm sure I can find a way to make myself useful here.

Aug. 3rd, 2013


This is not..there is a battle going on. I've been delayed long enough as it is.

Arthur? Arthur are you out there? Has anyone seen the King?

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