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Jan. 14th, 2014


Okay... so... if someone sees a small swarm of spherical shaped roybots would you be so kind as to point them back in my direction. They kinda escaped the room during the test flight. Please don't smack them out of the air they will be sad.

Jan. 10th, 2014


I see a lot of people talking about their shows not being on anymore and I'm really kind of hoping that applies to mine. I mean, I'm not sure how much worse it could possibly get and I'm kind of curious to know if Katherine actually dies (but probably not, because she's like a Timex), but it would be a relief not to have to deal with whatever is going on at home anymore.

Especially when most of it is just really confusing depressing.

Jan. 9th, 2014


Pretty much everything I read, watch, or consume in any way is no longer here. Which I guess makes for less awkward meeting people, but it means there are about twenty things I was waiting for the endings of, and now won't know until someone shows up to tell me about them. Which would probably be pretty weird for them since everyone's life is tragic and violent in the stuff I like.

Maybe I'll just make up endings.

But the library database magically changed itself. Which is good since I was going to work on having some kind of tantrum if I had to re-input everything. Now it's full of stuff I've never heard of, but at least it's all cataloged stuff I've never heard of, so I don't have to do it.

I'm thinking of adding some kind of ratings page to work up code to help rec things to people. So if they used to like Unicorn Cannibals in Space, they can figure out something similar to look for now. I have too much free time.

No one tell me if Unicorn Cannibals in Space is a real thing somewhere.

Jan. 8th, 2014


[Filtered to Pepper Potts and Tony Stark]

I kind of kissed Thor.

I didn't mean to.

He blamed it on the mistletoe being magically enhanced, or something. I am inclined to believe him.
[/end filter]

I am somewhat glad the holidays are over and we can resume some sort of normalcy around here.

Though I am not sure what constitutes normalcy in Storybrooke.

Dec. 30th, 2013


I want my brother back.


Well, I'm fairly certain I've not consumed any substances that would alter my perceptions to this degree. Though I have to say that anything that could manage this would have been spectacular.

Maine. You could have at least had the decency to put your little fairy story town interesting. I'd wager there's not even any murders around here. Well, apart from the one that seems to have happened a bit back. It was his wife's lover, by the way. I suppose I'll have to resign myself to boredom for the foreseeable future. Perhaps I'll cultivate a new apiary.

Watson. You can cease worrying. I am here now. And I've brought Clyde. Also, judging by your romantic history and general lack of any sort of continuous social life, I've taken the liberty of assuming you are without a date for this charming social gathering they've put together for tomorrow. Never fear, I will accompany you so that you do not have to expect futile effort attempting to make meaningful connections with other people. You don't have to thank me. Consider it a belated Christmas gift.


Time travel and alternate universes. I really wish I could say this kind of thing still surprise me.

Dec. 21st, 2013


Lissa, have you seen Rose?

Has anyone seen Rose Hathaway?

Dec. 20th, 2013


I don't know what the hell that was, but it sucked.

Is everyone still here? Please tell me everyone else didn't disappear and doesn't remember me.

[Filtered to Beacon Hills People]
I remember all the crap you all do, now. Or at least as much as I saw of it, since you're all still liars who tell me nothing, in the real world.

It's confusing.


This is so strange. I remember this place. I was only gone for a few days, but it feels so much longer.

Percy? Please tell me you're still here.

Dec. 19th, 2013


Filtered: Katniss Everdeen
Hi, Katniss.

Filtered: Guinevere
Hi, Gwen! I was wondering if I could have your opinion on something.
Oh and are you and Arthur going to the ball together?

So after working at the Library for a few weeks, I've decided that I really like it. There's so many books that we don't have back home and it's taken a lot of restraint not to read them all. I like all the history books, I think those are my favorites.

Dec. 11th, 2013


My Dad's gone.

My Dad got sent back... I know you guys were, well whatever you were doing, thought you might want to know.


Filtered Private to Friends* (feel free to assume)
I really can't decide if this is sweet or disturbing.

Sometimes Tumblr is just a really.. interesting place.


You know, it's sad, but this is not the weirdest thing that's happened to me this year.

I was told there are other Avengers here?


I'm offering up my expertise fashion advice to anyone who wants help shopping for this ball.

Shopping this weekend. Take it or leave it.

If there are other people going alone and want to go in a group, let me know.

Dec. 10th, 2013


I've never not been home for Christmas.

I can't decide if I'm going to go to that ball. Is anyone else going alone?

I'd need to find a dress.

Dec. 6th, 2013


Mom's gone.


I love the holidays. I know it's not really Christmas yet, but I'm getting into the Christmas spirit.

And apparently baking way too much.

Does anyone want cookies? Or cupcakes? Or brownies? Because I sort of...overbaked. A lot.

Dec. 5th, 2013


I'm supposed to write here, I guess. What exactly am I supposed to or expected to say? Who I am, my feelings on what has happened. What has happened in regarding to what? There are a lot of different ways to even mildly think about things, and take away the mildly and the insane takes over. That's not logical, but what is logical, and what is actually considered logical. It all changes on what you know.


Apparently I have been here before, but I do not remember it. At all.

I... do not know what to do with myself here.


We've been informally open for awhile now, but this weekend you're all invited to the grand opening of Tutamen, the training center Dimitri and I have been working on since we arrived here. We're about a block away from the youth center and the opening runs from 11-3 Saturday. Come on down and sign up for a class, one on one lessons or just come in to work out or spar.

Also, to get some free punch and cookies, because we'll have those, too.


I know it doesn't seem like it but I have friends who are going to be pretty mad when they realize I've been kidnapped. Again So, whoever brought me here should just send me back before things get bad.

Dec. 4th, 2013


I need a job.

Would anyone be willing to hire a teenager with slight anger issues, a severe aversion to fire and a Hopefully temporary inability to work during a full moon?

Dec. 3rd, 2013


One plus side to watching myself on tv every week is that I get to see how cute a new haircut looks on me before I go get it done.

Filter: Elena
So, Elijah wants me to make Lexi a daylight ring.

Filter: Caroline
We need a tree. And lights. And things.

Dec. 2nd, 2013


Sorry to anyone who heard that last night. I mean screaming. If you heard screaming, then sorry.

If not, don't worry about it.

I think you police types should be looking for someone who likes to beat people to death and take their money.

Nov. 28th, 2013


No. No no no no no. That can't be right. She can't Tommy's probably And now Is this how she felt?

I apartment. A little.

( Rogue )
You're very lucky you're from before that. Or I'm not sure I wouldn't kill you.

( OOC: Spoilers for Uncanny Avengers #14 in comments. )

Nov. 23rd, 2013


Well. This is awful. People actually live in a place like this?

Nov. 20th, 2013


It's hard to find something to watch or read that doesn't have a high chance of people either already living here, or showing up shortly, and also doesn't suck. So I'm just watching Arrested Development again when I procrastinate homework. If Gob Bluth shows up on a Segway, I'm sorry in advance.

[Filtered to Lydia]
I don't think either of us is up for cooking a Thanksgiving dinner, and it's never been a big deal in my family anyway. So want to pancakes and eggs and movies? Unless you're doing something with the Argents or something? I was going to ask Jane Shepherd around too, she doesn't have anyone from her world here anymore.

[Filtered to Billy Kaplan]
Can I ask a weird and possibly invasive-into-how-your-powers-work question?

Nov. 17th, 2013


I'm not really certain how we're meant to celebrate Thanksgiving this year. Assuming you believe in concepts like years and celebrations and certainty. There's no Brownstone Spire for us to grovel on our bloody knees after crawling through the desert and give thanks for all it has done and not done and hope it accepts our words so we can carry on with our lives. Is there a great, looming spire anywhere that you all use as a substitute?

Nov. 16th, 2013


For those of you who don't know, I'm Belle and I'm the librarian here in Storybrooke. I just wanted to let you know that there will be an open house at the library next weekend. We'll be doing a book fair, where you can take some of the extra books from the library's storage, or donate new books to bring some variety. We'll also be doing a bake sale. It should be really nice. I hope so anyway Hopefully you'll all stop by.

( Ruby )
So...for the bake sale...I might need some help with the baking part. And the sale part. Would you help me?


It never got this cold in District 4.  I don't think I can put any more clothes on than I already have.

Nov. 14th, 2013


Hello, everyone. Charming and I will be hosting a bonfire on the beach Saturday November 23rd beginning at around 4pm. Everyone is invited, no matter your age or origin and we do hope to see you there.

Thank you very much for Fix for the suggestion. It really was a wonderful one.

Nov. 11th, 2013


There is something incredibly creepy about watching a bad horror movie with an actress who has your face in it. Besides the fires, The Purge was traumatizing. I don't know why I watched it while I was alone. Trying to become better about fires. Wasn't expecting all of that.

Nov. 9th, 2013


Well, that was weird. I guess everyone's back to normal now, right?

Nov. 8th, 2013


Hello again! Well I'm happy that I'll be leaving near my friends, but it's sad that I'm living alone for now. This town seems so nice and I don't think I've ever had this much freedom before. I know I was here before but I don't remember.

I also wanted to know about school? Back at home I was still in school and I wouldn't want to stop my education. The problem is that I don't know how much school has changed, since I come from a very different home. Is there anyone I can talk to?

Oh! My name is Madge.


Ugh. Portals.

I'm sick of new worlds. Really sick of them. Nothing good comes of alternate dimensions.

Though this one definitely seems less terrible than the other...all of them.

Magic's a bit broken all to hell, but it could be worse.

Avengers Assemble?


You know, it sucks that my dad's gone. It really does. I definitely miss him.

But at least I can console myself with the numerous videos I made of Derek Hale singing his feelings at our high school education adviser while they're both dressed like something out of the 1950s. I will treasure them forever.


So, I've seen a few of you making mention of disappearances again? This place just doesn't seem to let up does it?

To those of you who don't know me, my name's Jane Shepard. If any of you out there need someone to talk to, or just want some company, please, look me up. This place isn't taking it easy on any of us. As an added bonus, since arriving here, I've gotten a handle on how to make a decent cup of coffee and would be happy to share with anyone who needed it.

I'm in Tower Three, Room #405
Filtered to Danny Mahealani )

Filtered to Sam Winchester )


Faith is gone.

So...I officially just got assigned to be your roommate.

I'm staying with Stiles. Officially.

Now, I have two dogs and a new roommate.

Nov. 6th, 2013


I have a bunny. The voting for names!

I am open to suggestions. So far I've come up with Buttons, Hopscotch, Thumper, Butterscotch.

But...isn't he adorable?

Nov. 3rd, 2013


Sheriff Stilinski is gone...

[Filtered to Stiles Stilinski]

Are you doing okay? Do you need anything?

Oct. 31st, 2013


You know, I just realized... There are a lot of kids in this town. I don't remember a bunch of kids in fairy tales other than Hansel and Gretel and Little Red Riding Hood. And since Red's an adult here, I'm guessing the other two would be as well. So. Who are all the midgets?


I can't believe I completely forgot to come up with a costume. I guess it's a bed sheet toga for me tonight.


While I'm dressing up, if anyone wants to come over and watch movies, we're watching the following movies:

The Exorcist
Evil Dead II
Cabin in the Woods
Rosemary's Baby

I've got snacks and things to drink. Movies starting at 6. We'll get through as many as possible.


You know what would have been nice?

Getting stuck in Florida. Or Hawaii. Or...anywhere but Maine in the winter, really.

Oct. 30th, 2013


What are people doing for Halloween? I'm late to the planning what to do.


I'm so going to have to step it up for Halloween, now that I've seen Cora's costume.

I'm going to look like an idiot, and she's going to realize she could do better


So, what are everyone's plans for Halloween? I'm not sure but I think Nathan and I are either staying home to hand out candy or taking kids out. I'd love to hear what everyone else is doing. See some costumes?

Oct. 25th, 2013


Too much homework, not enough coffee stupid nightma- Send help.


So...I don't suppose any one there is looking for a room mate?

This place just keeps getting better and better..

( Filtered to Jack )

Please tell me you're still here? Everyone else is gone.

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