September 2016




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Aug. 19th, 2013


It sucks when you want to be mad at someone for something but then they do something amazing for you.

ooc: spoilers for the teen wolf finale in comments


There is to much magic and agents of the devil here. It is uncomfortable. I am one for learning but magic, werewolves and vampires among whatever else there is here is completely unacceptable.

Aug. 13th, 2013


Well that episode was completely awful. I really have to stop watching myself on tv. It's traumatizing.

Which means I need to go get new shoes. And new clothes. And new everything. Allison? You're here right? We should go shopping, or at least look in the window at pretty things.



You alive?

Aug. 12th, 2013


Hey, everyone.

My name is Kitty Pryde. Back in my own reality, I was the Headmistress of the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning. Here in Storybrooke, I've been working with Mayor Mills to set up a communal space for all the youth, both local and displaced.

Basically, the point is that the Storybrooke Youth Center will be opening soon, to give the kids and teenagers in Storybrooke a place to hang out and have fun in a safe environment. There will be areas for athletic activity, as well as places to socialize, and even to study once school rolls around. What we're hoping is that we can create a space where the young people in town can interact in a safe environment that promotes positive attitudes.

The point of this post is that the center will need staff. I will be running things, along with my colleague, Logan Howlett, but we definitely need more people in order to get this operation up and running. If you're interested, please contact me here, or you can email your information to me at We really appreciate any support that we can get.

Also, classes will be staring at the Elementary, Junior High and High Schools, as well as the Community College, on September 3, the Tuesday following labor day. All children and teens under the age of eighteen are required to register for school. Please use the following form to provide your information, or that of your child, and we'll get them into the system so that they're registered for classes.

We'll be doing one on one counseling for high school and college students, to help them pick classes. We will also be working with any students who have special requirements outside of typical academic programs, in order to best help them.

Thank you all very much and we appreciate your help and cooperation.



Did I just die?

I always imagined mom and laura would be here if i died.

I think, actually, i might need to go back to the hospital. so, whatever just happened, reverse it.

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