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Dec. 1st, 2013


I just got home from grocery shopping. There is a gigantic pad of paper on an easel in the kitchen and both of the boys look vaguely traumatized.

Who broke the Bartons while I was gone?


Guys. Pretty sure this wasn't part of the plan. Who accidentally opened up a trapdoor to New England? And why was I handed a smartphone by someone and told to 'enjoy my stay'?

Nov. 9th, 2013


Guess who is not dead anymore?

Still can't get warm but definitely not dead. I think I'm skipping Halloween next year.

Nov. 3rd, 2013


The voice is faint but distinctly Jessica's

What happened?

Where am I?



It's cold. I'm so cold.

I'm scared.


Network Post - Backdated to November 1

Fuck. Jesus fuck.

This can't be happening.


( OOC: Jess dressed as a ghost...and is now temporarily dead. Because Clint would have reacted sooner than now to his girlfriend dying, but we only just decided on this, I'm backdating this post to Friday morning, when he would have found her body. )

Oct. 30th, 2013


Coulson, you realize the proper way to celebrate recovery from being stabbed in the chest by a bad guy is not to get within arm's length of another, right? I would hope you were that intelligent, but all evidence is telling me otherwise.

[ Clint (MCU) ]
So. Are we going to have to talk about the latest arrival, or are you just going to ignore it?

Oct. 25th, 2013


The magic explanation makes about as much sense as anything else. As far as alternate worlds go this one ain't half bad. I like the free money part.

Oct. 22nd, 2013


I can honestly say this is the first time someone has handed me cash upon arrival in their town.

Oct. 13th, 2013


That will teach me to ever be amused by my son's predicament. And my girlfriend's. And Logan's.

And this is probably karma for mocking alternate-me.

On the plus side, I don't look as bad as I thought I would. So, there's that.

Jess, I'm going to throw your earlier question back at you. How do you get anything done with boobs? They're just there. All the time.

Kate, we need to practice. I need to compensate for breasts when I'm drawing. They're in the way.

( Jess )
I stole some of your clothes. I should probably feel bad about that, but I don't. You'll get them back.

Bras are the worst.

Oct. 11th, 2013


Well, this is new.

[Director Fury]
I was told by someone claiming to be a fairy that you were here, sir. How secure is this network, and how high a chance is there that one of my science team accidentally flooded the plane with chemical hallucinogens and I'm actually somewhere over Nevada right now?

Sep. 24th, 2013


I still can't say I like it here.

Sep. 10th, 2013


Hypothetical question time: If there is something that you can't remember, but should (like you've lost a memory) what are the best ways to get it back? Does anyone deal with that kind of thing around here?

Sep. 5th, 2013


Where's the coffee? Since I can't have a drink, I need a coffee.

And to get the hell out of here.

Sep. 3rd, 2013


I think I need to get out of my apartment and Try and think of things besides Clint and how fucking nice he is to me stop dwelling on things. My black eye cleared up so I think it's time I check out the local bars.

Whose in?

Aug. 26th, 2013


Okay, Beacon Hills people, that was the only time.

My Name is Jessica Drew. Not Jennifer Blake. I don't want to kill you or anyone else and I don't want to fight anyone else. Okay? Derek is okay. Hopefully embarrassed he got his butt handed to him but he's okay. I have a concussion and worse, broke my favorite shoes.

This is my face and I happen to like it.

Aug. 24th, 2013


Magic Portals?

Sure, why not. Might as well get as much shit added onto my week as possible. Get it over with.

Seriously though, what the fuck?

Aug. 23rd, 2013


What the hell?

This definitely isn't New York. Rogers? Pym? Avengers?

This is somehow your fault isn't it? Or, more than likely, Stark's. I'm going to punch him

Aug. 21st, 2013


Aww, portal.

I hate portals.

We're sure Richards didn't do this? Or Strange? I'm just used to blaming them for portals.

Even if it's not their fault, it's probably their fault.

Avengers, assemble! Pretend I'm Cap for a second or something.

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