September 2016




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Jul. 5th, 2014


Hey, Stiles.

So you were talking about that movie again the other day and I was thinking, maybe we can do a movie night. And watch that Star Wars movie.

I want to see what happens with the Jedi and the Vulcans.

Would anyone want to come to that?


It's strange living in a town where "is it fireworks or gunfire" is a short game of "nope, that's just fireworks".

Jun. 30th, 2014


I truly am I awake at all hours of the night these days. I'm glad I let Anakin talk me out of getting a job. As tiring as it is to take care of the twins I couldn't imagine being away from them just yet. Nor do I think I could juggle a job and the twins. I applaud anyone who is capable of that. I haven't figured out the balance yet. Once they get older, however, I plan on looking into a job. Senator doesn't translate very well into a skill set.

Jun. 9th, 2014


I have to return to work soon, and I feel horrible for leaving Padme alone with the babies.

Would anyone feel up to helping Padme out with the twins some days when I have to work? If she's up for it, that is.

( Padme )

I'm going to try to get someone to help you out with Luke and Leia some days, so you will have some help when I am at work. I hope this is okay.

Jun. 4th, 2014


I would kill for some Sun-dollar coffee, or a Zesti Cola.

Jun. 3rd, 2014


Of all the effing places I could have been teleported to... why Maine?

No offense to the people who actually live here.

Even though I'm honestly aghast to think that anyone would choose to live here.

I suppose it's cute and picturesque in that small town sort of way, if you like that kind of thing.

Where can I get a drink around here? Please tell me there are clubs here. Or at least a bar?

Oh fuck me. How will I live without drink?

May. 28th, 2014


Luke and Leia were born yesterday morning.

I'm scared.

They're wonderful and healthy and so is Padme.

May. 15th, 2014


Without Rose here I'm I think I'm losing my mind.


Clint, Jessica, Francis I believe I may have broken the toaster. Please forgive me.

And possibly the microwave.

May. 4th, 2014


I have just learned today is Star Wars Day.



Happy Star Wars Day, Anakin and Padme. Even if it's weird you look like Jane. And that I'm talking to people from Star Wars on Star Wars Day.

May the Fourth be with you all.

Apr. 27th, 2014


I need to be able to take college courses next year, along with my work load at the high school. Is that doable? Does anyone know?

Because if I'm going to be stuck here, getting some nonsensical degree that won't matter because I can't leave and go on to have a decent job and do the things I want, I will need to expand my horizons in other ways. For a town that claims to be full of happy endings, it's certainly as boring as the day is long. I'm not even hearing voices, that's how boring it is.

And now I really have nothing to do since James is gone.

Apr. 25th, 2014


Making sure I get this out there in plenty of time for people to plan on taking advantage of it -
Carpe Noctem is going to have a Cinco de Mayo party. Margaritas and Corona are going to be half off.

Apr. 22nd, 2014


I miss having monsters and supervillains to stop on a weekly basis.

Apr. 13th, 2014


Cut for CA:TWS Spoilers )

Apr. 11th, 2014


I just saw a porn title called Buttcheeks Aquiver.

What's the best porn title you've ever seen?


I am not sure how I have been in Storybrooke for this long and have just now discovered the wonderfulness that is bacon on a cheeseburger.

Darcy, I blame you for my lack of knowledge in this department.

And what is the procedure for when a woman gives birth here? I am not exactly sure when Padme is due to have the children, but I would like to know what is done here, when that time comes.

Apr. 8th, 2014


Parker is my new favorite person.

She set up two zip lines and I think we should get a group of people together and go zip lining.

Apr. 6th, 2014


I never liked fairy tales. Or anything where the movie version has singing animals.

[Filtered to Felicity Smoak]
Felicity? A fairy nun told me you were here.

There's no part of that sentence I'm not confused by.

Mar. 22nd, 2014


Uh. Hello.
I'm Leo.
Roy wants us to meet so I figured I'd let you get your threatening done ahead of that time.

I'm a little drunk.
...And I blew up the coffee maker.
Simmons, don't be mad. I'll replace it, I promise.

Mar. 12th, 2014


[ accidental voice post ]

--Please! You don't understand. I need to leave. I don't want to hurt you, any of you! I can't control this. I've never been able to. Please, just, stay away!

I need go. Please, just, let me leave. I don't want to cause an eternal winter here too! Arendelle was enough. Anna was enough. Why am I even saying all of this? Just stay away from me! For your own safety.

Mar. 11th, 2014


I miss my butler, Jervis. And having lots of money to shop. I hate admitting that because it's not something I'd normally do ~ the shopping part at least.

Also apart from dogs and cats, the animals in this world are really boring and less intelligent than most Pokemon. Yet the trainers here are still getting mauled and bitten on a constant basis.

And I can't cook.

Mar. 8th, 2014


Wow, great. An all-expense paid trip to Maine. Just what I always wanted- said no one ever.

So am I really supposed to buy this crazy bull shit they told me? Or is this some kind of weird kidnapping thing? Because if you're looking for ransom money, you're kidding yourself if you think Nathan Ivashkov is coughing up the big $$$ just to get me back. You guys might be stuck with me for a while.

But, hey, thanks for the apartment all the same. I guess I'll go find that now.

I'm Adrian, by the way.


I wouldn't ask if it wasn't completely necessary or if I hadn't been too shell-shocked to think of asking the simplest of my many questions while the welcome wagon was handing out clothes and answers but Is there an Adrian Ivashkov here? could anyone point me in the direction of some coffee? I'm Sydney, new here. And I could almost literally eat a horse right now. Hello.

Mar. 6th, 2014


[Filter to Lexi]
I need a drink. Up for the Rabbit Hole?

I cannot believe I've been here as long as I have. Or that I actually miss Mystic Falls.

Mar. 3rd, 2014


I am so tired of people thinking that I'm just some pet dog of Jane's. She doesn't even like me, to be honest. I'm glad she's not here because she'd just give me a bunch of condescending crap. I'm my own person. And I'm amazing. I refuse to be in her stupid perfect shadow any longer.

Also if any of you decides that this is a good time to be sappy and confess your love to anyone other than me on here in public, I'll taze you. Do that confessing stuff in private.


I'm afraid I'm becoming more like Darth Vader every day.

Feb. 23rd, 2014


I've been here a couple of days. I've got a job. I've got friends, I guess? I need something to do.

For the love of all that's holy. Someone entertain me.

Oh happy Ragnarok Day. I don't see any impending doom. Anyone kill Loki? Cause otherwise, I'm calling shenanigans.

Feb. 14th, 2014


Sup, bitches? I'm here. Let the partying commence.

Feb. 13th, 2014


( Padme )

I met a woman here, when I was ten. She has these... creatures with her, and I had helped her find one she had lost. Now that I'm back to my normal self, she wants me to explain the Force to her better.

She would also like to meet you, because I told her that my wife took care of me when I was ten. Would you like us to meet her for dinner one night?

Her name's Cynthia.

Feb. 7th, 2014


I hear people mentioning something called Valentine's Day.

What exactly is it?

Jan. 22nd, 2014


It appears I have returned to this place once again. Strange that I had thought it to be a place only of my imaginings, and yet here I am again.

In case I am not remembered, though not much seems to have changed. I am Thor, Son of Odin. I spent time in this place once before. Are any of my friends and allies still present?


To anyone planning to go out of town for a few days with only your closest friend and a few bottles of bourbon:

Do not stick a note on the fridge for your girlfriend with a magnet of dubious strength. It will fall off and everyone will think you disappeared.

In other news, I am an idiot.

Jan. 21st, 2014


I was starting to believe that none of Storybrooke's strangeness would affect me. I'm not sure how I feel about my time I spent being ten again.

Padme, I apologize if I gave you any trouble.

Jan. 19th, 2014


Hello, my name is Cynthia and I'm a new arrival to your little town. When the portal brought me through it shorted out all four of my poké balls. I was able to locate my Lucario, thanks to a wonderful new friend, Sam. However, we can't seem to find the other three of my pokemon. They go by:

Glaceon, Garchomp, Togekiss

If anyone has seen them, please, do let me know? They're not dangerous creatures unless they are attacked. They might be scared, and not answer to you or get close, but any information on their whereabouts would help greatly. Also, are there any shelters in town that I could check out? They might have ended up there.

[posted a couple hours after this. feel free to say your characters have seen them, or that they're out causing havoc - it's a giant gryphon-like bird and a walking shark afterall]

Jan. 17th, 2014


My brother has taken his leave, for those who know him.

If he reappears as his younger self, no one tell him he can't have dessert first. He'll just tell you he's Odinson and can have whatever he wants.

What to do with myself now, without a constant watchdog? I'll need a hobby.

[Filtered to Nick Fury, edited in later]
Your baby bird will likely be here later, if you'd like to bring him back to the nest before he throws himself at the whole of the building.

Jan. 16th, 2014


Hello, everyone,

I am organizing a clothing drive to outfit our influx of younger residents. If you have any spare child-sized clothing, please let me know. If you are in need of clothing, because you woke up a size that doesn't match the clothes in your room, please let me know and I will get something to you as soon as possible.

Filter: School and Youth Center Staff
I'd also like to offer my help in finding things for all of these kids to do after school, helping to make sure they're all taken care of, etc. Kitty, Logan, do you need any extra help at the youth center?

Jan. 13th, 2014


How did I get here? Where's Dean?

Why am I living with a girl? Why are my clothes enormous?


Obi-Wan is going to kill me.

Jan. 12th, 2014


And has anyone tried out that Netflix Random Button? It's like a roulette game, only instead of a bullet you're likely to get a really lousy movie. I've gotten at least three different talking dog movies and I want to know why. I mean, they aren't even good ones! Heck, why are there five Home Alone movies? Who thought that was okay? Who?

Seriously though. Real question ahead. Is there a good place for someone like me to go blow things up around here? No, I'm not trying to be a jerk or a criminal or something, I just want a good place to train without scaring the masses when I work my mojo. Training sim, open field, I dunno. Anything like that. Plus I don't want to get arrested just because I'm working on stuff.

Jan. 11th, 2014


I enjoyed myself immensely at the ball. It's nice to be able to attend a social function without having it turn into something else.

The fact that I could attend it with Anakin and not have to worry about who was watching or what they would think just made it better.

Now, however, I should probably start pulling my weight and actually look into work. I'm not too sure what I'll be qualified for here and I'll have a set of twins soon enough


The ball was much more pleasurable than I had anticipated. Of course, it could very well be due to the fact that I had the company of Padme. Padme appears to make everything a bit better.

[Filtered to Padme Amidala]

I hope you enjoyed yourself at the ball.

Would you care to go to dinner with me?

Jan. 7th, 2014


[Private to Glenn]
It's still okay that I'm here right? I don't want to live with Maggie and Daryl. I would rather stay with you.

[Private to Carl]
Maggie wants to meet for coffee tomorrow. I should probably stop avoiding her I guess, right?

I didn't miss school one bit. I had fun at the ball. More fun than I thought.

[Private to Lily Evans]
Can we get dinner or something tomorrow?

Dec. 27th, 2013


[Filtered to self]

Ever since Sean, I haven't felt balanced, as though a part of me was missing and now knowing how much was taken from me. The guy who went from the... I can't


[Filtered to Jo Harvelle]

Hey, I just wanted to ask about a job at the The Hanged Man. I think what I really need is to work, that's the best way to pretend life is normal right?

Anyways, let me know. I'd say I'd give references, but I guess watch The Originals for that? I could do a trail run if that works for you.


The holidays are weird without any family around. It's not like Sean can come back from the dead. I've never felt this--

Dec. 19th, 2013


Well then. Interesting. I seem to be back.

Watson are you still here?

Dec. 16th, 2013


[Filtered to Padme Amidala]

Will you go to the ball with me, my love?

Dec. 11th, 2013


It's a strange detail to be caught up in, but the sunsets here are colored differently than home. The colors are less vibrant, like watching through glass.

But I do like the cold.

[Filtered to Lokis]
You seem younger than I, but from reading what you've written, I gather it may be illusion, and that your world only bears passing resemblance to mine.

But perhaps we should talk.

Dec. 5th, 2013


My coffee buddy, Darcy, appears to be gone.

I'm not sure how to handle this.

Padme, you're still here, right?

Dec. 4th, 2013


I've started to become accustomed to strange things in this world, but lightsaber chopsticks are a bit too much.


There's stuff. Around the apartment.

Like...a forest threw up or something.

And lots of little things.

Is this normal? Phil? Do you have a habit of decorating your apartments weird shit and you didn't tell me?

Anyway, since you added stuff to the apartment, I figured I could too.

I was on Tumblr, and yes...I know you banned me from Tumblr but whatever, and a lot of people kept comparing me to a grumpy cat. And then I went to get milk and...

cut to spare friend pages, not filtered )

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