September 2016



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April 29th, 2016

[info]jimtkirk in [info]welcomenetwork

In case anyone's wondering I'm still dying. I hate trees and pollen and flowers and dust and spring in general.

I know we can leave. I'll be excited about running off when I can breathe.

[info]notthecavalry in [info]welcomenetwork

I miss Phil. If he were here he'd never hear the end of it and I feel cheated that he's not around for me to make fun of.

With the barriers down I guess we can go anywhere. I'm not actually sure if I want to leave town and do a little travelling.

[info]kidcommando in [info]welcomenetwork

Voice Post

What the hell is this doohickey? How does it work? Is this...?

Hello? Can anyone hear me?

This sure as hell ain't Paris...

[info]singlethread in [info]welcomenetwork

So. Gwen's gone. Back to her world, I guess, to be awesome elsewhere. Without me.

[info]katieb in [info]welcomenetwork

I can do this.

Hello? Looks like I'm going to be staying here for a while. My name is Katie Bell, they said this might be a good way to reach out to any friends or family that might be here.

[info]selfloathing in [info]welcomenetwork

And I thought this place was just a really bad hangover...

Posted via Journaler.

[info]freddlesweasley in [info]welcomenetwork

Katie Bell is here!

Ginny, Katie, let's go to New York. I've never been!

[info]dellycartwright in [info]welcomenetwork


Am I using this correctly?

[info]notaslave in [info]welcomenetwork

Magic that held everyone here was undone by a child. There will never be a day when I understand the ways of it. Though I felt the barriers go down. It was unpleasant.

[Filtered to Dorian]
The world is open now, did you want to take time to go explore it? It's likely better I not be seen and stay here, but you should go, if you want.