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March 30th, 2015

[info]ant_man in [info]welcomenetwork

I can't take magical road trips to Maine. My ex-wife will kill me.

[info]livetruthfully in [info]welcomenetwork

So, this is Storybrooke then. I had heard about it, but I had not expected to end up here.

A charming young woman explained this strange device to me and showed me to a place to stay, but I think there is still much I'll need to learn of this world. I'm just glad that Roland is with me. I would not want to think of him being separated from me.

[info]taeralasfar in [info]welcomenetwork

I could definitely use a new sparring partner. I'm starting to get bored and when I get bored, I apparently start Instagram-ing and posting the pictures here.

cut for pics )

I'm probably going to post more another time. Ollie, I will get you with a camera. You can't hide forever. Tune in next time for more Sara's Terrible Instagram Adventure, maybe co-starring Oliver Queen.

So, we should talk.

[info]namiller in [info]welcomenetwork

Just curious, when does the torture start? There is no way this is real with no strings attached.

[info]haole in [info]welcomenetwork

Look I appreciate that I'm here on the east coast. That there is normal weather and no pineapples on the pizza. However, I've got a little girl who needs me and a partner who will probably get himself killed back home.

I'm staying surprisingly calm so I'd appreciate being sent home. It's nothing personal or anything. They just need me there.

[info]queenscounty4h in [info]welcomenetwork

The future is amazing. I'm actually starting to think being stuck here won't be so bad. Got a job at Granny's and a decent apartment. Granted it's not the mansion Stark gave me and Peggy but still, it definitely beats the Griffith.

Speaking of, rumor has it, that Peggy Carter is here? If that's true, please tell English that Angie is looking for her. I think I'll watch tv. It's so much better than that garbage Captain America radio show.

[info]crutchfaster in [info]welcomenetwork

I like to think I'm adjusting to the future. Not quickly, not easily, and I'm doing this on my own with just this computer thing I've been given but the internet helps. I could probably reach out to people who are going through the same but I've thought about applying at the local police department but my references are a little dated and they come from another world entirely. I was a little worried about whether or not the leg would interfere with any form of work I could think of but there have been some pretty swell strides in the right direction for everyone since my day. I'm feeling a little better about my chances in the working world.

[info]labyrinthine in [info]welcomenetwork

Do the disappearances ever get easier? Does anyone ever get used to them, or do people just get better at pretending?

[info]canucklehead in [info]welcomenetwork

I'm takin' a break for a few days

Nobody panic. I ain't gone, just...shout if you need. I'll hear it.