September 2016



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September 23rd, 2014

[info]asifallaway in [info]welcomenetwork

So, magic's back. That's a thing.

And...uh...Emma had the baby.

I totally meant to post something or tell people. But...I kind of panicked?

[info]nowtheweather in [info]welcomenetwork

Well, that certainly wasn't fun.

I haven't had something like that happen since the last time I got laryngitis.

What day is it?

[info]breakerofcurses in [info]welcomenetwork

I'm glad you've got your daughter back, kid. If you need anything, let me know. Do not kill the jackass who responded to your post. At least not until I'm off maternity leave.

This is officially the last child I am having. The one time I could use some magical help and magic goes down. What's the use of having magical powers if you can't use them to help people with pain?

[info]aghostproblem in [info]welcomenetwork

I have died more times that I can count. Please tell me I've finally made it to heaven or wherever people go when they're at peace.

I can't keep doing this.

[info]redhoodoutlaw in [info]welcomenetwork

Got my swords back.

[info]smashes in [info]welcomenetwork

You know, I never once thought I'd say this in my life.

I'm relieved to feel the Other Guy back around in my head. For so many years I've wanted to find a way to get rid of him. Or to separate the two of us.

Then to actually be without him... to feel vulnerable. And also to feel empty...

I guess the moral of the story: be careful what you wish for -- you just might get it.

Fitting, I suppose, to learn a moral in a town comprised of fairy tale characters.

Take of that what you will. This philosophical post brought to you by the letter H.

[info]ifixstuff in [info]welcomenetwork

Bored. Boooored bored bored.

Trying to think of what's a good multiperson drinking game to play on the network... wait! I know!

Time for a rousing game of I've Never!

Drinking optional, but more fun if you do.

I'll start us off:

I've never rolled over the next morning to introduce myself.

[info]reluctantroyal in [info]welcomenetwork

It's back. Spirit is back.