September 2016



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June 17th, 2014

[info]lightinyou in [info]welcomenetwork

( Cosima )

Hello Cosima. I have met an angel. He says he could heal you, if you want. I know you are sick, but he can make you better. I saw his wings, and he took me to fly with him. I know he can help, but I said I would ask you first. He will not touch you unless you ask, I promise.

( Clone Club )

I have met an angel who says he can heal Cosima. If anyone else is sick, he can help.

[info]widowsting in [info]welcomenetwork

Anyone feel like sparring? I'm in the mood.

[info]ex_wintersol227 in [info]welcomenetwork

So I don't like bananas and the milk tastes... wrong. Pierce can keep his damn inch of milk.

I'm slowly getting used to cooking. We didn't have a lot of ingredients back in what I'm reminded was my time. Steve's never been fussy about what we had but he used to eat like a bird. I remember him picking at his food a lot. That's changed. The clearer parts of my memories are still him but I think it has to do with the fact that he's a constant.

I still wake up confused. Looking for people who aren't here or aren't alive. I spent a whole morning looking for Howard before I remembered that I Sometimes I wake up expecting people I'd rather forget. I want to say I'm getting better but how do you judge that? How do you fix this?

Steve? If I said it would be therapeutic could we get a pet?

[info]notwalkerbait in [info]welcomenetwork

After nine months, you'd think that I would be used to the fact that I don't have to be constantly on my guard or worried about whether or not I'd have to run at a moment's notice, but I still find myself jumping at the slightest sound sometimes when it's real quiet. Does anyone else have this problem? I'm wondering if maybe I should talk to someone about it, but I don't know if that would really help or if I just need more time. Or maybe it's just the fact that I have no idea what's happening to Maggie back home.