September 2016



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May 26th, 2014

[info]wingmanning in [info]welcomenetwork

Happy memorial day.

[info]lightinyou in [info]welcomenetwork

Where is sestra?

Do not wish to be here. Want to go home. Where is sestra? She leave me in jail. They take me away, now am here.

This is not where Swan Man lives.

[info]theyrenotme in [info]welcomenetwork

This is shit. It's complete shit.

I don't care about your magic or your portals.

I just want my daughter!

[info]oswinforthewin in [info]welcomenetwork

I definitely need a break from grading papers.

Does anyone want to get out and go do something? Up for anything, really. Guess I just need some company.

[info]jawsthatbite in [info]welcomenetwork

Okay, I admit it. It's a teeny bit quiet here for my liking.

There's only so much excitement you can get working at the stables, I guess.

[Weasleys and Hermione]

You lot fancy meeting up for dinner? I can cook, or we could go out?

[info]alittlerobin in [info]welcomenetwork

Now that the first year of college is pretty much over I'm going to need to find something else to do with my free time. I could probably pick up more shifts or I can get a new hobby. Now that my crime fighter days are kind of over (here at least) I'm gong to have to figure out some other way to fill my downtime.

[info]notmrpond in [info]welcomenetwork

I was expecting more bbq related injuries to come into the hospital today, but there were only about two. Not that I wanted anyone to get hurt, but holidays are usually the time when most injuries happen.