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April 6th, 2014

[info]fairestone in [info]welcomenetwork

The stories don't really get anything right, but if anyone has an easy line on mice that sew, they can come and patch my clothes, because my fingers are all needle pricks already, and I only barely started.

I miss having everything on the internet. It was strange seeing people from fictional worlds show up, but I liked being able to look it up so I didn't ask anyone uncomfortable things about their lives. Sometimes things pop out of my mouth before I think them through.

Emma, do you want to have lunch today, and catch up?

[info]besomethingelse in [info]welcomenetwork

I never liked fairy tales. Or anything where the movie version has singing animals.

[Filtered to Felicity Smoak]
Felicity? A fairy nun told me you were here.

There's no part of that sentence I'm not confused by.

[info]agentsupernanny in [info]welcomenetwork

I'm neither condoning nor endorsing. But I seem to remember someone mentioning a paintball battle, and I also seem to have found a place that ships supplies in bulk at a discount. Should someone who used to be on my team and currently lives in my apartment have any interest in things I in no way condone.

I spend my days glowering at teenagers who resent me and live with a younger, more attractive man I moved in with after a week. I feel like I should complete the picture of bland midlife crisis by learning to fish or play golf. But considering that means I would have to fish or golf, I'll pass and assume the car completes the picture.

[Fitzsimmons, Ward, May, ETA Fury and Maria Hill]
Come have dinner tomorrow. I want to keep checked in, even with nothing going on. And a night where Fitz has no access to caffeine or liquor while in his lab sounds like a good idea.

[MCU Clint]
I may be going slightly stir crazy.

[info]freddlesweasley in [info]welcomenetwork

[OOC: Backdated to shortly after this.]

( Filtered to Lily Evans )


I gave the Mayor Ton-Tongue Toffee.

I am not sure if shes going to eat it.

I think I might get into trouble.

[info]melissa_mccall in [info]welcomenetwork

Scott is gone.


[info]younglupin in [info]welcomenetwork

Victoire is gone.

My father is back and Victoire is gone.

[info]bulletmagnet in [info]welcomenetwork

It appears as though a lot of people left...