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February 3rd, 2014

[info]bilboisaburglar in [info]welcomenetwork

Fili is gone.

...I never thought I'd say this, but I miss him being my roommate.

[info]atributefrom12 in [info]welcomenetwork

Just when I thought I was growing on Johanna...

[info]cheekybastard in [info]welcomenetwork

This town is boring. Does anything happen here besides freak magical occurrences? I'm tempted to kill someone for fun.

[Alexander Grayson]
I've compelled myself a bit of company. Thought you might care to join.
[/Alexander Grayson]

[info]hitslikeagirl in [info]welcomenetwork

Wotcher, Storybrooke! I'm having a party on February 14th for those of us singles about town who don't want to be around annoyingly sappy couples. Details forthcoming. RSVP here if you want to come.

[info]sectionsix in [info]welcomenetwork

Working at a club is a lot different than anything I've done before but at least I'm being kept busy. I hate being idle. I'm much better when I am doing something. It's only been open a few days but so far I am enjoying it. I'm not even tired and it's in the early hours of the morning. Anyone awake? I need to go for a walk or a jog or just do something.

[info]bladesongs in [info]welcomenetwork

This is a dream This has to be a dream I'm going to wake up and she's going to be here This is just a dream wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wakeup wakeup wakeupwakeupwakeup

Cora's gone. I can't find her anywhere.

I can't I don't know what to I can't breathe WAKE UP

[info]bornwithmagic in [info]welcomenetwork

Has anyone seen Arthur? He hasn't been home in a couple of days.

I think Arthur's disappeared. I really hate these portals. I think they've sent Arthur somewhere again.

[info]alittlerobin in [info]welcomenetwork

Has anyone seen Catty around? I wanted to ask her

[info]melissa_mccall in [info]welcomenetwork

[Filtered to Daryl Dixon and Maggie Greene]

Thank you for having me over last night for the Super Bowl. It was fun.

[Filtered to Rick Grimes]

You friends are nice. I had fun last night.

Can I call you my boyfriend now that I've been introduced to some of your friends?

Come over tonight for dinner? Carl is invited, too.

[Filtered to Scott McCall]

I think maybe it's time for you to meet Rick.

I think he and I might be more serious than I thought.

[info]wherescarl in [info]welcomenetwork

Sam Winchester is gone.

I liked him.

[Filtered to Scott McCall]

My dad seems to be dating your mom.

Maybe we should get a cheeseburger.

[info]isagooddriver in [info]welcomenetwork

Sister Mary Eunice's continued absence from Storybrooke has relieved me.

Though part of me is still wary about the fact that she might arrive.

[info]alexgrayson in [info]welcomenetwork

[Filtered to Julia Shumway}

Care to join me for dinner tomorrow night?

[/end filter]

I do not mind Storybrooke nearly as much as I thought I would.

[info]nothulk in [info]welcomenetwork

[Filtered to Pepper Potts]

Everyone seems to be their correct age again.

How are you holding up?

Would you like to go to dinner with me tomorrow night?

[/end filter]

Working at the community college is great, I just... I wish it were more challenging.