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January 27th, 2014

[info]littlehale in [info]welcomenetwork

Being an adult was less traumatic than I expected it was going to be.

[info]ledgered in [info]welcomenetwork

I have decided I blame Clint for what just happened. Just seems like the thing to do.

Pepper, you're welcome to stay with me and Alex for as long as you like.

There is another me.

[info]zhisi_meimei in [info]welcomenetwork

Woken from the dream, set adrift without a crew.

Maybe I'm next. Can't fly without love.

[info]turnedwaydown in [info]welcomenetwork

I guess the good news is, I don't have to squint to see my phone anymore. Bad news, I'm still here.

Who wants to go shoot something?

[info]wherescarl in [info]welcomenetwork

Well, that was interesting....

Dad, are you, well, Dad again?

[info]vexingsituation in [info]welcomenetwork

Carpe Noctem will be opening on Friday, January 31. There will be drink specials and no cover since it's the first night of it being open. So. Everyone should come by. As long as you're 21 or older.

[Filtered to Kenzi, Kiera Cameron, Lexi Branson, Parker, John Matthew, Hale Santiago and anyone else Vex may have hired.]

Everyone good with working on Friday?

[info]jimtkirk in [info]welcomenetwork

So, I'm me again. Thanks to everyone who talked to or took care of little me.

...And let's ignore anything he may have said about getting shipped off-planet. Short version: it happened.

[info]areyoutwelve in [info]welcomenetwork

Okay, so what exactly are we supposed to do while we're here? I was kind of in the middle of about a hundred things, and now I'm kind of... stuck in this weird in between place where I can't finish what I started but I can't really start something new because... closure. I think my brain's about to go splodey.

[info]renessie in [info]welcomenetwork

Oh thank god, I'm me again. Well, correct age me.

Feel free to ignore anything I said about monsters.

Private to Jacob Black
Are you the right age again?

[info]getlaheyed in [info]welcomenetwork

Okay, that was unexpected.

Do you think if we try really hard, we can pick the next kind of weird crap that happens? Everyone shrinks, or the houses turn into gingerbread, or the animals start talking. Anything other than being a kid again, basically.

I'm sorry, Ms. McCall Melissa. And Dr. Banner. And everyone else I talked to, basically.

[info]thisismyfight in [info]welcomenetwork

Days like this I'd kill for a stiff drink -
Well that was fun.

Hey, so you got sent home and back again? Sorry I missed all that. You doing okay? Anything I can help with?