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January 19th, 2014

[info]ledgered in [info]welcomenetwork

So, if I am to understand correctly, I was just here as an adult and now I am seventeen? Has a way to return been figured out yet? I am quite the valuable asset. I assure they are looking for me.

[info]ifwehadamonkey in [info]welcomenetwork

I really hope I don't get changed back into a teenager. Being a teenager was a nightmare already We've already lost May, Coulson and Agents Barton and Romanoff to this.

[Private To Roy]
You haven't been changed have you?

[info]dannymahealani in [info]welcomenetwork

Has anyone seen Jane Shepard? I dropped by to see if she had gotten hit by the age thing, but she wasn't there. So either she's gone, or there's possibly a tiny future biotic badass running around somewhere, confused about why there's no spaceships anywhere. I hope she's still around.

Out of curiosity, I'm making a list of everyone's changed ages and what they remember, so if you feel like telling me, I'll show you the spreadsheet I'm making. It's a reward system no one will care about.

Or at least sound off if you're NOT suddenly a toddler, missing, or an older version of yourself?

[Filtered to Billy Kaplan]
Are you normal-aged? Half the people from my world are older and weirdly hot and smug about it. It's annoying.

[info]notaslave in [info]welcomenetwork

[Voice Post]

You just press here and speak?

(Inaudible response)

And what am I meant to say?

I have never seen magic like this before. There are people speaking through the box?

Thank you for allowing me to listen, mistress.

[info]canucklehead in [info]welcomenetwork

And here I thought this place was just some kind of fucked up dream.

[info]immunetothebite in [info]welcomenetwork

I need a distraction. Any volunteers?

[info]i_am_maggie in [info]welcomenetwork

[Filtered to Daryl Dixon]

You, me, The Rabbit Hole. Tonight.

Yes or yes?
[/end filter]

I have become addicted to Netflix. This is bad.

[info]bilboisaburglar in [info]welcomenetwork

Arwen is gone.

That is unfortunate, I was rather fond of Arwen.

[info]axeto_grind in [info]welcomenetwork

Filtered to Hunger Games folks

Figured it was time to be a productive member of society so I got a job at the lame grocery store.

Get to bag groceries. I feel pretty good about thi

Whatever. So if you guys want a discount on pimento loaf just ask.

[info]surfwax in [info]welcomenetwork

Hello, my name is Cynthia and I'm a new arrival to your little town. When the portal brought me through it shorted out all four of my poké balls. I was able to locate my Lucario, thanks to a wonderful new friend, Sam. However, we can't seem to find the other three of my pokemon. They go by:

Glaceon, Garchomp, Togekiss

If anyone has seen them, please, do let me know? They're not dangerous creatures unless they are attacked. They might be scared, and not answer to you or get close, but any information on their whereabouts would help greatly. Also, are there any shelters in town that I could check out? They might have ended up there.

[posted a couple hours after this. feel free to say your characters have seen them, or that they're out causing havoc - it's a giant gryphon-like bird and a walking shark afterall]

[info]thisismyfight in [info]welcomenetwork

Я Александра Udinov, дочь Николая Udinov, и я предлагаю, кто несет ответственность за это вернуть меня к моему дому сразу.