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January 7th, 2014

[info]i_am_maggie in [info]welcomenetwork

[Filtered to Daryl Dixon]

Have a drink with me, Daryl. I bought a bottle of tequila.

Filtered to Glenn Rhee]

I think it's time we talked.

[Filtered to Beth Greene]

Meet me at the coffee shop in the morning? I'll buy you a coffee.

[info]wherescarl in [info]welcomenetwork

{Filtered to Sam Winchester]

Can we go to Granny's one day? I want some fries.

[Filtered to Beth Greene]

Thanks for going to the ball with me, I had fun.

If you need anyone to talk to about what's going on with your sister, you can talk to me.

[Filtered to Rick Grimes]

Do you want to watch something on Netflix with me tonight? I bought us some popcorn and sodas.

[info]fallengoddess in [info]welcomenetwork

[Blocked from Storybrooke Officials and Fairytale Folk]
Hey...does anyone know if the curfew thing is still in effect? I haven't heard anything but I have no idea if the witch mayor has eased up on the rules any?

[Filtered to Fred Weasley]
Question for you my magical friend. I miss the old dance club I went to back home. They don't have anything like that here except those silly youth center things. Is there a way to set something up that no authorities could see? I mean if the mayor hasn't lightened up on all the rules.

Does anyone know if that P3 club is for like 18 and younger? I'm doubting it but I figure it would be worth a shot.

[Filtered to Serena Killingsworth]
I want to dance. I miss Planet Bang. So. Much.

[Filtered to Tim Drake]
So the ball was fun. I had a good time. We should hang out again.

[info]choosestolive in [info]welcomenetwork

[Private to Glenn]
It's still okay that I'm here right? I don't want to live with Maggie and Daryl. I would rather stay with you.

[Private to Carl]
Maggie wants to meet for coffee tomorrow. I should probably stop avoiding her I guess, right?

I didn't miss school one bit. I had fun at the ball. More fun than I thought.

[Private to Lily Evans]
Can we get dinner or something tomorrow?

[info]jimtkirk in [info]welcomenetwork

So, wow. I missed my birthday. Time sort of just slips away from you here, I guess.

[info]unites_kingdoms in [info]welcomenetwork

[Filtered to Guinevere, Morgana, Merlin, Bonnie]

Seeing as this world does not suit a jousting tournament in honour of Guinevere, I think perhaps we should find somewhere to all take dinner together as celebration?

[info]heartofaprince in [info]welcomenetwork

I have a feeling I'm not going to enjoy this "Valentine's Day" without Jasmine.

The holiday you call Christmas is just over, and now everything has hearts all over it for February. And it's only a day? Back home some things we celebrated for a whole month. This world moves so fast. I wish Genie were here

[info]thismanofhonor in [info]welcomenetwork

niyklaus was right. lojve is stupiqd. love makes you weak. hayley ies gqone. gone. i hdate love. all i wagnted wfas to lovqe cher anmd the bajby and wnow i'm alone.

[info]notthecavalry in [info]welcomenetwork

I don't know whether to be relieved or upset that it didn't air.

Did we get cancelled?

[info]zhisi_meimei in [info]welcomenetwork

They're gone. Were. Will be.

I miss the dinosaurs. Floating dead in space does nobody good.

She needs a reason.