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December 20th, 2013

[info]grayeyedgirl in [info]welcomenetwork

This is so strange. I remember this place. I was only gone for a few days, but it feels so much longer.

Percy? Please tell me you're still here.

[info]dannymahealani in [info]welcomenetwork

I don't know what the hell that was, but it sucked.

Is everyone still here? Please tell me everyone else didn't disappear and doesn't remember me.

[Filtered to Beacon Hills People]
I remember all the crap you all do, now. Or at least as much as I saw of it, since you're all still liars who tell me nothing, in the real world.

It's confusing.

[info]turnedwaydown in [info]welcomenetwork



Smalltown, USA. Are you serious. Look, I get it, you're upset. But taking it out on me by paying a bunch of actors to pretend like this is some place out of a fairy tale gone wrong is pretty sad. Why don't you just have some tea and hack the Pentagon.

At least you could've left Bear with me.

This is bullshit and you know it, Harold.

[info]reclaimedgrace in [info]welcomenetwork

Well, that didn't work out like I thought it would.

At least I didn't hit a car. That would not have been fun.

[info]mrswilliams in [info]welcomenetwork

I love Christmastime. Don't get me wrong. But after working at the radio station for the holidays, I am so tired of Christmas music. If I never hear about another chestnut roasting or silent night it will be too bloody soon.

[info]takemesir in [info]welcomenetwork

Might just be the cold, but I'm finding it a mite hard to be thankful and jolly about now. Spirit of the season don't seem to apply to me, I suppose.

[info]deadlytouch in [info]welcomenetwork

If anyone needs me I'll be hiding out in my room until this madness is over.

[info]spoiledbat in [info]welcomenetwork

I found my dress for the ball, thanks to Kate. Seriously, she is a shopping goddess.

We sort of got waylaid by some mistletoe - A+ kissing, Kate - but we did find something eventually.

cut for image )

I'm pretty happy with it. It's got just enough purple, without being like...a punch to the face.