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December 10th, 2013

[info]arwenundomiel in [info]welcomenetwork

Mae govannen; Elen sila lumenn omentilmo.

I am Arwen, daughter of Elrond, late of Imladris. I know not how I have come to be here, although those who have greeted me have been very kind indeed. This world is not the world I remember, and I despair for the fate of mine.

Tell me, do you know of the fate of my beloved, or of those who comprised his company? Know you whether or not Frodo accomplished his quest to Orodruin, or whether the world was swallowed by the Darkness in the East?

So many lives hang on the balance, and I would not be sundered from my home at such a time.

[info]girlwednesday in [info]welcomenetwork

I've never not been home for Christmas.

I can't decide if I'm going to go to that ball. Is anyone else going alone?

I'd need to find a dress.

[info]notthecavalry in [info]welcomenetwork

Possible Spoilers for AoS in comments )


I wanted to ask you something.

[info]troubledshrink in [info]welcomenetwork

[Written during her posted thread]

And I thought haunted houses were a handful. Hello fairy tales.

The rumor has it, that people I know are here.

[info]kickingdoors in [info]welcomenetwork

I need warm clothes because I'm freezing my ass off, so I had to get a job. I get up every day and I go to school and then I go to work. It's like being normal.

I'd probably be thrilled if I spent all that much time wanting to be normal.

I'm tired of take out, so I'm cooking. Kate, this could either end really well or terribly. Either way there should be fire extinguishers, I have a lot of hot sauce.