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November 27th, 2013

[info]weirdisrelative in [info]welcomenetwork

For anyone who still doesn't have plans, I'm going to be fixing Thanksgiving dinner at the Youth Center. Everyone is welcome and there will be plenty of food.

( Logan, Rogue, Derek, Cora, Peter )
I really hope you guys will stop by. Holidays are about family and I think we could all use a bit of that.

[info]asgardianlegend in [info]welcomenetwork

Jane, Darcy, I understand there is a Midgardian feasting tradition that is rapidly approaching. As it is common for such feasts where I am from, and I have not had such a proper thing since arriving in this strange place, I would very much like to observe this tradition.

So, feast with me on this upcoming day of Thanks?

[info]pickacard in [info]welcomenetwork

So, it occurred to me early dis' mornin' that Thanksgivin' be quickly comin' up. Now, I ain't never been much for Turkey and stuffin', a bit to bland for the Creole tongue, so I been doin' a bit of thinkin'.

Would anyone be interested in some, proper, Cajun, fixin's? I figure maybe they let Ol' Remy in da' kitchen down at the seafood place, an I know my way around a spice rack for sure. I know there's got to be more than one of ya' who maybe don't have no one to sit down and eat with, so the invite's gonna be open.

Rogue, I assume I can at least count on the pleasure of your company?

[info]venomblasts in [info]welcomenetwork

Watching that show about the SHIELD agents makes me miss home even more. Sharon should be in there and our Nat and Nick and Maria. Where is Quartermain?

I hate comics and I need to stop reading up on what's going on in them. Now I'm grumpy.

[info]asgardianlegend in [info]welcomenetwork

In the excitement this day of celebration, I went to find Jane only to discover it appears she has departed.

I still plan to feast, even if the occasion is less festive than I'd have liked. Darcy, you are still more than invited to have a place at the table.

Perhaps I shall finally consult the counsel of this 'internet' as to how one prepares a turkey.

[info]ex_knickerwe541 in [info]welcomenetwork

I have decided that, in honor of this rather odd, bird slaughtering, festival of over-eating...and yes, I have learned to use the internet and this seems to be how this 'Thanksgiving' festival is celebrated...I will be making a turkey and stuffing. I haven't quite gotten the 'how' down yet but, I figure it can't be much harder than doing it campfire style.

Take bird, add fire, eat eventually. I think it's a splendid plan.

Neria, Sarissa, and even you Fenris, are all more than invited to join me. If any else finds themselves in need of someone to eat with, even if I can't make any promises to the quality of food, you're welcome to join me.

[info]soverypretty in [info]welcomenetwork

Filtered to Firefly Crew

There seems to be a celebration of sorts comin' up around here. Don't suppose those what's left of us would be keen on sittin' down to partake, even if the only part we get up to is the part where we have burnin' drinks from fancy glasses?

[info]younghawk in [info]welcomenetwork

So... Thanksgiving. What is it and why should I care?

[info]atributefrom12 in [info]welcomenetwork

Why do I keep seeing previews for a movie called Catching Fire and why does it look like a movie about me and Katniss and everyone else?