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October 31st, 2013

[info]1ofthegoodguys in [info]welcomenetwork

Show of hands, those that are smart enough not to dress up tomorrow.

[info]fixedintime in [info]welcomenetwork

I was all set on being the Doctor for Halloween, just to see the look on his face when I traded in my coat for his. But then I went another direction. It's Halloween, I should switch it up.

Free sonic screwdrivers to any kids dressed as the Doctor though, I know where he keeps the stash.

[info]thismanofhonor in [info]welcomenetwork

Well that was certainly interesting....I keep finding myself more and more relieved I'm not back home right now.


It's impossible to stay mad at him. I want him here. I miss him.

[info]halamshivanas in [info]welcomenetwork

I'm not really sure what to think with all this talk of this Halloween celebration.

Much as I would like to experience this strange festival, I cannot bring myself to be excited for it. I just miss Alistair so much

[info]luxoraculum in [info]welcomenetwork

I think I'm going to skip Halloween if it's all the same to everyone.

I have enough on my plate without that much likely chaos

[info]littlewitch in [info]welcomenetwork

The sheriff's department is extending the curfew tonight for minors until midnight. For any trick or treaters, anyone under the age of fourteen must be accompanied by an adult or older kid. Not that's there's really any bad parts of town or anything, but this is just for safety reasons. Members of the sheriff's department (myself included), will be on call all night in case anyone has any problems and needs help. There's candy at the station, so trick or treaters are free to stop by.

Everyone be safe and have fun. Happy Halloween!

[Filtered to Henry]

Do you still trick or treat?

[info]knightofsummer in [info]welcomenetwork

You know what would have been nice?

Getting stuck in Florida. Or Hawaii. Or...anywhere but Maine in the winter, really.

[info]oursavinggrace in [info]welcomenetwork

You know, I've never been trick-or-treating before.

Yes, I know what it is. But it's not really something demigods do.

[Filtered to PJO-Verse]

Are any of you guys going?

[info]trustshergut in [info]welcomenetwork

This can't be real.

[info]samshifts in [info]welcomenetwork

Just because I'm working Halloween doesn't mean I have to wear a costume. I don't care what anybody says, I'm not trying to tend bar while dressed up as something else. I spend three nights a month not myself, I don't need to dress up in a costume

Do you want to do something tonight for Halloween if I can get off early?

Do you want to share my apartment? I like having the place to myself but I know that not having a roommate means I might get assigned to share with Eric if he ever comes back somebody I don't get along with. And I know I can get along with you. Plus, it'll make it easier for you to keep an eye on Sookie since she's next door.

[info]immunetothebite in [info]welcomenetwork

While I'm dressing up, if anyone wants to come over and watch movies, we're watching the following movies:

The Exorcist
Evil Dead II
Cabin in the Woods
Rosemary's Baby

I've got snacks and things to drink. Movies starting at 6. We'll get through as many as possible.

[info]suckitdomitian in [info]welcomenetwork

I can't believe I completely forgot to come up with a costume. I guess it's a bed sheet toga for me tonight.

[info]strangegift in [info]welcomenetwork

This might be an odd question but.. am I dead?

[info]sataninavneck in [info]welcomenetwork

I would like to remind everyone to be careful tonight. I wouldn't put it past this place to decide to try something funny. Halloween + magic would result in a lot of things probably best left unmentioned. And I'm not going to clear up a pile of dead bodies tomorrow morning.

[info]itsnotinme in [info]welcomenetwork

You know, I just realized... There are a lot of kids in this town. I don't remember a bunch of kids in fairy tales other than Hansel and Gretel and Little Red Riding Hood. And since Red's an adult here, I'm guessing the other two would be as well. So. Who are all the midgets?

[info]thismanofhonor in [info]welcomenetwork


Might I just say I am deeply disturbed why what went on tonight. She might have done many terrible things to all of you in the past, but she did not deserve that. You are fortunate, Damon, that you were brought here from before tonight's events occurred. Otherwise, we might have a problem, you and I.

[info]merrywoman in [info]welcomenetwork

What is this place, and why are there children in ball gowns roaming the strange stone streets?

Emma Swan, Snow White, is it true you are here, and this is where you hailed from?