September 2016



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September 17th, 2013

[info]bamfing in [info]welcomenetwork

[Private to Raven Darkholme]

...I have something I must talk to you about.

[info]loveblessed in [info]welcomenetwork

Um, what?


Jason? Leo?

[info]justbarbie in [info]welcomenetwork

You know, I was really hoping to get out of the dome, but this wasn't quite how I pictured that happening.

[info]thelizardwolf in [info]welcomenetwork

Seriously, James?

Like you actually think I'm going to believe this bullshit?

Is this some kind of weird test or are you turning out to be some kind of freaky pedo werewolf? And I thought Hale was bad.

Just so you know, my dad will find me and we have an army of lawyers on retainer. Oh, and my dad's an attorney as well.

So just come out already and tell me how you did it. Gotta say, I'm a little impressed. But mostly pissed off.

[info]maybevader in [info]welcomenetwork

Magic portals? I highly doubt I was brought here by any form of a magic portal.

My name is Anakin Skywalker, and I would very much like to be returned home. While I appreciate this... less than mediocre piece of technology and the bit of money given to me upon arrival through the so-called magic portal, I need to return home. So get a portal ready to send me home.

[A few minutes later]

Where is Padme?

[info]perfectofhair in [info]welcomenetwork

Since I promised my boyfriend that I would stay away from the portals, I was wondering if anyone might have a photograph of one? I realize this sounds like a strange request but I'd like to see one. I'd like to see if it appears as the border around the town does.

Also, I have an interview at the college and one at the high school for a teaching position. Hopefully, I will be employed soon. I'm not good at sitting around.

[info]ineffably in [info]welcomenetwork

Well, this is certainly a pleasant little town.

I have to say, the portal is new, but it's actually rather nice to have a bit of a vacation.

[info]fixedintime in [info]welcomenetwork

As many charms as it has, sometimes this town does just seem small. And there are shockingly few aliens.

[Whoniverse Residents & Jack's Friends]
I'm not sure who else we've lost, but Ianto seems to have been one of the people pulled back out of town. Anyone else missing?

[Rose Tyler & Arthur]
I could stand to be extremely drunk right about now. Care to keep me company?

((If you think your character is friendly with Jack, feel free to assume they can see.))

[info]lunatink in [info]welcomenetwork

It's so nice that both of the Weasley twins are here now. I'm just waiting for them to spring something clever and hilarious on the others.

Ended up meeting a polite older man in front of what appears to be a radio station recently. He had the most interesting beads in his hair. I asked them if they were there to keep the wrackspurts away. Near the ears is a good place, makes it much more difficult for them to fuzzy up your mind.

[info]floatsfeathers in [info]welcomenetwork

Filtered: Under 25s. There is also a spell on this entry that prevents you from tattling to Regina or other law enforcement types.
As I'm sure some of you already know, Caroline's birthday is coming up Friday. We're having a party down by the beach. We'll have some snacks and some soft drinks, but it's pretty much BYOB if you want to make sure you have enough. Michael Glass is going to provide us with some music and you're all invited.

We start Friday night at 7. If you're interested in coming, let me or Caroline know and we'll get back to you with the exact location.

Filtered: Merlin
And I was sort of hoping you might like to be my date. What do you think?

[info]loveblessed in [info]welcomenetwork

I don't really get how I'm supposed to just go to a party live a regular life like a normal kid here when I'm supposed to be helping close the doors of death. They expect me to go to school, I guess, and just be a regular kid, but I don't even know if I know how to do that anymore, not that I was ever very good at it to begin with.

I wish my dad was here, at least. He'd love this place.

[info]reformedprat in [info]welcomenetwork

What's a bloke to do with a baby around here if he wants to take his wife out for an evening? All the people I'd normally call on are - well, they're not here and Harry might be brilliant, but I don't think he's quite up for fending for himself just yet.

[info]quirkyintern in [info]welcomenetwork

Well, this is an interesting little place. I'm not sure I love being stuck here, but ohmygod the coffee. I don't know what you guys put in it, but that stuff at the coffee place is amazing.

[info]fullofsass in [info]welcomenetwork

There are times when working in a clothing store REALLY comes in handy.

Filter: Josh Levison
Josh! Party! You're coming with me.

[info]hewhosees in [info]welcomenetwork

Filtered: Buffyverse.
Party on the beach this weekend. This almost definitely means it won't end with me having to replace all the windows. Or fix Buffy's furniture. We're going, right? All of we?

Ohmygod, do you think THOR will be there?

[info]slayer_savior in [info]welcomenetwork

The person who met me said I've been here before. They welcomed me back...

I've never been to Storybrooke. Quaint, quiet little town no hellmouth I think I'd remember...

[info]evertheheroine in [info]welcomenetwork

Lots of people seem to have gone missing, and I'm sure that's hard on everyone here. If anyone finds themselves in need of someone to talk to, or just could use some company, I'd be more than happy to volunteer. You're more than welcome to contact me here, or just stop by and knock on the door. Tower Three, room #405. Ask for Shepard.
Filtered to Sam Winchester )

Filtered to Danny Mahealani )

Filtered to Jack )

[info]fallengoddess in [info]welcomenetwork

Filter; DOTMverse

We should go shopping. For the party.

[info]dragonshout in [info]welcomenetwork

[ Voice Post ]

I am told this place is named Storybrooke. There is no Jarl for this province and appears to have no relation of any kind to neither the province of Skyrim or Tamriel as a whole. However, I am told I must tell others here of who I am.

I am called Sonia, I am Thane of various holds within my homeland, and also the Harbinger of the Companions. However, I am told that those titles mean little here. Travel across all of Skyrim to earn that respect and gone in the flash of light. Should have brought that priest to Molag Bal...


This strange magic before me is like nothing I have ever seen, not even when I went to the College in Winterhold. What in the name of Talos is going on?

And where can I get a good bottle of mead? Not Black-Briar's though. I'd sooner let the Imperials take my coin than that bitch, Maven.

OOC: Text was thought, not spoken.

[info]freddlesweasley in [info]welcomenetwork

[Filtered from George Weasley. Also filtered to the under 25s.]

My twin brother, George, is here in Storybrook.

He needs a date to this party on Friday.

Any takers?

[info]olympussavior in [info]welcomenetwork

Working in the stables almost makes me miss Blackjack. I never thought I'd miss being harassed by a pegasus.

With everyone who has left recently, I'm glad that Piper and Jason are back.

[info]stilinskipapa in [info]welcomenetwork

[Filtered to any and all of those currently in or with a background in Government, Medical, Animal Care, Military, and Law]

I have complied the list of personnel of these types and have attached to this entry.

Below is the attachment and it will require a password. That password is personnel121stilinski.

( Attachment.doc )

If you are of one of these groups, or have background in one of them, and are not on the list, please post to this post so I can add you.

That done, we need to have our first meeting. When is everyone free? We need to find a day that works for everyone and discuss if we want to meet weekly, biweekly, or monthly.

[info]fursplosions in [info]welcomenetwork

I uncovered an old bike in the shop today. My boss said it's a piece of junk and if I can get it running then I can have it. I basically rebuilt the one I had at home from a piece of junk, so I'm confident that I can get this up and running. I miss riding, so it'll be nice to have a bike again.

[info]bastilathegray in [info]welcomenetwork

It seems I have fallen victim to the sudden rash of disappearances along with the rest of you. Am I correct in understanding that this has happened before?

In either event, I find the solitude to be...rather disconcerting. I don't suppose there are others out there would be interested in combining living spaces? I understand the question might seem a bit strange but, considering that a lot of us have ended up here as strangers, it seems to me the only way to fix that is to spend time with one another - and I can't imagine many people like being alone.

As for a bit about me? I am Bastila Shan, Jedi Knight and I can promise to be a clean and respectable room-mate. My last dwellings, prior to arriving here in Storybrooke, were a very small set of quarters about a ship. I prefer to keep things clean, quiet, and relatively tidy, and my only real request would be that I am allowed a small allotment of time daily, where our place could be kept quiet so that I might meditate. My meditations are very important right now.

If you think you might be interested, please, feel free to visit. I am in Tower Three, fifth floor, room number five hundred and five.

Thank you all, very much, and my deepest condolences to all of you who are currently sharing in a sense of loss.

[info]notmrpond in [info]welcomenetwork

Has it really been almost two months since I've been here? It doesn't feel like it's been that long, but I can honestly say that I prefer this to where I was before. Yes, I was with Amy there too, but I prefer living in the present to living in the past. I don't mind visiting the past, but trying to adjust to living in the 1930s after being from 2012, was daunting.

[info]immunetothebite in [info]welcomenetwork

I lied about this place being better than home.

I need distraction.

[info]sweetlittlejess in [info]welcomenetwork

Filtered to Sam Winchester


You up for that party this weekend?

[info]maybevader in [info]welcomenetwork

Is it a normal occurrence for two people from different points in time to be here in Storybrooke at the same time?

I just...

This cannot be.