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September 9th, 2013

[info]bendingearth in [info]welcomenetwork

[Voice Post]

If one more person asks me if I want shoes, I'm making a cave and living in it. I don't like being so high anyway.

There are boxes full of stuff that tastes like sweets, and you're supposed to eat it for breakfast. When I go home, I want to take it with me. The woman who gave it to me called it Lucky somethings. This place has SOMETHING fun at least.

[info]themanfrombs in [info]welcomenetwork

This is not Bon Temps... what is this town like? Why is everyone brought here? This is quite curious.

My name is Bill Compton.

[info]time_mcfly in [info]welcomenetwork

Right. So, let me get this straight. There are 'portals' that bring you here and there's no leaving?

And ... computers that allow you to talk to people over long distances?


Anyway, uh, hi...? I'm Marty, and I don't suppose there's a single one of you here that's from Hill Valley? Preferably a crackpot, eccentric, white haired inventor?

[info]wraths in [info]welcomenetwork

So, I've been dragged through a magic portal that skipped right over summer. Awesome. Way to go, portal. Just once, I'd like a break from this kind of thing

I guess I should see about community college classes while I'm here. anyone around from Mystic Falls?

[info]telepathysucks in [info]welcomenetwork

Filter: Sam, Claudine and Eric
If y'all haven't seen, Bill is here!.

[info]floatsfeathers in [info]welcomenetwork

Caroline's birthday is on the 20th and needless to say, there's going to be a party. Obviously, we're going to have to keep it secret. Some of us are 18, but I know a lot of you have to deal with that stupid curfew.

Anyway, we're working out the details, but don't make any other plans for the 20th. Trust me, a Caroline Forbes party is something you don't want to miss.

*Please feel free to assume you're included on this if your character would be friendly with Bonnie, either through school, her job at the coffee place or random interaction on the network.

[info]i_am_maggie in [info]welcomenetwork

[Private to Beth]

Glenn is gone.

Do you feel like getting a large tub of ice cream and eating it with me?

[info]lunatink in [info]welcomenetwork

I've been getting familiar with these new... technologies? Yes. i can make the maps appear without this thing making noise now, at least

I think I'm going to go exploring.

Is there a magic school here? I'd like to continue my lessons without the death eaters and torture and worry.

[info]lane in [info]welcomenetwork

I've decided that fandoms officially creep me out and I shouldn't have looked myself up online. At least not without a copious amount of booze within reach. That being said, I haven't decided if Tumblr is an abomination or not.
Things to do in town. What are they and do any of them involve karaoke, 80s music, and plenty of alcohol?

[info]kateargent in [info]welcomenetwork

Look at small town USA. I don't know if I should look for hidden Mickey ears, or check for Children of the Corn.

[Filtered to Argents]
Chris? Allison? The lunatic who was handing out tech toys and fairy tale stories said you two were here.

[info]itsdoctornow in [info]welcomenetwork

At this point, I'm not even the slightest bit surprised when things like this happen.

Still, it's just weird to end up someplace else without at least being in the TARDIS first.

[info]bornhumantoo in [info]welcomenetwork

This ain't where I'm supposed to be, and I would very much like to be sent back. Kinda have something I need to take care of. Whoever's in charge of this magical mishap, please and thank you.