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July 12th, 2013

[info]louisianaqueen in [info]welcomenetwork

Filtered to Emma Swan.
It's like trying to drink castor oil.

I miss home.

[info]soverypretty in [info]welcomenetwork

How W'rin Bu Lai, Whai W'rin Bu Jwo...Never. Not even once. I swear to all things sweet, savory, and sinful that if this is a bad dream I'd like to just go ahead and wake up now, back on my ship, where everythin's turnin' just as it outta be.

But, and this be a might big but, if what they're tellin' me is true, and what they're tellin' me I can talk to people on this thing..can't hurt.

Any of you kind and fuzzy strangers mind pipin' up on a matter? I'm lookin' for a whole mess of miscreants, flew on a ship named Serenity. Anybody got an ear out there that's heard a buzz to match, because, boy, it sure would go makin' my day.

[info]dannymahealani in [info]welcomenetwork

How are we all speaking and writing in the same language? We can't all be the same, considering how different half the realities or origins or whatever you want to call them are. So is part of the portal of magic making us see and hear it all as the same language, or is it actually making us speak and write the same? Is it altering perception or actually changing?

Because I still can't read Chinese, but I can read people who speak imaginary (to people where I'm from) languages from places with dragons so it gives me a headache trying to figure it out.

[info]lowvampirezone in [info]welcomenetwork

Not exactly what I had in mind when I decided to see the world.

[info]i_am_maggie in [info]welcomenetwork

I am so confused.

Why are there no walkers?

Is this Woodbury? Please tell me this isn't Woodbury.

[info]lastlove in [info]welcomenetwork

I have to say, I prefer New Orleans. However this will do until I can go back.

What's there to do in this charming little town?

[info]abitunlikely in [info]welcomenetwork

This place is absolutely brilliant! What planet is this?

[info]daughterofel in [info]welcomenetwork

I think at this point I've reached my time travel quota. At least until my next birthday. Which is getting hard to really figure out at this point.

Anyway, hi. I'm Kara.

[info]floatsfeathers in [info]welcomenetwork

network post: bonnie bennett

Okay, I know Caroline's here, because my ears are still ringing from the squealing. And I saw Matt on this network, but what about everyone else? Anyone else from Mystic Falls lurking about?

Posted via Journaler.

[info]mindcontrollol in [info]welcomenetwork

This place is weird. And awesome. I kind of feel like I'm tripping without actually being high on anything.

But I probably can't just skate by on getting free stuff while I'm here, right? I mean, that seems like it would be kind of a douche move after everything you all have done for me. So I guess I need to find a job.

So. Hey. I've got a kind of weird question. What year was it for you before you got here?

[info]girlwonderteen in [info]welcomenetwork

[Filtered to Stephanie Brown and the Kara that knows the two of us]

Kara! I found your alterna-world twin, or something.

[info]3dmaneuver in [info]welcomenetwork

The lack of defensive fortification concerns me. How is this town defended in case of attack?

[info]darkwitch in [info]welcomenetwork

Every time I think things can't get any weirder, it happens.

[info]watcherdiaries in [info]welcomenetwork

My name is Mr Giles. I arrived here earlier this afternoon. I'm looking for a young woman by the name of Buffy Summers.

[info]padelicious in [info]welcomenetwork

At least now I know this wasn't a backfire of my potion.

Hello, everyone. My name is Padma Patil, and this may be one of the most surreal moments of my life.

[info]aworldenchanted in [info]welcomenetwork

Wow. This is really something, isn't it?

I don't think I've ever really seen magic on this scale before. It's really incredible. I mean, it's all very surprising and inconvenient, and I'm not sure I like it at all, but it's

Oh. Right. I'm Tara. I'm from Sunnydale, that's in California. And from quite a few years ago, apparently. It's nice to be here. I mean, it would be nicer to be home, but it's still nice to be here. Everyone's been really helpful.

[info]potterrr in [info]welcomenetwork

That sheriff is a bit of alright, isn't she?

[info]1ofthegoodguys in [info]welcomenetwork

I'm beginning to get real sick and bloody tired of sodding magic bouncing me around from here to there. First that shiny bauble somehow got me to LA from Sunnydale then whatever this was that brought me here. And who names a town Storybrooke? Didn't think there was anything worst than Sunnydale. Anyone know where a guy can get some pig's blood around here?