June 2024




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Mar. 31st, 2024



Heeeey, how goes it, my fashion loving friend?


Was at Walmart yesterday grabbing something I'd forgotten and got to witness someone getting upset at the overall lack of Easter candy.

The day before said holiday.

I don't understand people sometimes.

Mar. 30th, 2024


Man, 911 calls in Madison Valley are even weirder now than they were before the time jump. I get reminded of this at least once every couple days.

Kinda reminds me of working dispatch back home.

Mar. 29th, 2024


Couple hundred years in the future and here I am, still wondering how some of my potential customers manage to get out of bed in the morning let alone actually attempt to do something like buy a gun.


As much as I like it here, much as I actually kind of prefer it here right now, this place is definitely a lot to adjust to.

Mar. 28th, 2024


Bruce Wayne

You are unsuccessful in hiding from me.


I'm pregnant and it's the craziest feeling.




Como se dice un zapato in ingles?

Matt Murdock


How do you say un zapato in English?


I'd actually managed to forget what it was like to have half a dozen active cases at once. Charitably? Exhausting, most of the time.

Wouldn't trade it for the world, but even so. It's definitely a caffeine-fueled day.


So, fun discovery -- apparently the future has a whole new bunch of stuff to be allergic to, or so says the fact that both my girls have been red-eyed and sniffly for days.

I should not have been surprised by this fact.

Mar. 27th, 2024


If anyone sees one of these otters, they deliver letters and parcels. We have Fitzroy and Francine, as their nametags proudly proclaim.

They expect tips in the form of money.

And please be patient because while they can understand you, they do need time to type out a response.

Note to self, install a lower doorbell


Thanks to everyone who made the movie marathon a success. Would you guys perhaps want another one in May and do a full Star Wars theme marathon for Star Wars day?

Mar. 26th, 2024


I'll never admit it to the idiot cook but I miss his cooking. No matter how fancy it was.


Is it Friday yet? These last few days have been murder.


I will be very glad when Easter is over. The store has been so damn busy.

It's been almost as bad as it was for Valentine's Day.


I am so glad that it is starting to warm up. I like winter, but not as much as I like spring.


Who: Chloe and Dream
What: Visiting Dreams
Where: In Chloe's Dreams
When: Monday Night

It was all a dream...is this is real...Now it's reality...Just like it should be... )


[Ruby and Zu]

So...what do you guys want to do for Easter? Do you want to celebrate at all? We could at least paint some eggs and get some candy, if nothing else.


I hadn't seen one of those Cadbury bunny commercials in years. Gotta admit I laughed.


[Magnus Chase]

Hi! Remember me?

I think we should be friends.


Haven't actually thought about it in... a while now, but I'm coming up on one of the more unpleasant anniversaries in my life.

Which means I need to figure out something to actually do that day. April 3rd.


TARDIS (both)

Who wants to go to that lake with me?


I've been experimenting in the kitchen, and I think I have created a new chili recipe. Would anyone like to try it?


Summer Plans

I just want to remind people (especially new arrivals) as they start thinking about summer plans: there is a huge lake about an hour's travel east of Madison. I mean huge, the size of one of the Great Lakes. Practically an inland sea, except that it's fresh water. I discovered it last September.

It also has a deep and wide white sand beach. No development yet, so if you're going to stay overnight or longer, you'll have to camp. But it's a lovely place to get away from the city.

Mar. 25th, 2024


Officially married for two days, and back to work on Monday like nothing's changed. It's nice to be settled. Have a routine.

[filtered away from younger eyes]

How young is too young to stop believing in the Easter Bunny? My kid broke my heart when he told me he doesn't believe anymore, and that we should just give him cash instead of pretending.

He's 7.
I was 11 1/2, but I blame my brother for that.

Mar. 24th, 2024



We need to spend some quality time together.

Do you want to order takeout and watch a movie?

Joel Miller

Hello, handsome.


Who: Inej and Kaz
What: Dinner at Inej's
Where: Inej's House
When: Saturday Night

Eyes wide open, heart full of hope, And I just need to be next to you tonight. )


That pain cleared up why Amara was reacting the way she did.

Can say this was not on my to-do list for the evening. Then again, pretty sure this might not be on anyone's to-do list. Guess mine is going on the backburner for a bit.

So much for checking on Matt and visiting my dad's grave.


I am making an Easter Basket for Henry, and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for things to put in an Easter Basket for a dog?

Mar. 23rd, 2024


Think I'll spend some time with Serenity. Can't take her out how I want but she needs someone to spend time with her.


Shameless Self-Promotion

After a conversation a couple of months ago with Isaac Lahey, wondering why only Hinkles had werewolf specials, I added one to the menu at Red on Main.

So if you're a werewolf, or just have a similarly-sized appetite, come try it. I think you'll like it.

[Isaac Lahey]
First one's free for suggesting it. Come by anytime.


I need video game ideas. Something other than Mario Kart that can be played with my parents and siblings.


I think it's time for a new deck of cards.

[ Kitty ]

How are you all doing?

Mar. 22nd, 2024


Crowley the Ineffable Husband.

I would like to take you to dinner.

Annie Sawyer

Would you and Eve be okay for an evening while Crowley and I go to dinner?

Mar. 21st, 2024


Started reading The Exorcist out of boredom.

This book is possessed.

I blame Garin for not telling me about it.


Who: Liam Stewart and Desire.
What: Match-up.
Where: Starbucks.
When Thursday, March 21.
Warnings: TBD.
Status: Closed | Match-up.

You know that I want you, and you know that I need you. I want that bad romance. )

Mar. 20th, 2024


Three days after that demeaning excuse of a shite holiday and still with the leprechaun traps and the Lucky Charms in front of me cabin. Four years running now.

The rest of the move to the new house can't come soon enough. Hopefully it'll throw the little buggers off the scent next year.


WHO: Zuko and Jill Mastrano-Dragomir
WHAT: Fire and Water
WHEN: This evening
WHERE: In an alley
WARNINGS: TBD, likely low
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~ )

Mar. 19th, 2024


Who: Everyone
When: Sunday, March 17 (backdated)
Where: The movie theater
What: Decades Movie marathon
Status/Rating: Ongoing/PG-13ish
Warnings: None (but if any let me know)

Movies Movies Movies! )


The portal was fun and it's a shame to see it gone, but at least, I enjoyed it while it was here. Anyone up for doing anything? I'm bored, and I don't feel like in a skateboarding mood right now.


Oh wow, I completely forgot about this place, which I guess was the point when returning home. What happened? This looks very different than what I remember, and while it has been years for me...I still think this is a major upgrade.

It's kinda cool! And I don't have to worry about my boyfriend worrying cause he'll still be at the cabin back home. At least the mark on my arm is gone that was trying to expose witches, making it one less thing to worry about.

I'm Emma, and is anyone still here that remembers me? I know it's been a while, but a girl can hope. And this time no guardian is needed. Both the under 18 and one for the chosen one unless Andi pops up, then she can be.

Mar. 17th, 2024


Conner Kent

Wanna watch a movie with me?

Can I spend the night with you?

Lois Lane

Can you sign a thing for school?


[Private to Desire]

Lookin to blow off some steam. You busy?


St. Patrick's Day.

The day everyone is Irish.

Mar. 16th, 2024


[Accidental Voice Post]

What - where am I? Is this - have I been kidnapped???

[sizzling sound, then a few moments pass. Then, text post]

Whoever kidnapped me, I'll make sure you regret it.

And what is this - I do not need a guardian.

Mar. 15th, 2024


So happy for a portal! It's something different to do, and I plan to see everything this place has to offer. Had some fun already getting into trouble. Who else is checking it out?


Who: Remy and Dieter
What: Random run-in/Matchup
When: Friday morning
Where: That one forest, you know the one
Rating: TBD

what up, chicken butt?? )


Who: Piper and Rocket
What: Random run-in/match up
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: Tapatio Mexican Restaurant
Rating: Rocket's mouth and TBD

change my tune, please! )

Mar. 14th, 2024


Who: Anyone/Everyone
What: Portal to Camelot
When: March 14 - 17
Where: Portal Door outside Bad Axe Throwing Range
Rating: low

Tag is: [portal] camelot

How could a 5-ounce bird possibly carry a 1-pound coconut? )


Bruce Wayne

I met Diana.

She's pretty.


My wife is the best. Better than your wife.

cut for a picture of pie )

Happy Pi Day.

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