June 2024




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Feb. 29th, 2024



I am beginning to think the place hates me.


We may need more employees at Rose Apothecary, if anyone is interested.

Malia Tate

...I give you permission to hire any of your stabby friends.


Death of the Endless

I am intrigued by you.

Would you care to meet for dinner?

Feb. 28th, 2024


Just spent twenty minutes ripping apart the programming for something I'm working on, only for the problem to end up completely obvious once I found it.

Oh, the joys of engineering.


Matt Murdock

How was your Valentine's Day? Did you do anything fun and exciting?

...don't go into too many details though.

How's Foggy?


Friends and family of Chloe Decker and Sam Winchester )

*if you think you're a friend, you probably are*


It's been a while since I actually sat down and read a book -- which is sad, because I'm a reader.

Recommendations, people. Give me them.


George Weasley


Are you sitting down?


[Chloe Decker]
How are you feeling? You were still asleep when I left this morning and I didn’t get my morning kisses.

We should pick a place that we want to visit for our honeymoon.

Feb. 27th, 2024


Jedikiah Price

Let's go get drunk please.


I miss Carpe Noctem.

I would attempt to start it up again but I am afraid there's already a monopoly on night clubs here.

Klaus Hargreeves

Dinner tonight?


Max Mayfield and Dustin Henderson

...do you two want to come over for a movie or something?


I'm bored.

And me bored is never a good thing.


You know those days where you're pretty sure you forgot to do something but you also don't actually care if you did?

Yeah, it was one of those days. I do not handle these kinds of days well.

Feb. 26th, 2024


Who: Kayla and Logan
What: Winter Fair
Where: The Winter Fair
When: GDoc Backdated to February 20

And here you are smiling at me like you can't feel the cold, Hand in hand we walk, there's no need to say a word )


My son's birthday is coming up in a couple weeks.

Which means my daughter's birthday isn't far behind.

Gonna be rough this year, I think.


Phil and Clint

Enjoy all of the new throw pillows in the living room and your rooms.

Compliments of Rachel. (That would be why some of them just do not match.)

Feb. 25th, 2024


Who: Hermann Gottlieb and Scorpius Malfoy
What: Just shopping
When: Sunday evening
Where: Walmart
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )



It's been a bit, and I wanted to see how you've been doing? You know you're always welcomed to come by and say hello.


I'm sad the winter festival is gone. I was enjoying all the junk food along with everything else that was happening.


Martha Jones


Would you like to grab dinner or drinks with me some time?

Feb. 24th, 2024


I fear I will never learn how to use all these things properly. There's so much that is new to me. I want to thank those who have helped me. You've been most kind. The stove is so different from the one back home and I did not cook. I have burnt more food than I care to say. I burned a bag of popcorn in the microwave as well. The refrigerator is a wonder! I can easily make cold meat sandwiches that are stored in it.

Next I would like to go dress shopping.


Beaver Tails! Oh my, those are sooo good. Especially liked the one with banana pieces.


You know, there are sometimes I really wish my dog could talk. I'd dearly love to ask him why he's been barking at the coffee table.

My dog is so strange sometimes.

Feb. 23rd, 2024


Imagine to my surprise when I walked through the door of my home to DAVID!!! My dog is here, oh I have missed him.



Hey, sweetheart. I just wanted to see how you were doing. We're getting married next month, and I was hoping you would be at the ceremony with me.


I went to pick up Jack this morning and it looks like he's gone back home. Does anyone want a cat? I don't know what to do with it.

Feb. 22nd, 2024


There is a movie I have found called No One Lives. I plan on watching it to make sure no one lives.

There is also one called Navy Seals vs. Zombies that I feel needs to be watched.


House Filter

I was thinking of taking Judith to that winter festival in town. Does anyone want to make it a group thing ?


My girls are absolutely loving this winter festival.

I'm grateful they're still at the age where they enjoy spending time with me.


Who: Malia Tate and Logan Danvers
What: Just a random conversation
When: Thursday morning
Where: Starbucks
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )

Feb. 21st, 2024



Do you want to go check out the little winter festival that seems to have appeared in town?



Can I spend the night with Laura Friday night?


[Filtered from Yelena Belova]

Hello Madison Valley. This is a topic of the utmost sensitive nature. How do I do the asking of my girlfriend and her dog to come move in with me? I don't want to doing the botching. Is that the saying? I want to be smooth and very cool

So please any suggestions would very much be appreciated. Maybe some cool fireworks, or one of those flashing knobs with all the people doing dances.


Who: Johanna Mason and Inej Ghafa
What: Just randomly meeting
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: The library
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


Lois Lane

Can I ask Leia to spend the night?

Leia Organa

Can you come over Friday night? Maybe spend the night if it's okay with everyone?

Feb. 20th, 2024


[Text to Elena]

Hey gorgeous!

Want to have a Winterlude date?

Follow up I was thinking I could officially move in next month. Thoughts?


It was nice to see something familiar here. Now? We can only hope to see the Lantern Festival as well. The night is always beautiful during the festival.


Who: Zoya and Nikolai
What: A chat after speed dating.
When: After speed dating.
Where: Zoya's apartment
Rating: Low
Status: Closed; Complete

I can’t imagine my life without you by my side, but more importantly I want you by my side as my partner, not just my general and friend. )


I had an enjoyable time at the Lunar festival. It was nice to have a celebration from home.


I really need a day in the gym. I have skipped everyday this week.


Who: Gordon Malloy and Open
What: Running errands
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: Walmart
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~+~ )

Feb. 19th, 2024


Who: Dick and Barbara
What: Date at the Winter Festival Feb 29
When: Early Evening
Where: Winter Festival
Rating: low

A Normal Date is nice once in awhile )


Who: Everyone
What: Winterlude
When: Feb 19-23
Where: A once large, vacant area just outside the downtown limits
Rating: low

Winter Festival )


Who: Chuuya, Damien, Miriam
What: drinking
When: backdated to Feb. 16th
Where: Upstream Brewing
Rating: medium?

Not wine, but certainly not disgusting )

Feb. 18th, 2024


For Hannibal )

Feb. 17th, 2024


posted the day of Nico's arrival

Apparently I am to be trusted with a ward.

Nico di Angelo

Hi. I'm Jet. Where are you?


I fell in the snow earlier and broke my foot.

It's better now. But I am still freaking done with winter. Unfortunately, being a werewolf doesn't help you walk on ice and snow.


So who found someone special at speed dating?


So...there's like, an eclipse coming up. Does that do anything to us?


So they say monsters won't find us and attack us if we use these but I'm not entirely sure I believe them.

Sure is quicker than Iris message, though.

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