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Jan. 6th, 2018


Finn said that if I wrote a message here, people would see it. So, hi. I'm Poe. Just got here.

Back home, I'm a pilot, but Finn tells me that there aren't ships here. I haven't been grounded since I was six and first learning to fly so this is going to be tough.


Hello, Madison Valley.

Thank you. For today. It was nice.


Some people here know me as Raven and some know me as Mystique. I've spent my whole life hiding my true self out of fear, but here, I find that I can truly be myself without worrying about repercussions.

I will answer to either name and you may see me looking this way or not, depending on how I feel that day. But both are me and I am tired of hiding that.

How is the new year treating you so far?

If you're free tomorrow, maybe you can introduce me to more music.

Dec. 24th, 2017


Merry Christmas to all who celebrate.


I'm feeling a little melancholy but not too much. I'm rather looking forward to new adventures in the new year.

But first, Happy Christmas to all who celebrate.


Christmas Eve.

A strange thing to be so far from home. I sincerely believed that I would not be here as long as I have been, but I can’t say I’m unhappy here. This place is the small-scale version of the world I’ve always dreamed of, where humans and mutants could live together openly, and in peace. This is the world as it should be.

See, Erik? My dream was not as hopeless as you believed.

I wish all of you the happiest of holidays.


Dec. 19th, 2017


I apologize for not being on here very much since my arrival. Fred got us a new place and I've been looking for work. I know Fred has plans but I felt as if I could help out in the time being. He says he's close though, so I have sense stopped my job search and gave in to my urges and started Stranger Things.

My other reason for posting this, is that I want to be clear that I have not made it a secret that I am a wizard. I'm sure plenty of you will find that incredibly naive and possibly dangerous, but frankly, I don't bloody care. I have to live with it as a secret back home from those who are not magical folk and I know magic exists in other worlds besides the one I come from.

I would like to offer to use my magic to help those who may need it. I can place protection spells around your homes or on items that hold some significance to you. I'm not as good as some people, but my protection spells will do the job they were intended for. Also, if any other people with magic would like to help, I wouldn't say no to the extra hands. I just feel that instead of focusing on what is missing during this festive time of year in this world, I would give what I can to those who can use it.

Obviously, the spell isn't protection against everything. It won't save you or your loved ones from death or harm forever but it will help impede those who wish ill upon you or accidents that may occur. Magic cannot solve everything but it has its usefulness.


The best way to spread Christmas Cheer, is singing loud for all to hear.


This time of year makes me think of the Christmases Raven and I had in Westchester, growing up.

And how they decorated the campus in Oxford; such a lovely time. The lights and decorations were such a contrast to the cold, misty English weather that it seemed even more magical than it does here.


Do you remember the tree we had the year you turned fifteen? That big tree that reached the ceiling, nearly thirty feet tall? I remember how excited you were that year. And how glad I was to have the gift you wanted most waiting under the tree for you.

Dec. 18th, 2017


Apparently, Ian couldn't handle losing me.

Of course, really, who could?



Daddy's friend helped me and now I can speak English!

I'm so happy!

Who else is making lists for Santa? Everybody said he'd come give presents to me too so I have to think of things to ask for!

I know I want a puppy. A puppy more than anything in the whole wide world

But I can't have a laser puppy because daddy says.

and I.....don't know what else. Help!

Dec. 16th, 2017



It seems that Raven and I have called a truce.


I have never been particularly good with small children, but this is one of the few times of the year that I regret having none of my own. The hope and wonder in their eyes is inspiring.

Dec. 14th, 2017


I have been offered a position as an associate professor of biology and genetics at Hanover College, starting next semester.

It was...quite fortuitous that they so easily accepted my credentials, even without my official Oxford transcripts. Very kind of them, really.


I don’t suppose you would like to earn a little extra money?


Do you have plans for the holiday? And if not, would you like to spend it with me?


Whatever holidays you celebrate this season, I hope you find peace and joy,

Dec. 12th, 2017


Who: Anyone (if not directly invited to the Hanukkah gathering someone could have told you)
What: Hanukkah 1st night gathering
Where: The 100 House
When: an hour after sunset
Warnings: TBD (let me know but shouldn't be)
Status: Open party post

Read more... )



Everyone says that getting a puppy is all up to you now

so can I can I can I?


Dec. 11th, 2017


Blocked from Nina

Hanukkah starts tomorrow at sundown. Nina will expect to celebrate but I haven't really for so many years I hadn't even thought about it. I don't even know if we were raising her to all the traditions. Knowing myself I doubt it but she knows enough I can't skip it.

I will need to do some shopping. And remember how to make Latkes.


[Telepathic Message to Raven]

Would you have lunch with me this afternoon?

[Telepathic Message to Jean Grey]

I wanted to check up on you, and make sure that you're doing alright after that madness a few weeks ago.

[Delivery to Johanna, a single red rose with a note attached]

Thank you for this weekend. ~CX

[Unfiltered Net Post]

The diversity I've witnessed in this place is utterly astounding. It is a shining example of what I've always believed - that with time and with enough peaceful interaction, people with different backgrounds, races, and abilities can live together, in the open, without bloodshed or violence.

It is a beautiful thing.

Dec. 2nd, 2017


[Filtered AGAINST Erik and Raven]

I know Erik has many friends here, and many of them were here when I was here before.

I was hoping some of you might be able to shed some light on what my relationship with him was like before I left. He has told me the basics, but I would like to hear your impressions.


( Erik Lehnsherr and Charles Xavier )

Raven might ask you why she wasn't told.

About me.

Just a warning.



I'm Nina. Bobby showed me how to use the language thingy on the phone so even though I don't talk English people can read this like I did!

Isn't that neat!?!

I'm new here. I like reading books with daddy, animals and latkes.


Dec. 1st, 2017


Who: Raven and Kurt
What: Revelations
Where: Raven's apartment
When: Friday evening
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Jean Grey & Open
When: A bit after leaving Charles's mind
Where: Outside the 100 house
What: Taking a much needed break

She was exhausted. )


Cześć. Mam na imię Nina. Zgaduję, że jestem zgubiony. Czy ktoś mógłby mi pomóc znaleźć moją mamę i tatę? Niektórzy próbowali ze mną rozmawiać i dawali mi coś, ale nie mogłem zrozumieć, co mówią. Ktoś mi pomoże. Jestem tak przerażona.


I need to pay someone to fix a door.


Um, so, I came home and all of Sam's stuff was gone.

This is bad, isn't it?

Nov. 30th, 2017


100 house and X-Men/Mystique

Charles is still unconscious.

Nov. 29th, 2017


Is... everyone quite alright?

Nov. 28th, 2017


[100 house, X-Men]
Some of you probably heard or felt Charles screaming.

Whatever happened he's unconscious and probably going to be that way for a while. I'm taking him home to make sure he's all right until he wakes up.

Charles is hurt, I don't know how bad it is.

Nov. 24th, 2017


Is it unusual in this place to wake up with memories of a time you have not yet lived?

[Jean, Kurt]

I remember you, and how you saved us. I don't know how, but I do.

[Erik, Raven]

I hope the two of you had an enjoyable holiday.

Nov. 23rd, 2017


WHO: ALL MUTANTS, FRIENDS, and open to anyone who doesn't have somewhere to go on Thanksgiving
WHAT: Mutant Thanksgiving
WHEN: Thanksgiving
WHERE: Charles' Appartment
WARNINGS: TBD, let me know
STATUS: Open/Ongoing/Open to Multiples and Cross Threading

~+~+~+~+~ )

Nov. 21st, 2017


The difficult part of starting to cook early for the holiday is keeping your wife and daughter out of what you've already prepared.

Nov. 16th, 2017


I have a question that I'd like to hear people's opinions on. It's okay if you don't know me, I just want honest answers. Okay?

Let's say you had the choice between growing up with powers, or having those powers taken away and growing up normal.

Which would you choose?

Nov. 15th, 2017


( Erik Lehnsherr )

How are you?

Nov. 12th, 2017



You should be able to buy them about Christmas.

Nov. 11th, 2017


( Finn )

Professor X A friend of mine, Charles, invited me and a few other people over for Thanksgiving. He said you are more than welcome to come, if you want.


Although I do not consider myself to be American, I am certain you are all familiar with the statement si fueris Romae, Romano vivito more, or when in Rome, do as the Romans do in its familiar English translation.

Therefore, I will be having a Thanksgiving dinner at my apartment and anyone who has no place to go is more than welcome to attend.

[All Mutants]

It would be an honour to me if you would be there.

Nov. 2nd, 2017


Who: Kurt Wagner and Charles Xavier
What: Kurt and Charles meet.
When: Wednesday.
Where: Charles's apartment.
Warnings: Likely low.
Status: Closed | Incomplete.

... )



You wanna do something this weekend?

And I was thinking we could, I don't know, maybe go on a double date sort of thing with my ex-girlfriend Star and Kurt.

[Star and Kurt]

Heeeey, wanna come on a double date with me and Terezi this weekend?


Halloween was awesome. People thought that the 'fake' fire that I had was super cool.

Nov. 1st, 2017


Since apparently this place is not, in fact, a drug-induced nightmare, it is only polite that I introduce myself.

My name is Charles Xavier. And I must say that 2017 looks quite different than 1970.

Oct. 30th, 2017


Well this is rubbish.

( Star Butterfly and Sam Wilson )

My mother's here and she has no idea who I am.

( Erik Lehnsherr )

Can I have a beer now?


Charles! This isn't funny. Show yourself immediately.

Oct. 22nd, 2017


So glad to be settled in our house. Those apartments really aren't big enough for three people.

Thanks everyone who helped me, Cora, and Peter move.

Oct. 16th, 2017


Who: Kurt Wagner and Finn
What: Finn learns about the microwave.
Where: Their apartment.
When: Monday afternoon.
Warnings: None.
Status: Closed | Completed GDOC.

.... )

Oct. 15th, 2017


( Erik Lehnsherr )

I teleported someone into a building.

It was kind of an emergency situation, I didn't think, I just did.

I don't know what to make of this.

Oct. 13th, 2017


( Finn )

I hear you're out of the hospital.

How are you feeling?

Oct. 11th, 2017


Is there anyone who knows of or is skilled in creating swords. Much as I appreciate firearms and my dagger is always near, I do miss the chance at wielding a sword.

I'm able to pay of course.

Also, for having never celebrated halloween or even having seen pumpkins in real life, I think I did rather well for carving my first jack o' lantern.

Would be too much to give it a name? Since it does have a face.

Oct. 2nd, 2017


I don't know where I am (I've been told "Madison Valley", like that means anything to me), and I don't know how I got here, but what I do know is that I'm in no hurry to leave. Everything that was hard and upsetting about my life doesn't seem to exist here, and I have an opportunity to completely reinvent myself, outside of Declan, outside of Laura - outside of Holly J and Anya and Riley and Adam...

What a night.

Sep. 25th, 2017


Dear Madison Valley, Tulip O'Hare is unimpressed with your fuckery.


( Luke Skywalker )

Hi. My name is Kurt Wagner, and I ran into someone who has heard of you last night. I don't know if you know him, his name is Finn. He's currently in the hospital with some lightsaber wounds, he just arrived last night.

He wanted to meet you, I told him I would let you know he's here.


Who: Kurt Wagner and Finn
What: Finn arrives in Madison Valley, injured.
Where: In town, then the hospital.
When: Sunday night.
Warnings: Low, mentions of lightsaber wounds.
Status: Closed | Completed GDoc.

... )

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