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Oct. 1st, 2021


This place hurts my freakin' brain.

Sep. 22nd, 2021


[Noah Stilinski]

Mr. Stilinski? Are you okay?

I was wondering if you'd like to come over for pizza tonight

[Peter Hale]

Sorry if this is weird I have some photos of Malia that we had printed and framed and stuff, would you like a few of them?

Sep. 20th, 2021


There is a camera crew in my bar, and some annoying loud mouth talking about renovations. I'm just giving fair warning that if they touch one barstool, try to change one drink, I might have to cultivate that reputation my daughter and niece were constantly trying to shove on me.

[White Wyrm Employees]

I need some back up here, if you can get away from things.

Sep. 19th, 2021


[Backdated to the first day of Ren Faire]



[Picture of her posing in a Ren Faire costume with Kaa and she has her left hand up, finders spread, with an excited expression on her face]

[An hour after telling Bo - to Vex, Xander, Hayley, Peter, Dean and anyone else Kenzi is friends with]



Sep. 9th, 2021


Who: Rusty Beck and Peter Hale
What: Well, that's a conversation they probably weren't expecting
When: Thursday evening
Where: Their house
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )

Sep. 2nd, 2021


What does it say about me that the closest thing to a date I've had was a bowl of Lucky Charms with a cranky Leprechaun?

Aug. 31st, 2021


I'm trying to learn to cook.

I made rabbit stew tonight. It's not bad. Needs some salt.

There's a lot of it. So if anyone wants some, you can come by and have a bowl.


I think I like catching the rabbits better than I like cooking them. Maybe you can cook them next time.


I promise it won't make you sick. Probably.


Literally a conversation between me and a customer. We'll call her Karen.

Karen: Excuse me. *snapping fingers* Are you the manager?
Me: No, I'm the owner. Can I help you?
Karen: Oh, good. Yes, but probably no. You can try.
Me: *restraint* What seems to be the problem?
Karen: *HEAVY SIGH* My crawdads were still in the shells. The gumbo was too spicy. And your waiter refused to bring me the wine I asked for.
Me: *cringes inwardly at crawdads* I'm sorry you're unsatisfied, but that's how the crawfish are served. The spice level of all of our items is listed on the menu, and we do not serve alcohol here so my server could not legally fulfill your request for wine.
Karen: *HUFFS* I TOLD him I wanted the spices to be LIGHT!
Me: *reminding self not to gut the customers* It says clearly on the menu that there are no substitutions. However, since you are unsati-...
Me: *grinding teeth* ...I will gladly give you a free dessert of your choice.
Me: Keto?
Karen: Don't correct ME, young lady!
Me: *sighs* I will cover the cost of your meal, but please do not come back. Thank you, have a nice evening.
Karen: ...but I like it here.

Aug. 30th, 2021


[Peter Hale]
So I met Cora face-to-face earlier this month. What do you think about the three of us having dinner sometime?

Aug. 10th, 2021


Who: Lydia, Scott, Theo, and Peter Hale
What: Peter tries to retrieve Lydia’s memories
When: Evening
Where: Peter’s place
Rating: low

Looking for Answers )

Jul. 31st, 2021


Let me just be honest...I am getting way too old for this.

Oh well, just going to go with the flow. So, apparently I need a new job.


[Werewolves and Friends]

So the full moon is on the 22nd this year. I thought maybe we could have some sort of sleepover at our house for anyone who wants to come. Whether you're good with the full moon or not, we could make it into a kind of party where there'll be people there to make sure everyone wakes up safe the next morning.

Anyone interested?


You doing better after our few days locked away together?


You and Cora should be there.


You are not welcome.

[Peter Hale]


Jul. 29th, 2021


As my employees keep coming up with new 'theme' days, I thought I might offer up a chance for the customers to choose a theme day or two.

We'll toss all the ideas in a hat, and winner gets free drinks for that night.

[Chris Argent]
We haven't done a check in lately. Drinks?

Jul. 9th, 2021


Has anyone seen Scott McCall today?

Jul. 4th, 2021


Who: Lydia Martin and Peter Hale
What: Lydia has a premonition
When: Saturday July 3
Where: The White Wyrm
Rating: low

Someone's going to die )

Jun. 9th, 2021


[Beacon Hills people]

Kira's gone. I think gone for good and not the kind where you come back after a few days either.

Jun. 3rd, 2021


[June 4 - 1am 'last call']


I’m talking no more brewskis, no more mommy juice, no more Russian bottled water.



Is there anyway to regain memories if a vampire from your world made you forget?

[Peter Hale]
I might need your help.

May. 21st, 2021


Who: Chris Argent and Peter Hale
What: Drinking to deal with some stuff
When: Friday evening
Where: White Wyrm
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

You're just as sane as I am. )

May. 17th, 2021


Filter: White Wyrm employees, Jesse, Originals people

Ok so I have something to tell all of you. Jesse and Hope know, but they don't get left out just because of that.

I'm opening a restaurant! Not like tomorrow or anything, but I do have the location. It needs some work, so it'll be a little while before it's ready. I'm hoping for 4th of July weekend. We'll see.

Anyway, yay!

Apr. 27th, 2021


I just woke up after last night. I hate the super moon.

[Scott McCall]

We should go to the Beltane bonfire. It sounds fun.

Apr. 25th, 2021


[Beacon Hills Peoples]

We all know it's coming, I'm feeling it already. I'm offering up my place for you to run. 8 acres of land, and I am asking a favor of some people to get the land warded. Up to you, but the offer is there.

Apr. 11th, 2021


[Filtered to Werewolves and friends of Werewolves]

So, there’s a super moon this month?


[Beacon Hills]

Ever since the vault I don’t trust myself for weird things like this. Anyone got chains or a ring of mountain ash for me?

Mar. 20th, 2021


I don’t like Narnia.

People would hate me if I killed rabbits who can talk.

Mar. 8th, 2021


I think my therapist is scared of me. I told her I wouldn’t kill her, so I don’t know why.


I love you. I didn’t want to do this but you were right.


As long as you keep doing what you’re doing, I won’t threaten to kill you. I still hate you but you can keep in living your life as long as you leave us alone.


I’m glad we talked. Can we talk again soon?

Mar. 6th, 2021


[Filtered to Chris Argent, Allison, other werewolves]

Hey. So...I know Derek can change into a full wolf, and I'm wondering if since he's my werewolf sire, I might have that ability too?

I've been trying, but I don't really know how. I've been able to change more than I used to, but nowhere close to all the way.

I'd really love to be able to change all the way for Kate.



Mar. 3rd, 2021


[Scott McCall]

Any special reason for the call of the wild today?

Mar. 1st, 2021


WHO: Malia Tate and OPEN
WHAT: Getting some fresh air (or as much as she can)
WHERE: Starbucks
WHEN: This afternoon
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Feb. 27th, 2021


[Chris Argent & Elena Michaels]
Chris, Elena and I would like to talk to you. Can you meet us tomorrow? Your choice on where, but it's a sensitive topic we'd rather not discuss where other wolves can hear.
[Peter Hale]
I'm coming over tonight.

Feb. 23rd, 2021


[The White Wyrm Employees and Lydia Martin]

My favorite employees, I thought I would let you know that Lydia has graciously agreed to help us out on the green beer holiday.

Now, with that said, I've picked out our costume for the night. Thank you Kenzie for the idea back at Christmas.

Ladies. And for us gentleman

Dean, I plan to have a 'Tip Your Bouncer' sign at the door, since I have a feeling you will be working hard that night.

Any questions?

Feb. 17th, 2021


Who: Lydia M, Klaus M, and Peter H.
What: Lydia scolds Kalus
When: Wednesday Afternoon
Where: The White Wyrm
Rating: low probably

Grumble Grumble Grumbled )

Feb. 15th, 2021


Well, since everyone else is doing it, I need to gush about my very wonderful Valentine's day with Bobby Finstock. He's an excellent cook and a very thoughtful man. I'm grateful he agreed to be my Valentine.

Feb. 13th, 2021


[Backdated to Wednesday]

[Allison Argent]
Before you hear it from anyone else, I'm dating Theo. Stiles took it better than Malia who I'm now apparently dead to, but whatever. I'm not going to be guilted into not dating someone who's been making me happy.

[Theo Raeken]

Stiles took it better than Malia. I'm coming to watch you at fight club tonight. Let me take care of your wounds after.

[Peter Hale]

Is there anyway I can convince you to give me a bottle of booze. I won't even be picky.

[Stiles Stilinski]

Not that this is a surprise, but Malia didn't exactly take the news well. Might need to start meeting under the cover of night now otherwise you end up in her path of destruction too.

Feb. 7th, 2021


Who: Peter Hale & Kitty Norville
What: Spending time at her place
When: Saturday the 6th
Where: Pack House
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed/Ongoing

Not in a life-affirming way )

Feb. 4th, 2021


[Text to Peter Hale]
›› So today got a little intense there.

Jan. 18th, 2021


[Pack + Friends of the Pack]
Hopefully the snow stops soon, but if anyone needs a place to stay or knows anyone that does, I'm opening the Pack house up to them as well. No one should be out in conditions like these.

[Kate + Logan]
I know you two can definitely handle yourselves, but please just be careful.


Snow is the most ridiculous thing. What is even the point of it?

Jan. 11th, 2021


Who: Balthazar and OPEN
What: Unhappy customer
When: Monday
Where: Outside Microdome Computers
Rating: low

Another Day at Work )

Dec. 4th, 2020


[Peter H & Rusty]
So Elena is calling all-hands to help decorate the Pack house for the holidays tomorrow. Peter, you're already being drafted, but Rusty you're welcome to come help out too, if you like. Our incentive is a ton of food we've got to spare.

Dec. 1st, 2020


[Peter Hale and Dean Winchester]

Attention hot co-worker dudes, Hayley and I have decided we're going to challenge Verdant to the most-awesomest-place-to-get-drunk off during the holidays.

You two have been recruited to help and assure out victory.


Being another year older doesn't feel any different.

I mean, I'm still hot and nothing's sagging yet, so I'm good with getting older, I guess.

Nov. 24th, 2020


It was rather rude of this place to send back Stilinski right when I would need to talk to him. And I've given up on him coming back at this point.


You've got a human kid. I've got questions.


Who: Peter Hale & Rusty Beck
What: Dealing with the runaway ward
When: Tuesday Evening
Where: Peter's place
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed/Ongoing

This shit was getting old. )

Nov. 10th, 2020


Where's a decent place to get a drink that doesn't have Nazi bouncers at the door?!

Nov. 8th, 2020


Is there someone who can track this phone for me?

[Pack + shifters/weres]
How's everyone doing? Can you all please check in?
[Peter Hale]
Especially you.


[Chris Argent]

ARGENT. Answer your damn phone.


Uh, I think I lost my inhaler somewhere yesterday. If anyone has found it, can you return it? I sort of need it.



I'd almost forgotten this was a thing that happens.

Which means it's time to check in on everyone I know.

Oct. 26th, 2020


Well, this might be interesting.

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