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Jun. 22nd, 2020


[Filter to Buffy]

Sorry Buf, but I think I've gone and fallen in love with another girl. Was toying with the notion of bringing her home so she could live with us.

Jun. 21st, 2020


Who: Everyone!! (Especially Harry H., Katie M., Merlin, Sonya B., Hermann G., Johanna M., Kendal C., Terezi P., Kitty P., Isak V., Jill M., Usagi T.)
What: Birthday Party!
When: Sunday, June 21.
Where: The Park

... )



My dear lady, I would very much like to meet you and get to know you better.

Would you have time for lunch?



I know that this day must be hard for you without your uncle here so I would like to invite you out somewhere to distract you.

We can also just go out into the main room and try to figure out that television thing and DVD player and watch films and order food.


Adad (Elrond)

This place is odd as it only has one day to celebrate fathers. But as we are in their world, I would like to give you celebrations on this day.



I know you're not actually our father, but you are our guardian and it seems today is a special day for male guardians and fathers so I hope it is a good day for you.



How are things going?


[Delivered to Nick Fury]
A framed picture of Lyra hugging him at the feast in Amber, with a card that reads, "Happy Father's Day, "Dad". - NR


( Nick Fury )

Thank you for being my guardian. You're a better father to me than mine ever was.

Happy Father's Day.


[Filtered to Anakin]

I know it is an Earth holiday, but I want to wish you a Happy Father's Day. Luke was like a father to me and Leia a mother. Obi-wan is in in great hands with you and Padme.


[left for Phil at the breakfast table]

[a fresh made from scratch breakfast, fresh made coffee, a small succulent that looked like a rose, a small gift and a note]

I love you. Thank you for being an amazingfather. Let me know what you want for dinner!

💚 Klara

Jun. 20th, 2020


It's so weird to stop and realize that I've been here long enough to be turning twenty-two.

I was very decidedly nowhere near that when I got here.

Jun. 19th, 2020


Whoever cares, I managed to find the bank and got a replacement of my debit card. It's got like $60 on it, which is like totally unfair but whatever.. I guess that means I get to work...

So like what kind of jobs are out there? Like actually good jobs that aren't completely ew.


Seems someone's not got enough to do here and has taken it upon themselves to leave food for me on the stoop numerous times.

Next go if you could throw some booze in there as well I'd be much obliged.


I have tried not to panic or be nosy but it's been more than 48 hours and it's not like her to miss work.

Has anyone seen Ruby?


So I think I've done everything there is for someone my age to do here. And some things that I got away with Can we have another portal? One that opens to like Bermuda or Fiji? I'd settle for the south of France at this point.


Who: Sabrina Spellman & Kenny McCormick
What: Satan's buddy meets Satan's daughter
When: Friday afternoon
Where: Downtown
Warnings: TBD
Status: Incomplete

OMG they have candy apples! With sprinkles! )

Jun. 18th, 2020



Leadership Retreats are evil incarnate.


Who: Kate & Logan
What: returning to MV
Where: in town, near the fountain
When: earlier today
Warnings: spoilers for Wolf's Bane and Wolf's Curse
Status: closed/in progress

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Primrose and Katniss
What: Spending time together
When: Thursday afternoon
Rating: TBD
Status: Closed; Incomplete

It had been a while since they spent any quality sister time together. )



Back home... thank you.


Hey Madison Valley. I'm back.

How long was I gone? What'd I miss?


Who: Phil Coulson and Open
What: Working and thinking
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: The casino
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~+~ )



I saw about-
Fuck. I'm not good at emotional bs. Shit. Asshole, Jess. Such an asshole.

Before you decide to go pick a fight at a bar by yourself, why don't I just save you the bruises and the jail time?



Hey. I saw the post about Piper.

Jun. 17th, 2020


[Prue Halliwell & Paige Matthews]
I don't know if you've seen it yet, but Piper was sent home. I'm heading over to talk to Kristof and make sure he and the kids are okay. Can one of you check on Melinda before you join me?
[Poe Dameron]
I'm going to be late tonight. One of my sisters was sent back.


Who: Hermann Gottlieb and Daisy Johnson
What: Dinner and conversation
When: Wednesday evening
Where: Daisy's apartment
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

I only celebrate achievement )


Who: Sonya Blade (and Cassie) and Lottie (and maybe a Susan cameo? ;))
What: Random encounter
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: The park
Rating: Low, will update if that changes

The richness I achieve comes from Nature, the source of my inspiration. – Claude Monet )



I just saw your dad's post. Do you want to go over there, or go by yourself? Or just hide out my place?


I was hoping this was something I'd never have to say, today or any other day, but it looks as though Piper is no longer here.

The kids, however, still are.

I'm going to be taking a few days off while I start dealing with everything.


[Wanda Maximoff + Steve Rogers]
I just talked to Valkyrie. I'll be moving in with her this weekend.


Even after all this time it feels strange to wake up and not have my people to watch over, a village to run or the responsibilities I had had. This place still feels like a dream.

I miss the big guy, and Thor, and norns I would even be happy with Loki to punch

Jun. 16th, 2020


Who: Jordan Two Delta and Max Evans
What: It's them, so... lots of awkward and adorable
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: All Good Things Soaps and Such
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


Looking for song recs, but I decided to put a spin on it.

Post your name below and others can reply saying what song they think is the ultimate you song, or a song that they identify with you. Bonus points if you link to the actual song.


Who: John Murphy and Octavia Blake
What: She's finally meeting the kids
When: Tuesday evening
Where: His place
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Ianto Jones and Hermann Gottlieb
What: A German and a Welshman meet in a bar
When: Backdated to Sat the 13th
Where: Lou's
Warnings: drinking
Status: Closed/Ongoing

It takes years of practice. )

Jun. 15th, 2020


( Ianto )

What would you say to me making us dinner tonight?


That was a delightful diversion from the tedium of life here.

I got you a gift.


Nothing quite so thrilling as being chased through a City and then a forest you don't even know by at first sailors then hell-hounds. Portals never cease to be exciting.

even that guy, Julian, his blade left a mark that's taking forever to heal

Jun. 14th, 2020


Who: Sabrina Spellman & Balthazar
What: The daughter of Satan and an Angel of the Lord go for a walk in the woods...
When: June 14
Where: The Forest of Arden
Warning: TBD but probably just some Hell vs Heaven snippery
Status: Closed/Complete

Stop me if you've heard this one... )


Who: Melinda and OPEN
Where: Madison Valley Cinema
When: Sunday afternoon
What: Melinda is working on flier and movie schedule for her event she is hosting while at work.
Status/Rating: Incomplete…OPEN/PGish
Warnings: None

This is going to be a fun event )

Jun. 13th, 2020


I was sitting at home this evening, reading and drinking a very nice whiskey, when I came to a very startling conclusion.

I've gotten boring. I'm not even thirty yet, and my life has become boring.

I think I need to rectify this.


Who: Dorian Pavus & Ned
What: A necromancer wants pie and tea
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Madison Valley Tea House
Warnings: Who knows, probably none
Status: Closed/Ongoing

Everything is beautiful. )


Who: Belphegor and Mia
What: Hanging out
Where: The rooftops
When: Evening
Rating: Low

”Drinks, )


Who: Daisy Johnson & Penelope Garcia
What: A meeting of the minds
When: Sunday morning
Where: Starbucks
Warnings: None?
Status: Closed/Ongoing

Some times Starbucks was a busy place. )


Who: Kendal Crane & Colin Ritman
What: Confusing run in with a crazy guy
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: All Good Things Soaps & Such
Warnings: Colin.
Status: Closed/Ongoing

What's that you said to me? )


Who: anyone
What: a feast
When: all evening
Where: Amber, the castles great Hall
Warnings: let me know
Status: open to all

a time to eat! )

Jun. 12th, 2020


Who: Elsa and Qrow
When: Friday evening
Where: Local small cafe
What: Having a much needed talk
Status: Closed; Incomplete

Having a much needed talk. )


Found this small wig around the house. I don’t remember where it came from, but I put it on one of my cats. I’m high as fuck right now and I can’t stop laughing.

I’m bored. Let’s go check out the portal for a bit.


Who: Natasha Romanoff + Steve Rogers
When: After his arrival
Where: Wanda’s farm
What: Reunion and some fluff
Status: Closed | Completed Gdoc

That minute had taken a helluva lot longer than expected. )

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