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Dec. 20th, 2020


Who: Hayley and Max
What: Mistaken identity
When: Just before this
Where: Downtown
Warnings: None
Status: Completed Gdoc

Tidings of comfort and ouch )


Who: Daisy Johnson & Open
When: Sunday Afternoon
Warnings: TBD
Status: Open/Ongoing

Yer a wizard, Harry )


In case you've missed it because you've been dazzled by holiday lights and present buying, there's a portal.

To Hogwarts and Hogsmeade. If anyone is looking for me, I'll be shopping. And charging it all to the family accounts.


WHO: Noelle Lange & John Constantine.
WHAT: Proof of magic.
WHEN: Sunday afternoon.
WHERE: Magic Alley.
WARNINGS: Some possible slight language from Noelle. Otherwise, TBD.
STATUS: Closed / Ongoing.

* * * * * )


I've been here nearly two years, and they feel as though they've just flown by. I never thought I could be as happy as I am now.


[Beacon Hills]
Since there are so many of us here, I think we should all get together Christmas eve. How about here at my dad's house?

Dec. 19th, 2020


Это абсолютно невыносимо! Who is responsible for this? Those imbeciles are lucky I left them alive.


What the actual fuck?

And tell me, Watson still isn't here, is he?


Who: Jesse Custer and Hayley Mitchell.
What: Jesse provides Hayley with tequila.
When: After this.
Where: Jesse's house.
Warnings: TBD.
Status: Closed.

... )


Someone remind me again why I'm not allowed to punch stupid customers? At Walmart, even, not my job!

Dec. 18th, 2020


Man, I never want to wait until the last minute to Christmas shop again. Luckily enough, I was able to get everybody on my list. I just finished wrapping, so it is snack time....all the running around and wrapping has me starving. Anyone want to join me at Hinkles for a burger?


Jesse Custer/Note for Hope

Hey. Can I see you?

ETA: a note left on Hope's pillow

I'm going to be out all night. Don't worry. I'm fine, and I have a babysitter. Love you! Mom


Who: Shadow and Wesley
What: Brief run in
Where: Library
When: 12/18 - Afternoon
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed

Even with Mad Sweeney being around, he didn't mind it. )


[Vanessa Van Helsing & Axel Miller]

I wanted to extend an offer just in case you two don't have plans for the holidays, but if you want, you're welcomed to come over for the day?


Who: River Tam and Ronan Lynch
What: Meeting
Where: Magic Alley
When: 12/18 - Evening
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed

He was different. Human, but not. )


[Mom, Sam, Adam, Lisa, Ben, Castiel]
Are we doing anything for Christmas?

[edit:] looks like dinner at our place!


[Wanda & Clint]
So what's the plan for Christmas. I assume you have a few traditions already in this place?


Who: John Sheppard and Ronon Dex
What: Ronon takes Sheppard to Hinkles
Where: On the way to Hinkles
When: Pick a day, any day mid day
Warnings: None
Status: Closed, Complete

After you, Chewie )

Dec. 17th, 2020


Who: Sonya and Veronica
What: Dropping off gifts and visiting
When: Backdated to Thursday afternoon
Where: Veronica's house
Warnings: Hopefully low, let me know if this changes.


( Klaus Hargreeves )

You. Me. Tonight?

( Poe Dameron )

Still up for a little fun in bed?


Are you free on Christmas Eve to attend a work party? Also, I think we should go out one night.

Dec. 16th, 2020


Who: Everyone!
What: Food club!
When: Wednesday, December 16.
Where: The community center.
Warnings: Hopefully low, let me know if this changes.

... )


Filtered to WAMM

Hey everyone! In case you haven't yet, I wanted to make sure you all got a chance to meet Wes. He's one of the founders of WAMM and a very good friend, so I'm thrilled that he's returned to town and will be rejoining us.

Wes, you know Faith, but we've also got Jessica Jones, a PI from New York, Leo D'Amato, an FBI agent from Neptune, Chloe Decker, an LAPD Detective, and Shawn Spencer, a Psychic Detective from San Francisco.

Would you all want to do a Christmas dinner together? Maybe on Christmas Eve? You'd be welcome to bring significant others, family, etc.


Private to Isobel

Got a Christmas wishlist you're willing to share?


Who: Penelope Garcia and Penny Kirkman
What: Wrapping gifts
Where: Their apartment
When: Wednesday afternoon
Warnings: probably not
Status: closed/complete

~+~+~+~ )


Who:Ned and Theo Crain
What: Meeting
Where: Madison Valley Tea Shoppe
When: Wednesday afternoon
Warnings: probably not
Status: closed/complete

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Chloe Decker and Trixie Espinoza
What: Baking cookies
Where: Their house
When: After school
Warnings: tbd
Status: closed/complete

~+~+~+~ )

Dec. 15th, 2020


I have become addicted to coffee and Cookie Crisp.

( Balthazar )

I need to know what you want for Christmas.


(*If you think you are, you are)

What does everyone want for Christmas?

You'd better tell me, otherwise you're getting a dead rabbit in a bag.


Who: Pietro and OPEN
What: Running around | Enjoying the sights
Where: Around the city
When: 12/15 - Evening
Warnings: TBD
Status: OPEN

It came with the joy of being one of the fastest guys in Madison Valley. )


Who: Kate Danvers and Stiles Stilinksi
What: Christmas shopping
Where: Gifts That Last
When: Tuesday after school
Warnings: unlikely
Status: closed/in progress

~+~+~+~+~ )

Dec. 14th, 2020


This is so weird. I guess technically today would be my 40th birthday, but honestly I don't think I'll live long enough to get to the real one.

So who's buying me a drink tonight?


So this is going to be my first Christmas. I'm kind of excited about celebrating it like the mortals do.

But I still think Toronto is a more Christmassy city.

Dec. 13th, 2020


This has to be some sort of weird dream. There's no way I'd willingly go to some random town no one's ever heard of.

If it is a dream, it sure feels real. And freezing cold. Does this place have a store other than Wal-Mart? Last time I checked, it was June, not almost Christmas.


It's different. Stuck somewhere in the past, but that's okay. Seems a bit better here than before, when the whole gorram place was terraformed.

I'm looking for a man in a hat. Name's Max. My brother's not here to take care of me, they said that he could.


I can honestly say I have never had any such desire to visit Indiana. I have found that in general, America is much crowded and loud.

When I return to Bulgaria, I will have notes made of what the Portkey here is exactly so I might avoid a return trip in the future.

Dec. 11th, 2020


Um, so, I think I went a little overboard with my shopping.

K-Mart hasn't even put hers out yet. )

Dec. 10th, 2020


It's weird to be here for Christmas. Not that I ever really celebrated it back in South Park, but it's still a time to be with family and friends, which are all in South Park.

I miss Tweek and Stripe #5


Who: Anna Latham& Mad Sweeney
Where: Homebrew
When: Late evening
Warnings: TBD?
Status: Closed, In progress

Sometimes friendships were built on strange things )


Who: Reileen & Garin
What: Dinner Date
Where: Her place
When: Evening
Status: in progress, closed.
the songspire sent soft chimes across the air as she ran her fingers over it )


Who: Everyone!
What: First night of Hanukkah celebration!
Where: Shosanna's apartment.
When: Thursday, December 10. Evening.
Warnings: Hopefully low, let me know if it needs changing.

... )

Dec. 9th, 2020


( Raven Darkholme )

Will you help me find a present for Terezi? I'm at a loss.

I'll help you shop, too.


Christmas is coming up and I have not even went shopping yet. I know what to get my siblings of course, but its for the other people that I am trouble thinking of gifts for. I might just go tomorrow and do some shopping since I have the night off from work.

I need Christmas ideas for you and Scott. Anything special you want?


Who: Chris Argent and Nyssa al Ghul
What: It's them being them, okay?
When: Early Wednesday morning
Where: By the river
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )

Dec. 8th, 2020


Since we're all sharing how we decorated for the big ole C-Day. Thank you, nail gun and superglue.

That cat just showed up a few days ago, I think it ate Big Tony the squirrel. That's what I get for leaving every single window in my apartment open the same day I made a tuna casserole.

Good kitty. Bad Wade.


Did we want to make plans for Christmas or Hanukkah? Or should we just plan for something at New Year's? Jedikiah and I were talking about going out of town for Christmas, but that was before most of you came back.

Dec. 7th, 2020


Who: Adam Parrish and OPEN
What: Christmas shopping
Where: Walmart
When: 12/7 - Evening
Warnings: TBD
Status: Open

What did someone get the guy who had everything at his fingertips? )


Nice to know I haven't completely lost my touch when it comes to decorating. Even though it is on a way lower key than last year.


Who: Mitch Morgan and Open
What: Trying to sort things out
When: Monday evening
Where: The cafe attached to That Book Place
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


The Santa in front of the Walmart ringing his bell for charity followed me a few blocks today. I know because I heard him ringing that stupid bell a few yards behind me almost all the way back to my apartment. When I turned around ready to deal with his nonsense... He was gone.

No, I'm not paranoid or on the crack.

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