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Jul. 25th, 2017


Who: Phil Coulson and Melinda May
What: Conversations about Certain Things
When: Tuesday evening
Where: His office at work
Warnings: Talk about AU things
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )



Now that everyone is awake, I am hoping that everyone who is interested will come over for a picnic this Saturday afternoon. I promise there will be plenty of food and drink, and quite a bit of dessert. Please come and bring all of your friends. Everyone is welcome.

[Private to Kit]

I do hope you don't mind, my love. I only wish to see everyone in better spirits.

[Private to Thor]

I would like to personally request your presence, my friend. I wish to see with my own eyes how you are faring.


Who: Piper Halliwell and Kristof Nast
What: Discussions
When: Tuesday Afternoon
Where: Their home
Warning: TBD (possible mentions of au things)
Status: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~ )


That was...interesting to put it nicely. I'm just glad Clarke did not have to experience it.


Has anyone seen a really fast guy? Goes by the name of Barry Allen?


So, that was fun. In a way that was not fun at all.

I think we need a community party to just...chill.

I feel like the hound is clawing at my throat. Not a good feeling, and I don't know what to do about it.


WHO: Luke Castellan and Billy Batson
WHAT: Billy and Luke talk about stuff
WHEN: Recently
WHERE: Midtown
STATUS: Closed and Ongoing

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WHO: Adamus and Sam Goode
WHAT: Sam seeks out Adamus
WHEN: Recently
WHERE: A cafe
STATUS: Closed and Ongoing

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Oh look. Everyone woke up. Color me surprised.

It's about time. I was getting real sick of Miss Mary Fucking Sunshine crying about her troubles. Thank god someone got rid of her so I could actually get some sleep for once.


WHO: Bobbi Morse and Phryne Fisher
WHAT: Working out
WHERE: The Park
WHEN: Tuesday morning
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )


WHO: Marina and Kitty Pryde
WHAT: A random meeting
WHEN: Tuesday
WHERE: Near the clinic
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )


WHO: Kili and Madge Undersee
WHAT: Sweets
WHEN: Sometime Tuesday
WHERE: Random Store
STATUS: Closed and Incomplete

Sweets for the Sweets - Or Something )


WHO: Thor and Nora
WHAT: A friend stops in to help Thor try to deal with the loss of his love and his best friend on the same day.
WHEN: The evening of the day on which Maria Hill and Pamela Barnes vanished.
WHERE: His house
WARNINGS: Snuggling, crying?
STATUS: Closed and Complete

Thor was really starting to think that this town hated him. )


WHO: Jem Carstairs
WHAT: Thinking and working
WHEN: Monday night
WHERE: At his center
WARNINGS: Talk of addiction
STATUS: Complete Narrative

~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Jul. 24th, 2017


Who: Sonja Belikova, Natalia and OPEN
When: Monday morning
Where: A park
What: Finally relaxing

~+~+~+~+~ )


Who: Briar and Maya
What: Face time
Where: Park
When: Tuesday
Warnings: Will update if necessary
Status: Closed

Read more... )


Sam W.

You know, the next time you go into a coma. Remind me to kick your ass.


Being one of the few who was actually here when Angel went bad, I think one of the worst parts of this whole thing was seeing how it really could have come true.

We were close to it becoming true.


All this public talk of vampires is making me twitchy.


If anyone is injured, or needs healing, I would be glad to help.


Too bad this place didn't put me in a coma. I totally would have killed all the vampires.


Even though I was in a coma, I still feel so tired.

Thanks, Al, for being there when I woke up.


So everyone's back to normal? I hope?

Not really into the whole evil Madison Valley angle.


So, sorry about going into coma land there at the end. I know I freaked a few people out.

Seriously fucked up place there.


Who: Adam Milligan and Sam Winchester
What: Discussions
Where: Clinic, at least to start
When: Tuesday
Warnings: Talk of AU Plot things
Status: Closed

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I'm really happy that everyone is awake, but I can't be the only one that has that feeling that things are different? And I really don't like that feeling. Like my stomach is just in constant knots!

It sounds like people were there, right? In this other world?

If I was there, I hope I didn't hurt anyone. I'm very sorry if I did.


Identical but separate texts to Daisy Johnson and Darcy Lewis

Texting from Midtown )


Can the dome stop fucking with my family now? I'd appreciate it.


WHO: Bobby Drake and Lorna Dane
WHAT: Talking, hanging out
WHEN: Tonight
WHERE: Her place
STATUS: Closed and Ongoing

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I'm done with alternate realities.


So that was one of the weird things I hear about happening here huh? Gotta say the random, mysterious coma thing isn't really something I expected. I mean it's like a really bad case of one of those outer space flu things that went around.

You know with less bleeding out the eyes and flop sweats and that sort of thing.


Where is Kate? Bishop. She's supposed to be here. Where is she?

[Annie, Tom]
Thank you. For taking care of Eve. She was with me in the other place.


I am glad that's over.

You need anything? I know the last few days have been tough for you. You need anything let me know.

You gave us quite a scare. You okay?


I've seen terrible things thanks to the work of my brother, but I think that place would have given Lex a few nightmares.

Thank you for watching over so many of us. I imagine that was a difficult time for you, but it was appreciated.

[Alex Danvers]
I can't imagine It must be troubling (Nothing sent)

I had suspicions Why didn't you tell me about (Nothing sent)


My mouth tastes like I sucked on like a ton of pennies. Ew.


Yeah, I definitely do not want to do that again. Dawn, everyone, are you guys okay?


Everyone's awake, right?? Everyone's okay?


Are you okay? Oh my god you had me worried.


WHO: Talia Hale and OPEN
WHAT: Having a cup of tea
WHEN: Today
WHERE: The Attic
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )



Why am I in the clinic?


Who: Stiles Stilinski and Scott McCall
What: Stiles is awake
Where: The Mason-Stilinski House
When: Mondat
Status: Closed

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This place just keeps finding ways to get weirder.


Um, so, right. I - I mean, you're a wonderful girl and I really care about you a lot...as a friend...


Who: Katniss Everdeen and Ash Lynburn
What: Talking about post coma things
Where: Their house
When: Monday afternoon
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Tefe Holland and Octavia Blake
What: O is awake
Where: The 100 House
When: Monday
Status: Closed

Read more... )


Who: Kara Danvers & Bucky Barnes
What: Talking about AU Madison
Where: Their room
When: Monday morning
Warnings: probably references to torture and death
Status: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~ )


There is not enough mouthwash in the world


Who: Stilinski and Maggie
What: Talking and such
Where: The Mason-Stilinski house
When: After Maggie's come home from the clinic
Warnings: Will update if necessary
Status: Closed

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I've died, been Lucifer's vessel, I've gone to hell, I've been without my soul, and I've had Lucifer torment me from within my own mind. I've gone back in time and met my parents before I was even born, I met my grandfather when he was younger than I am now, but that coma? That coma and what I saw on the other side is right up there with the weirdest things I've ever experienced.

Dean? You okay? Sara? Thank you. For everything. I love you, and I'm not afraid to say it where everyone can see.

Brother Adam? How're you, Finch, and Katie? We should get together soon.

Roommate Adam? You good? How're the kids? Star, Marco? Sorry, I know I gave you another scare. I'm really okay now, though.

Tea? Hey, sis. We should hang out soon or something, somewhere that isn't the clinic.


*filtered to over 18*

[Video post because Sonya's too worn out and irritated to type. She's still in her bed in the clinic, and when she speaks, her voice is hoarse and it's clear that the only thing giving her energy is adrenaline.]

Where's my daughter?! Is she alright...did she fall into a coma as well?

This dome could fuck itself sideways.


Timed to last night, late

They're awake! They're all waking up!

Jul. 23rd, 2017


What the actual hell.

Merlin's in a coma now.

How is this possible.

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