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Jun. 22nd, 2017


A girl can only take so much before she breaks and I'm just about there.


WHO: Chloe Sullivan and Merlin
WHAT: Merlin visits her in the wake of her sunburning, and there is flirting, healing, and storytelling.
WHEN: The day she was hurt
WHERE: Her place
WARNINGS: Flirting, and mentions of long ago deaths and violence
STATUS: Closed and Complete
It was a day of magic, geeks, and sunburn. )

Jun. 20th, 2017


( Merlin )

...did you do this?

I don't know much about magic so I don't know.


WHO: Merlin and Raven Reyes
WHAT: A meeting of sorts
WHEN: Recently
WHERE: At a cafe
STATUS: Closed and Complete
Some days bring joy and oddness. )

Jun. 18th, 2017


*for once-because everyone's doing it*

My father was Major Blade in the US Army. When my brother and I were seven, he went MIA on a mission..he was declared KIA when we were ten.

I'd like to think he was a good man. His brother and sister-in-law helped raise us and he was motivation for me to join the military.

Cassie's father..he's an annoying idiot who doesn't know when to shut up, but he's my 'idiot who doesn't know when to shut up. He's also doted on Cassie since she came out of me, so I count myself lucky.


Sent to Lucifer Morningstar

Delivered by courier )


My dad sucked.

If any of your dads suck or aren't there for you, I'm your dad now. Cmon sport let's grill footballs.



I find with each celebration of parents, I am looking forward more and more to meeting my son. I wish the happiest of Father's Days to all of the fathers here in Madison Valley.

[Private: Kit | Ella]

Especially to you, my husband. Happy Father's Day.


Does anyone have a spare room where I could crash for a couple of days?

Jun. 17th, 2017


Well fuck. Guess who forgot her own birthday?


I...saw something I can't explain.

I don't know how -

But it's impossible.

Things like that aren't real.


So today is my wriggling day birthday.

I accept any gifts that are red.

Jun. 15th, 2017


video post *closed to Merlin*

[The feed shows Sonya in Cassie's room, a deep, tired frown on her face.]

Merlin, I know you're there. Your name's still in the register. Pick up, damn it.


I decided to work remotely from the park today. It's just as easy to debug someone's OS from there making use of available wifi as it is from the office. Well, that's all well and good...but next time I'm going to remember the SPF 2000. Aloe vera please!

Jun. 14th, 2017


Is it just me or is there always something weird going on here? Like, I've had faceless marshmallow aliens before, but this is like... Pretty frequent, the weird crap.


Back in Haven, I was chief of police and headed The Guard. I'm familiar with possible threats, but also helping others maintain a sense of safety.

So if you might be looking for an extra person walking with you at any time, I'm happy to help when I can.


WHO: Luna Lovegood and OPEN
WHAT: Making the choice not to be afraid
WHEN: Wednesday morning
WHERE: Downtown
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Jun. 13th, 2017


Someone remade Footloose? Whatever the hell for?

Also, what is all this killing and hurt people and all that going on? I don't remember Earth being this crazy when I was here.

Jun. 10th, 2017


WHO: Bellamy Blake and OPEN
WHAT: Getting drunk or getting laid, he doesn't care which
WHEN: Saturday night
WHERE: Lou's
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Jun. 9th, 2017


I got my first paycheck at the Circle K today. It feels really weird that I get to keep the money instead of putting it in the squirrel fund. I've never had this much money just for myself before.

Somebody tell me what to do with it before I waste it all on cigarettes and beer.

Want to go out and help me spend some of it?

Jun. 7th, 2017


WHO: Merlin and Annie
WHAT: A meeting and tea
WHEN: After this conversation.
WHERE: the tea shoppe
STATUS: Closed and Complete.
Read more... )

Jun. 3rd, 2017


Okay, very funny.

Now what's really going on here?

Jun. 2nd, 2017


Right, so delivering pizzas isn't nearly as glamorous as what I did back home, but it does feel pretty awesome to get the kind of tips I get.

Especially when people tell me that the pizzas they get from me are hotter than the ones they get if they eat there.

Have to bite my tongue to keep from telling them that I'm more worried about them catching fire than getting cold.


WHO: Terezi Pyrope and Merlin
WHAT: TZ gets a new guardian and moves in
WHEN: Friday afternoon
WHERE: Merlin's place
STATUS: Closed/Completed gdoc

* * * )

Jun. 1st, 2017


I'm still a fucking ghost!

Where's Eve? Where's my happy ever after??




Again. She's gone again.

I am so done with this place.

May. 21st, 2017


Weed has a friend now. Name suggestions?

May. 19th, 2017


WHO: Merlin and Lissa Dragomir
WHAT: Going for a walk
WHEN: Tonight
WHERE: The park
WARNINGS: PG, brief allusion to self-harm
STATUS: Closed/Completed Gdoc

~+~+~+~+~ )

May. 14th, 2017


Who: Nora Valkyrie and Merlin
What: Nora is bored on Sunday.
When: Sunday, May 14.
Where: Starbucks.
Warnings: Likely low.
Status: Closed | Incomplete

... )

May. 13th, 2017


Filtered from Lucifer and the under 18 crowd

So...Lucifer's on scene.

yes, that one.

Says he's retired and all that. He did retire back where I'm from but he's still a prat.

Just figured I'd let people know and get the initial reactions out of the way.

I'm looking at you Winchesters.


Oh this is brilliant! Honestly! A hard nod of approval for whoever created this place. And you invited me! I can't tell you what a relief it is to be removed from LA. Truly!

Now. Where can I get a thousand dollars worth of alcohol?

May. 12th, 2017


Ugh finals week. Just kill me now.

May. 6th, 2017


Who knew it took so long to decide on an apartment? And here I thought you just went looking, found one, and moved in.


I realize that I haven't actually introduced myself since arriving here.

My name is Lissa Dragomir. I am a Moroi vampire. But don't be afraid! We are born this way, and never kill our feeders. In fact, we only feed from those who volunteer for the job. And then we only take a little and they are perfectly fine afterwards physically.

One thing that we do have different from other vampires is that each of us has a form of magic. Usually it's related to the elements, although mine tends to be a little different, and it is also quite rare. My magic is called Spirit, and it allows me, among other things, to bring back to life those who have recently died, and to restore Strigoi to their former selves. I am also incredibly good at compulsion and can manipulate people's minds easily

There is no need to be frightened, and I hope nobody will be. We are just like everyone else, really.


Why would people kidnap people in Madison Valley? Don't they realize there's nowhere that they can go and that the people are eventually going to find them? And it won't be good when they're finally caught.

Especially if the prisoners aren't perfectly okay. Do you think they'll be perfectly okay?

Oh, I do hope so.

May. 3rd, 2017


WHO: Draco Malfoy and Merlin
WHERE: Bonnie Belle restaurant
WHEN: May 3
WHAT: Match-Up! Draco talks to Merlin about getting a dinner for him to take home
STATUS: log; on-going; MATCH-UP

... )

May. 2nd, 2017


Is it too early to drink? Because I am in need of one.

May. 1st, 2017


As lovely as the sunshine is, it also means that I have to stay inside during the day more in the summer than in the winter.

It's sad, really, because it truly is lovely.



Any news? I'm coming over.


Are there any May Day celebrations around here? Because there should be.

Or do they even have Maypoles anymore?

Apr. 28th, 2017


WHO: Merlin and Methos
WHAT: Strange Encounters between the feminine enchanter and the barbaric immortal
WHEN: Friday
STATUS: Closed and Complete when posted
Read more... )

Apr. 19th, 2017


Is it weird that I kind of feel bad that I don't have a future child visiting?

Apr. 18th, 2017


It must be so strange for the children to see their parents so young, and in some cases not even considering dating.

I hope it doesn't upset them too much.

Apr. 13th, 2017


You sleep with a guy for a couple of weeks and suddenly you have a five year old. Time sure does fly!

Her name is Roxy and she's the cutest thing in the world. Is she here for good?

Apr. 12th, 2017


Is anyone having an Easter dinner this weekend?

I thought maybe I might go to church, if anyone else was going, and then maybe join some friends for dinner. Or an Egg Hunt for the little ones. Or both. I'd be glad to help organize one.

Apr. 10th, 2017


Who: Tea and Merlin
What: Dateish thing
Where: Out
When: They never picked a day so sometime last week?
Warnings: Most likely going to be R towards the end

Read more... )


Such is the way of societies, to make ties that bind;

WHO: Phryne Fisher and Merlin
WHAT: Remeeting, months later
WHEN: Recentlike.
WARNINGS: None anticipated, but TBD
STATUS: Closed and Ongoing.
so that all those who feel them will be by them confined. )

Apr. 7th, 2017


I can't believe I'm actually typing this.

I need some time with actual adults outside of work.

Is there anyone looking for a night of cardgames, poker or anything? Nothing fancy, no hidden motives, just time spent with people over the legal age.

On that note. I'm also looking for someone to babysit Cassie, hopefully with the slim chance that the next word she learns isn't a four letter one.

Apr. 6th, 2017


Oh, I wish I was a little bar of soap, bar of soap!
Oh, I wish I was a little bar of soap, bar of soap!
I'd go slippin' slippin' slidey over everybody's hiney!
Oh, I wish I was a little bar of soap, bar of soap!

I'm in a good mood.

Apr. 3rd, 2017


So, who here likes to punch people in the face?

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