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Jan. 4th, 2017


I'm so bored with the ladies in this town. You hear me, dome? Bring me some lesbians. Hell I'll even take bisexuals and girls that don't know what they want. Maybe not trans though. Gotta draw my line somewhere.

Dec. 28th, 2016


Who decided to let me watch a scary movie alone?

Dec. 21st, 2016


Who: Everyone and Anyone
What: Lydia Martin Presents: Holiday Party
When: December 23rd
Where: Old Market on Main
Warnings: TBD
ooc: Posted a couple of days early to give plenty of time while everyone is holiday busy!

~+~+~+~+~ )

Dec. 18th, 2016


I'm going to try and use this little box thing to communicate.

Dec. 17th, 2016


Filtered to anyone 18+ and Weiss Schnee

I am in need of a guardian, as is my friend Weiss. We're both 17 so we won't need one for long...

Anyone want to care for two girls for a few months?


Today I had Egg Nog for the first time.

It's really quite disgusting, isn't it?


I need to talk to you.

Dec. 11th, 2016


I've read about this!

But I never thought it would actually happen to me. How lovely!

They said it was 2016, which means that I am...32? Except not, because I haven't actually lived all those years, you see. I'm actually still just twenty, I think. Which is good, because I have a lot I want to do in those twelve years.

My name's Luna Lovegood. I'm pleased to meet all of you. Isn't this just brilliant?

Dec. 7th, 2016


To Kili's Friends

[If you think your character is a friend of Kili's, then they probably are and feel free to say they received this message. Uhm, Mason and Erik (since he works with Kili!) probably REALLY need to see this. :D]

It has been brought to my attention that there is a great wizard around named Santa Claus who has much magic. I would like to know more about him and perhaps journey to meet him as I have many questions and a request that he bring my brother back from the Halls of Mandos to live here in peace and comfort. Perhaps he can bring my uncle Thorin and Bilbo, as well.

Dec. 6th, 2016


I am unsure what this place is or where I am but part of me is glad to be here. It is a little easier to breathe away from the mountain though the heaviness on my heart has not eased.


I am not sure what the person at the supposed coffee shop sold me, but I do not think that coffee in any world is supposed to taste like this.

Dec. 3rd, 2016


Gossip of the week? OMG!? I heard it through the grapevine? Loose lips?

Yeah still can't come up with a good name for this thing.

The whole town seems to be on on some sort of drugs. I mean raccoons stealing your food to wash it? Geometric shapes? What's next dreaming about being fed by a bird stuffing a worm down your throat?

This just in someone has more time on their hands than I do. Oh the humanity, make it stop!

People come and go and it sucks that it's all outside anyone's control. This is all.

Warning. There may be an outbreak of gothic Christmas decorations which actually could look pretty cool. I say go for it.

I can't actually report on this on pain of ugly things happening to me but go say a belated birthday to a beautiful lady.

Someone is doing some FABULOUS decorating. Gotta love a color scheme.

Um...I might actually have to go excuse myself after reading this history lesson.

Someone was here long enough to have a baby. Good thing that sort of thing only happens to folks like him in bad fan fic.

Go pick a side in the great tree debate of 2016

New gelato, there's an incredibly perky red head looking for you to come taste her dessert...and not in a bad like that sounds way. Seriously, go buy things.

And apparently someone takes
tree hugging to a whole new level.

New arrivals to town:
Looks like someone is back that was here before but once again without remembering. meet Tom

I know we have others but I haven't gotten names or anything yet so stay tuned.

And the less fun portion of the gossip, those who've left:
Tom Branson
John Jaqobis
Jessica Jones

If you have any parties coming up that you want to put out blanket invites to let me know, or you can send me gossipy tidbits for things I don't know. Which isn't a lot I'll warn you now.

Dec. 2nd, 2016


We have new gelato flavors! Thanks to everyone who came and helped us clear out the pumpkin gelato.

The new flavors are:

Grand Marnier, Dark Chocolate Peppermint and Eggnog. This on top of our traditional flavors.

I wish Elsa was here to make it really festive

Next week we will also be having lots of kids activities including smores making and a mini snowman gelato competition to see who can make the best snowman out of gelato!

Dec. 1st, 2016


HAPPY DECEMBER :D This is the second best month. Because Christmas :D

AND. Not only did I get another cool present today, I also get to STAY HOME from school!

Because we're decorating today!

Crazy!Dad is the best :D

PS. Liam get my homework~!

Nov. 29th, 2016


Free Gelato!

Yes, that is right. Today and tomorrow I will be giving away the last batches of our pumpkin flavored gelato to make room for some winter themed ones in December. So just come down to the shop and every person can get one free cup of it!

Nov. 28th, 2016


Thanksgiving was lovely, although it's still hard for me to look at all that food and think that it was just for the two of us. My father was the Mayor of District Twelve, and even we never had meals like that.

I know I need to stop comparing everything to Panem, but it isn't easy to stop thinking of your home...even if it is gone.

Nov. 25th, 2016


I just wanted to thank everyone who came to the shop and enjoyed a Thanksgiving meal with me. I hope you enjoyed it, whether it was the turkey or the pizza!

((Feel free to say your person showed!))

Nov. 22nd, 2016


Did you know that there's a telephone number that you can call and they will answer any question you have about baking a turkey?

They're very nice about it, too.

It might be good for those of you (like me) who have never done this before.

Nov. 15th, 2016


WHO: Sydney Sage and Anna
WHERE: Out on the streets
WHEN: Nov 15
WHAT: A run-in. Literally.
STATUS: matchup; complete

... )

Nov. 13th, 2016


Thanksgiving is fast approaching and I wanted to invite anyone who doesn't have a place to go, you all are welcome to come by the shop. While we won't be open for gelato or ice sculptures, we will have turkey and ham and stuffing and mashed potatoes and even some non-traditional food, like pizza and burgers and salad!

Just let me know if you are coming, or drop in. I'll make sure there's enough food!

Oct. 19th, 2016


Who: Pietro and OPEN
When: Mid October
Where: Costume Store
What: Trying to work out what to pick
Rating/Warnings: TBC
Status: Open/Ongoing

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ )

Oct. 12th, 2016


What are you doing for Halloween?

I might eat all this candy before the kids do.

Oct. 4th, 2016


I was going to stay home and watch a movie.

Without alcohol.

Two out of three isn't bad, right?

Anyone care to join me?

Oct. 1st, 2016


WHO: Barry Allen and OPEN
WHAT: Practicing running
WHEN: Saturday morning, early
WHERE: By the river
WARNINGS: TBD, likely low
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Sep. 25th, 2016


I have loved having the fair here. It has been so nice to just go and have fun and let loose!

Sep. 15th, 2016



I'm still looking for one or two people who would love some part time work in the evenings and weekends. It's not bad work and it can be a lot of fun! Please please please come see me at Heimr Àrnadalr and we can make magic happen.

Also, I need some volunteer taste testers. With the cooler temperatures, I'm hoping to add some hot drinks - hot chocolate especially. I would love for some people to come in and taste a few different varieties and let me know what you like and don't like about them.

Sep. 14th, 2016


WHO: Anna and Pansy Parkinson
WHERE: Heimr Àrnadalr
WHEN: Thursday afternoon
WHAT: A chance encounter at Anna's store
STATUS: MATCHUP! In progress, incomplete

... )





Sep. 12th, 2016


So, hey, Madison Valley.

I've been reading the network a lot over the past week or so since I got here, and it looks like Kara is totally right - people totally don't hide the fact that they're...well, werewolves or witches or vampires or you know, any of that. Or that they have superpowers. So...I guess there really isn't any point in me hiding it, either, is there?

So, um, here goes.

Hey. I'm Barry Allen. And I can run. Like...really fast. Like, not Olympic sprinter fast, but really fast. I broke Mach 3.3 on my own and they're pretty sure I can go way faster than that.

Here's a video of me I made with my phone running downtown to give you an idea.

So, um, hi?


I'm beginning to learn here that no matter how much pain your heart may be in, you can still pretend to live a normal life.

Sep. 2nd, 2016


I just want to find someone that will love me. Each time I think I do, they end up leaving.


My name is Kara Zor El. I'm from the planet Krypton and I was sent to Earth after the destruction of my planet to look after my baby cousin, Kal-El. Unfortunately, I got stuck in the Phantom Zone for twenty four years and by the time I made it to Earth, he was no longer a baby. I was adopted by the Danvers family and spent the next decade living a pretty normal life.

Last year, my sister was on a plane in trouble and I decided that I needed to use my gifts to save her and everyone else on board. The media dubbed me Supergirl and I'm now the hero of National City. I've kept all of this hidden since my arrival here three months ago, but for some reason, I feel compelled to share this morning.

[Alex & J'onn]
I'm sorry. I don't even know why I'm writing all of this but I can't seem to stop myself from posting it.

Aug. 29th, 2016


My store is in need of a full time and part time person who may be looking for employment. Cash handling, scooping and lifting somewhat heavy items is the routine here. Oh, and a positive attitude is a must. And maybe even a love of chocolate - but that's not entirely necessary.

Just come by and see me at Heimr Àrnadalr anytime.

Aug. 25th, 2016


I know how Molly Wingwald in 16 Candles felt when everyone forgot her birthday now.

Aug. 23rd, 2016


WHO: Anna and John Murphy
WHERE: Heimr Àrnadalr
WHEN: Wednesday, August 24th
WHAT: A random meeting
STATUS: MATCHUP in progress; incomplete.

... )

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