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Nov. 5th, 2016


I can waitress again. Thank God. I thought I was going to get fired or something with how horrible I was during whatever was going on.

Oct. 30th, 2016


Is my kid going to be affected by this when he or she is born?

Oct. 29th, 2016


Oh my GOSH!

This is so exciting!!!

I have MAGIC!!!

I didn't realise it until I got this wand, but I can do MAGIC!!

No wonder you'd do anything for it Ash!!! This is amazing!!


It seems that I, too, have been affected by whatever is going around.

I can no longer shift into a wolf, although my strength and reflexes seem unaffected.

I did toast my bagel this morning without bothering with a toaster, though.

Although perhaps 'toast' is the wrong word, as it ended up a pile of ashes.

Oct. 25th, 2016


There's some news Kristof and I have been sitting on for a little while now, and we're ready to share it with everyone.

Sometime in May, there will be another tiny addition to the Madison Valley population. We'll be expecting a baby girl most likely if she's the same person we met last year.

We're very happy.

Oct. 24th, 2016


before her log with Jane

I am so ready for Halloween. I actually have a costume picked out, finally. Now as long as tradition doesn't hold true, I'll enjoy the hell out of the holiday. Though, I know my luck. Someone will invade and ruin the party.

That's just how life goes for me.

Oct. 22nd, 2016


I found this thing on the internet and it looks like fun.


Here's some rules:

+comment with your name.
+respond to others
+use the heart meter below to tell others how you feel
+don't forget your hovertext!
+have a grand ol' time

Yay fun!


Oct. 15th, 2016


To the woman who was looking for pregnancy costume ideas, I think your name is Angie.

Here is a ton of ideas.

Oct. 14th, 2016


Costume ideas to work with my ever growing belly? I'm half way through now and that's kind of crazy.

Oct. 11th, 2016


This time of year in my home was pretty exciting. With so many kids we were decorating, getting costumes ready. That sort of thing. Being the oldest I helped Mom take the little ones around to beg for their sugar high. I never thought I'd say this, but I miss my brothers and sisters. Except for Daniel because he turned into a douche.

Oct. 4th, 2016


I was going to stay home and watch a movie.

Without alcohol.

Two out of three isn't bad, right?

Anyone care to join me?

Sep. 25th, 2016


Any ideas what I should name my new kitty?


WHERE: The Fairgrounds
WARNINGS: Who knows?


Sep. 22nd, 2016


The fair is back! I can't ride anything but I'm going to use being pregnant as an excuse to eat everything I see.

Sep. 20th, 2016


Plans made for Halloween: Check
Place started to be cleaned up for said plans?: Check

Too soon to be excited about it?
Nah. Never too soon for Halloween.

And I do have another reason to be giddy all get out. But that's for me to know.

Sep. 19th, 2016


*private to Angie-dated to their anniversary*


In light of this being a full year since our marriage, I thought it was time to bring in another addition to the house hold besides a child.

*sends attached picture*

The shelter said her name was Glam, but there's nothing to say we can't give her a new name!

Sep. 12th, 2016


So, hey, Madison Valley.

I've been reading the network a lot over the past week or so since I got here, and it looks like Kara is totally right - people totally don't hide the fact that they're...well, werewolves or witches or vampires or you know, any of that. Or that they have superpowers. So...I guess there really isn't any point in me hiding it, either, is there?

So, um, here goes.

Hey. I'm Barry Allen. And I can run. Like...really fast. Like, not Olympic sprinter fast, but really fast. I broke Mach 3.3 on my own and they're pretty sure I can go way faster than that.

Here's a video of me I made with my phone running downtown to give you an idea.

So, um, hi?

Sep. 11th, 2016


Well, at least I'm not spilling truths this weekend. It's already better than last week.

Sep. 7th, 2016


Who: Lily Evans Potter and Angie McAlister
What: Matchup
Where: The Musain
When: Wednesday afternoon
Warnings: probably not
Status: Closed/Complete

~+~+~ )

Sep. 3rd, 2016


Every day I wake up hoping Junior doesn't show up and ruin the life I've built here. He'd probably kidnap me again until I say I'll leave my husband for him.


I dreamed last night about my wedding. Only it wasn't Glenn waiting at the end of the aisle. It was Stilinski. And...and it's not such a bad dream. I kind of like it. I mean, I'm not anything or anywhere close to thinking about marriage, to Glenn or Stilinski, or anyone. makes sense.

Stilinski has been a friend to me from the first time we spoke. And I care for him a lot. I could see me falling for him. It's already happening. Wow. It's really happening. I'm starting to live again.

Aug. 24th, 2016


My professors are so accommodating when it comes to my morning sickness. Thank God or I would have to have to throw up in the middle of class because I couldn't be excused.

Feb. 16th, 2016


Just out of curiosity, how many people would choose to stay here if given the option of staying or returning home?

Nov. 13th, 2014


Who: Athelstan and Open (multiples welcome)
What: Arriving from a canon update
Where: Riverside
When: Thursday afternoon/evening
Warnings: TBD
Status: open/ongoing

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