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Jan. 1st, 2017


It's New Year's now, and I'm 100% sober.

Where's the fun in that?

Dec. 23rd, 2016


Harry and Tessa

I'm ok.

Dec. 22nd, 2016


Who: Molly Carpenter and Barry Allen
What: Finding Molly
When: Tuesday Night (backdated)
Where: A Perfectly Filthy Alley
Warnings: PTSD Molly
Status: closed/incomplete/continues in comments

Everything hurt, inside and out.* )

Dec. 16th, 2016


Who: The Rag Lady and Batman
What: A Confrontation
When: Thursday Night
Where: Out
Warnings: Deep Dark of the Souls
Status: closed/completed gdoc

The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out/When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi/Troubles my sight.* )

[*William Butler Yeats – The Second Coming]

Dec. 14th, 2016


Who: Molly Carpenter
What: Return the Rag Lady
When: The wee hours of Wednesday morning
Where: Molly’s apartment then out
Warnings: PTSD/violence/vampires/mental instability
Status: Narrative

Oh cold, cold, rigid, dreadful Death, set up thine altar here, and dress it with such terrors as thou hast at thy command: for this is thy dominion!* )

[*Charles Dickens – A Christmas Carol]

Dec. 13th, 2016


Who: Molly Carpenter and Barry Allen
What: Schmoopiness with Chinese Food
When: Tuesday Night
Where: Molly’s Apartment
Warnings: Cuteness Overload no doubt
Status: closed/incomplete

And as we watched for Christmas ghosts/The fire held the shadows close.* )

[*Lyrics: Trans Siberian Orchestra – The Music Box]


People are killing trees to make their houses pretty?! Then throwing them away?!

I should cut those people off at their feet and decorate them and let them see how it feels!

Dec. 9th, 2016



Hot Chocolate
Candy canes
Sugar cookies
How the Grinch Stole Christmas
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation


Dec. 6th, 2016


WHO: Molly Carpenter and Harry Dresden
WHAT: A visit from ex-padawan to ex-master, now friends
WHEN: Recent!
STATUS: Closed and Ongoing
Domesticity, thy name is Dresden? )

Dec. 5th, 2016


It's not too late to come in and get your portraits for the holidays.

Thanks to all of you who have come in so far. I'm having a great time helping you capture your memories.

Dec. 3rd, 2016


I'm going to get some things to holiday up my apartment. And hope that it keeps me from getting depressed A small tree. Multicolored lights. Things like that. I miss the Christmases at home. Not just Chicago, but at my parents. They always went all out.

I have a favor to ask. Personal favor.

Hey you. Would it be creepy of me to ask what you want for Christmas?

You. Christmas list. Now.

Dec. 2nd, 2016


WHO: Jace Herondale and OPEN
WHAT: Being discovered
WHEN: Friday evening
WHERE: Not far from Wendy's

~+~+~+~+~ )

Nov. 27th, 2016


Text to Barry )

Nov. 25th, 2016


I've never (that I remember) been here for this American celebration of Thanksgiving. I have to admit that it was quite pleasant - food especially. But then we're all asked to be thankful for the things that we have. I know I am thankful for Tessa and Jem and getting a chance to be here. To live a life I never would have otherwise.

[Private to Jace]
How are things going now?

[Private to Tessa]
Some times you put thoughts in my head I can't escape. Now I am thinking about kids...


[Barry and Kara]

Thank you for having me for Thanksgiving dinner. It was all very tasty!


So...what are you doing today?

Nov. 23rd, 2016


Who: DC folks/other friends/etc (if you want to figure out an invite, let me know)
What: Thanksgiving Dinner
Where: Kara's apartment
When: Thanksgiving
Warnings: TBD (poke me if I need to update)

~+~+~+~ )

Nov. 21st, 2016


who: tera west and molly carpenter
where: harry and tera's place
when: afternoonish?
why: because!
rating; tbd
status: inprogress, mind the typos. broke hand coming through.

it was about time )

Nov. 19th, 2016


I can live on very little, but not on nothing. Is there any way to earn money around this place without taking on a pathetic mundane job?

Nov. 17th, 2016


Harry Dresden

Hey. We've been invited to Kara's for Thanksgiving by her and Barry. If you want to follow through on us destroying a bird together that's fine. Barry said he could come by and you can meet him. Or we could go to Kara's and possibly eat edible food!

Nov. 15th, 2016


So if I promise to bring an extra turkey will someone invite me to their Thanksgiving?

I've never been alone on Thanksgiving before. And I think it would suck.

Nov. 13th, 2016


It's chilly enough for a hot chocolate. And apple pie. Dutch apple pie. And maybe waffles. With strawberry syrup. Yum!


I got kissed.

Nov. 6th, 2016


People should learn not to ask things of me unless they want to hear the truth.

Nov. 5th, 2016


Who: Molly Carpenter and OPEN Barry
What: Molly needed a drink
When: Saturday Night
Where: Verdant
Warnings: TBD
Status: Open/complete

Remove the plank from your own eye. )


So here's a question.

Why did Madison Valley bring Shadowhunters here at all? There's absolutely nothing for us to do here. It seems that it wants to force us to act as Mundanes.

Oct. 31st, 2016


WHO: Molly C and Harry D
WHAT: Harry goes to help Molly during the Power Swap weirdness
WHEN: During the plot
STATUS: Closed and Complete
Answering the call )



I can be bribed with chocolate to NOT tell everyone how old you are.

Oct. 29th, 2016


Who: Bruce Wayne and Molly Carpenter
Where: Molly's apartment
When: Backdated Thursday night
What: Checking on Molly
Warnings: talk about genocide and death
Status: Closed

Read more... )

Oct. 27th, 2016


i cant

there's nothing there

everything is unraveling breaking apart pieces and pieces thoughts far flung

i dont remember where i am

Oct. 25th, 2016


I'm a fan of minimalist Halloween costumes but I haven't figured this year out yet.

Kind of almost want to watch Fantasia again, just for some nostalgia of the last Halloween I spent in college.

Oct. 13th, 2016


Who: Will Herondale and Molly Carpenter
What: Molly comes to collect something and Will isn't prepared for company
Where: The Carstairs/Herondale flat
When: Thursday afternoon
Status: Closed and In-progress
Warnings: Naked and unconsciously flirtatious Will....

_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_ )

Oct. 12th, 2016


Everyone is dressing up at school for Halloween, but I don't know what to go as.

Oct. 11th, 2016


This time of year in my home was pretty exciting. With so many kids we were decorating, getting costumes ready. That sort of thing. Being the oldest I helped Mom take the little ones around to beg for their sugar high. I never thought I'd say this, but I miss my brothers and sisters. Except for Daniel because he turned into a douche.

Oct. 2nd, 2016


I've never been a fan of October. Strigoi could easily blend in with the thousands of people pretending to be vampires this time of year.

Why anyone would want to pretend to be a Strigoi is beyond me. There's nothing romantic about them.


WHO: Adamus Sutekh and Molly Carpenter
WHAT: Pizza and Netflix
WHEN: Sunday afternoon
WHERE: Adamus's apartment
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Oct. 1st, 2016


I have found a job working as the systems admin for a small law firm's network. Thankfully, it won't require me to interact with too many people. I'm afraid I'm not terribly good at that.


How are you? I haven't spoken to you in some time.

Sep. 28th, 2016


It's strange, having settled in here. Realizing how long I've been here. How happy am here.

It's not a big city, like I was used to, but dying changes your priorities, I suppose. And I'm absolutely okay with that.

Sep. 27th, 2016


I really would like to get back to Gotham now. But apparently this isn't something that will be solved quickly so...I suppose no one needs the CEO of a Fortune 100 company.

or Batman

Sep. 22nd, 2016


Thanks to the magnificent understanding of Tessa I am now gainfully employed! This is a red letter day! I don't have to live on the streets! And I was getting used to sleeping in a real bed again! Yay me!

Sep. 18th, 2016


So...can't say I'm a small town kind of guy. I'm more of a fan of the night life myself.

Sep. 16th, 2016


Guilt is one of those things that just doesn't go away.

You'll think you're fine one moment, then it'll come slamming down on you the next. And I have so many things to feel guilty for. And things that I feel guilty that I don't feel guilty for.

Sep. 14th, 2016


Who: Molly Carpenter and Tessa Gray
What: Pseudo Interview
When: Wednesday
Where: Tessa's
Warnings: None
Status: Closed/Incomplete

If this didn’t work out she didn’t know what she was going to do. )

Sep. 7th, 2016


Private: Tessa

Hi. My name is Molly Carpenter. I was told that you run Right at Home, and that I should talk to you about a job. There isn't a lot of jobs I can do because A. my magic blows up technology, except for this phone which is weird and B. I have...episodes...and nightmares. Sometimes. But I think I'd be really good working with the elderly. I'm the oldest of a lot of kids and I helped take care of my siblings. I thought about working with kids, but I need something calmer. I think.

Sorry. I'm rambling.

Anyway...what do you think?

Sep. 3rd, 2016


I've had a crush on this guy for a really long time. Now I have a chance with him except all I can think of is that I helped him commit suicide. And he died while I was left with a gunshot wound in my thigh and a psyche that was shattered like a rock got thrown through it. So now I'm here. With him here and alive. And he noticed my boobs. Finally. But he was dead and I helped with that so now I'm all screwed up. Again.

Sep. 1st, 2016


One thing I learned from living on the streets: How to make money stretch. I'm going to put a dent in it tonight. Maybe all weekend. I don't know. Holiday weekend. I'm going to approach it with no plans. See what happens. All though usually that ends up blowing up in my face so that could be bad. I don't know.



Hey...can we talk?

Aug. 26th, 2016


Who: Adam Vasic & OPEN (multiples welcome)
What: Hanging out
Where: Lou's
When: Friday night
Warnings: TBD
Status: Open/Ongoing (if people want to make this a party post, feel free)

~+~+~+~ )

Aug. 22nd, 2016


Finding Molly

Who: Harry and Molly
Where: an alley
What: Harry seeks and finds Molly
When: After this.
Warnings/Rating: TBD
Status Closed and Ongoing

Read more... )


voice in my head
a name

I don't know any Erik

couldn't sleepnightmares

I don't know where I am

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