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Feb. 25th, 2017


Does anyone want to do some shooting in the woods tomorrow?

I was thinking of taking my bow out but I'm open to anything.

Feb. 23rd, 2017


Filter: Nat, Bruce B, Steve R, Coulson

Has anyone spoken to Thor in the past few days?

Feb. 20th, 2017


Who: Maria Hill and Thor
What: Waking Up is Hard to Do
When: Monday Morning
Where: Maria’s House
Warnings: Nudity, etc
Status: Closed/Incomplete

She was turning down a god. Only Maria. )

Feb. 16th, 2017


Working late today. I have some dry cleaning I need for Veronica's thing tonight. Could you pick it up for me?

Are you registered anywhere for wedding gifts?

Feb. 13th, 2017


Emergency manicure. Tomorrow is Valentine's Day and I know Thor. He'll have something planned.

[Natasha and Bruce]
We'd like you to come for dinner this weekend.

Pick up more milk on the way home if you're going to drink it all in the morning. Also, I told Natasha and Bruce we'd like them to come for dinner this weekend.

I have never seen so many fights between "couples" than I did today at work. What the hell is going on?


WHO: Thor and Maria
WHAT: Relationship bliss/confusion
WHEN: This morning
WARNINGS: mentions of adult subjects, and sheer utter fluff
STATUS: Closed and Complete.
Some mornings were perfect... )

Feb. 9th, 2017


Peter Hale

You might want to check on Malia.

Feb. 6th, 2017


[Maria Hill]

Look, I suck at this but....

Sorry for acting like a jerk. You were being really nice.

Feb. 5th, 2017


Private to Jem & Tessa
Alright - I admit it. I lost the list Jem made for me about everything I had to remember. Have either of you seen it? Jem, um, might you have time to reassist me with it?

Private to Zee

I think - after our week of testing - that we should go with the city space option first. After sitting down and looking through things, I think that will give us the most flexibility and interest the first round. We should though, work on some monster options for it. And I definitely think we keep it a secret until the first clients show up.

Derek Hale

The materials for the front office space to be built will be delivered this week. I think I remembered everything on the list. If not, I'll go back. Also a couple of blokes volunteered to help, would that help or hinder your efforts?

People interested in being a trainer at Terrain Training
If you were interested in being a trainer, can you contact me here? I managed to lose the list I had made of names and specialties. We're working on some ideas and want to know what you would like to train others in AND what kind of terrain you might like to see. So ideas below. If you're interested in being trained, look for that post next month.


Who: Superbowl Party (OPEN to all)
What: Maria has to cheer for the Falcons
When: Late afternoon Sunday
Where: Her house
Warnings: TBD, please let me know if I should lock
Status: OPEN/incomplete

The sound of helmets smashing together and manly grunts. )

Feb. 4th, 2017


So apparently, I'm a bitch.

Feb. 2nd, 2017


Superbowl party. Sunday. My place. Food and beverages will be provided, but BYOB would be appreciated. NO NUDITY!

Jan. 27th, 2017


Who: Maria Hill and Derek Hale
What: Random Run-in
When: Friday Night
Where: Out
Warnings: Low
Status: Close/incomplete

And she thought New York City was cold. )

Jan. 24th, 2017


Who: Peter Hale and Maria Hill
What: Catching up
Where: Lou's
When: Backdated to Saturday night late
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed/incomplete

Read more... )

Jan. 21st, 2017


Who: Methos and Maria Hill
What: Random Run-in
When: Saturday Night
Where: Lou’s
Warnings: Low
Status: Close/incomplete

Maria had a Saturday night to herself. )

Jan. 17th, 2017


[Filtered against Allison]

So, speed dating's over, but Valentine's Day is coming up way too soon.

What do you get the girl who has everything she needs to kill you, when you're a little wary that she might find reason to stick them in you? (Hey, she's done it before).

Jan. 13th, 2017


[Public; filtered away from Jane]

Has Foster left her lab since this time last week or eaten anything substantial?

[ooc: the answer is she pretty much just leaves to be there to see Lindsay off to school every morning with breakfast and then goes back to her lab, where she lives off crackers, pop tarts and coffee. lots of coffee. food dropped off for her gets nibbled at and then forgotten, and she'll have been brushing off anyone's concerns about her by saying she's just busy with work, she's fine.]

Jan. 2nd, 2017


Who: Maria Hill and Melinda May
What: Couple of Badass Chicks Catching Up
When: Monday evening
Where: Lou’s
Warnings: Doubtful
Status: OPEN/ongoing

Clever Song Lyrics Here* )

Dec. 28th, 2016


I'm looking forward to the New Year. It's going to be a good one, I think. I hope, at least.

Dec. 25th, 2016


So for those who know myself and Bruce, I believe it would be appropriate to let you know that he proposed to me this morning and I, of course, said yes.

I never imagined I would become engaged but I can't seem to stop smiling now that I am.

I hope everybody has had a wonderful day.

[ooc: Nat would have let Clint, Steve and Bucky know the news before this post]

Dec. 22nd, 2016


Who: Peter Hale and Maria Hill
What:  Peter's in a mood
When: Right after this
Where: Her place
Warnings: not really
Status: Completed Gdoc

Read more... )

Dec. 19th, 2016


WHO: Thor Odinson and Maria Hill
WHAT: Drinking and reconnecting
WHEN: The later evening after this and this
WARNINGS: Who knows with these two?
STATUS: Closed and Ongoing
Strange Meeting on Strange Earth )

Dec. 18th, 2016


Greetings, Madison Valley inhabitants! It seems I've been abducted to live alongside you, and to experience this odd imprisonment. I will do all in my power to make it a pleasant one, and to aid those of us who wish to leave do so, as soon as possible.

I like this place!


Oh, I have been told, also, that some of my comrades are here.

Darcy? The Captain? Son of Coul?

Doctor Banner? Widow? Archer?

Bucky Who is the Captain's Friend?

(ooc: All answers will come after a delay.)


[Filtered to the MCU Folks]

Has anyone seen Loki? He's supposed to be dead but [EDIT] As a ghost!

[Jane | Darcy]

So, I'm looking after this kid now. Lindsay. She got placed with a family in town and I told her she could stay with me. Did I tell you that already? I feel like I might have, but I've been buried in work trying to figure out the ghost thing. Or at least, the rhyme and reason to it.

[Jane | Ty]

Do you and Axl want to come for Christmas?


The bank called me this evening. I've been approved. I bought a house.

Dec. 16th, 2016


Hey Malia's back.

Hey she has no idea who I am.

Fuck you Madison Valley.

I'm reconsidering that offer of beer earlier in the week.


Madison Valley?


Dec. 14th, 2016



Your girlfriend didn't show up for training this morning. Is everything ok?


Malia went home.

Dec. 12th, 2016


Am I the only person in this town that hasn't decorated for the holidays?

Dec. 9th, 2016


I'm trying to decide what to ask Santa for this year.

Any suggestions?

I mean, I don't need weapons because I have my teeth and claws, I don't need a boyfriend, I have plenty of clothes...

I mean, I guess knives would still be nice and stuff for curing the rabbit skins?

Dec. 7th, 2016


Uh... can anyone explain to me what the hell is going on here?

Dec. 6th, 2016


It looks like Abby is gone. We were supposed to have lunch and hang out in the lab this afternoon and she never showed. My messages bounced back, so.

I guess it's good she's back home with Connor.

Nov. 26th, 2016



I've missed Christmastime. There isn't any other time of year like it.


Filtered away from Fitz

So apparently Jemma went home. Fitz is a mess, understandably, and he has their daughter to see to. I'd like to organize Project Uplift where a bunch of volunteers help out with getting him groceries, meals, baby needs, make sure he's eating and sleeping, etc.

Who's in?

Nov. 25th, 2016


Didn't think I'd be saying this, especially not now. I don't want to be saying it.

Jemma's gone home.

Nov. 23rd, 2016


Who: MCU/friends/whoever else wants to come (there were two open net invites)
What: Thanksgiving Dinner
Where: Bruce & Nat's house
When: Thursday (posting early)
Warnings: TBD (poke me if I need to update this)

~+~+~+~ )

Nov. 21st, 2016



My name is Maria Hill. Malia may have mentioned me to you as I am attempting to train her in martial arts. Allison Argent suggested I speak with you.


I've already started prep for Thursday's dinner. I have no idea how many people we're actually expecting, but I'm planning to feed around 50.

Nov. 20th, 2016


I'm thinking we're overdue for an open mic night at Verdant. How does Black Friday sound?

Nov. 19th, 2016


[Kara and Barry]

Harry and I will be happy to join you guys if the offer's still good.


Is this like a dress up thing?

Nov. 18th, 2016



What are you doing for Thanksgiving?

[Bruce and Nat]

Is it okay if I bring a +1 for Turkey Day? If he's interested.

Nov. 13th, 2016


Who: Allison Argent and Maria Hill
What: Training
Where: The woods
When: Sunday
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed/in progress

Read more... )


Apparently my loving daughter is going through the take me up on my offer to teach her more about being what she is again. It didn't last long last time but it means she might be around. Just fair warning since she's no retiring violet about trying to tell people what they should do.

I'm going to try to give Malia lessons again, I want to ask you about shifting completely.

Nov. 12th, 2016


[Filtered against Arthur]

So I literally talked a guy off a ledge tonight - or at least I thought I did. Turns out he thought he was in a dream or something and if he jumped he'd wake up.

[Filtered to S.H.I.E.L.D. and allies]

So, this dream sharing stuff he told me about. Could be dangerous. Maybe we should keep an eye on it.



I think you should buy me lunch and then do that training stuff we were talking about.


Are you still going to help me?


I need your help.

Nov. 5th, 2016


Minnesota sucks. Nothing good comes out of Minnesota. Nothing. Ever.


So my birthday's in a few weeks. It'll be my second birthday here. Last birthday I turned eighteen, I guess that means I'll be nineteen now.

It feels like I should be doing something with my life. I mean, these are supposed to be my best years, yeah? Before I know it I'll be old and ugly and have nothing left to do but die.

Nov. 1st, 2016


For the first time in all the years I've been here, I can do this. This is awesome.

It's my sister's birthday

And? Awesome timing, she can't just turn invisible and hide.

Sue, you're going to hate me so much today.

Oct. 31st, 2016


WHO:Maria and Cameron
WHAT: Cameron goes to help Maria out with her nail situation
WHEN: Recently
STATUS: Closed and Complete
Agents of beauty. )


Sue and Pepper*

I'm going to kill Barton. I shot that damn spider!

Also, we have a private nail stylist.

[*ooc: yeah, yeah...reply using one account]

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