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Dec. 16th, 2017


Filter to 18+

Kids are hard. I feel awful that I basically crushed my niece's spirits by telling her the truth.

Any advice on how to make Christmas awesome even though she knows the truth about Santa now?

Dec. 14th, 2017


I have been offered a position as an associate professor of biology and genetics at Hanover College, starting next semester.

It was...quite fortuitous that they so easily accepted my credentials, even without my official Oxford transcripts. Very kind of them, really.


I don’t suppose you would like to earn a little extra money?


Do you have plans for the holiday? And if not, would you like to spend it with me?


Whatever holidays you celebrate this season, I hope you find peace and joy,

Dec. 11th, 2017


Who: Bruce Banner and Newt (also open to Liz Evans and Thomas)
What: Giving Newt a medical exam
Where: The Clinic
When: Saturday night after this and this.
Warnings: probably references to violence and illness
Status: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~ )

Dec. 10th, 2017


[Clinic staff]
Okay, guys, heads up. We're enacting plague protocol -- we've got someone with a world-reaching contagious disease who just arrived and no current way to cure it.

I know it's not the thing we wanted to be dealing with two weeks before Christmas, but it's what we've got.



[backdated to last night]

Work emergency. Not sure when I'll be back. Go ahead and head home if you want to.



I just got a text from Stuart that one of my friends from home has arrived. Stay where you are. Please don't go out tonight. Please. I'll explain later.


Guys, I'm not wanting to cause a panic but one of my friends from home has apparently just arrived and he's infected with the disease that wiped out most my world. Is there any way you can set up some type of Quarantine? I'm immune, so I can get him there but I need a place to bring him.

Dec. 8th, 2017


I love school but it would be so much better if we didn't have to go if it was Friday and our birthday and it's almost winter break!

Like me! Every December 8th!

It was so hard to be in school all day today I couldn't even concentrate in English and that's my fave!

Dec. 4th, 2017


I'm looking forward to winter break.

Dec. 1st, 2017


Um, so, I came home and all of Sam's stuff was gone.

This is bad, isn't it?

Nov. 29th, 2017


Is... everyone quite alright?

Nov. 27th, 2017


Okay for all you people getting trees. If you can't be bothered to buy a live one to replant after the holidays or a fake one at least let me help your poor cut off murdered tree. I can help it make new roots and make it a living tree as long as it isn't too far gone.

I will help it and I will take it and plant it after the holidays so you can have your decorations and you can stop aiding and abetting the murder of the innocent.

Nov. 23rd, 2017


Filtered to mothers, both young and old

This was a rather taboo topic in my time, though I’ve found that it is much less so in this one. Therefore, I’d like to ask your opinions of breastfeeding and whether or not you have done it with your child.

With George, I was so distraught over my husband’s death that he and I were not able to bond properly enough for breastfeeding. The nurse bottlefed him. I would like to try to breastfeed Abigail because I have heard that it is good for the child, though I would like to hear about the experiences of others before I make a decision.

Nov. 21st, 2017


This place can die in a fire. With the noted exception of a handful of people, that is, because I do have a couple of y'all I actually enjoy having around. Sorry about the blood in the hallway, Johanna, I maybe punched a brick wall when I noticed our friend was gone.

Private to those who've expressed interesting a fight club, individually filtered
[address to an abandoned building, with a time]
Come if you want.
Only one rule.
Nothing lethal.
Bring your own med kits.

- R

Nov. 20th, 2017


Who: Liz and John
What: Friend date
Where: Hinkles
When: During speed dating
Warning: None
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Nov. 19th, 2017


Considering my romantic track record, it was probably for the best I didn't try speed dating.

Nov. 18th, 2017


Who: Liz and Marina
What: Match up
Where: Red Pepper Cafe
When: Sunday afternoon
Warning: None
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Nov. 11th, 2017



Do you want to grab dinner the night of speed dating? You know, just to celebrate the night we first met and became friends.

Nov. 5th, 2017


Blocked from under 18

Are there any therapists here that specialize in post war PTSD? Nightmares, among other things, have been plagued me since I arrived and I've thought about posing this before but the war wasn't a normal one; there were aliens involved so I wasn't sure anyone would understand or be able to help me.

Nov. 4th, 2017


The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

This poem is my mind today as I think about those I've lost at home. I'm in a dark mood today. My nightmares kept me up last night and now my mind won't stay quiet.

Nov. 3rd, 2017


WHERE: The River Front
WHEN: Saturday, November 4, 2017 from 12pm to 12am.
WARNINGS: Shouldn't be. Let me know?

The street has been closed off for the music festival. People have brought their blankets and claimed prime places by the stage. It's a lovely fall day, the weather's cool but not cold, and there's a lot of sunshine to make things that much more pleasant. Beth and her helpers have decorated the stage and the area around it with pumpkins and scarecrows and and autumn harvest theme. Food trucks line the street selling every conceivable cuisine.

If you haven't yet signed up to perform, you still can. The music will start at noon and will go until Midnight, come find a place and enjoy a beautiful day of music by the river!
Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Nov. 1st, 2017


I do not understand children in this world.

I had to draw my sword to get them to stop coming to my house and demanding treats last night.

Oct. 21st, 2017


Who: Shawn and Liz
What: Date night #2
Where: Various
When: Tonight. I think?*
Warning: TBD
*Maya said they were going to Molly's on Friday but Molly told Liz the party was Saturday so whichever day it happened is when this takes place.

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Oct. 17th, 2017


I want to go through the portal in the park.

I know you'd freak out if I went on my own. So you should come with me.

[Riley and Liz, separate texts]
Are you going to check out the portal?



I know everyone is really excited about Hot Lady Warrior Island, but I have something important to discuss. Pepper and I decided that we are going to do a fundraiser to create a scholarship fund for displaced people who want to further their education here.

What is the fundraiser? I'm so glad you asked! We're going to make 2018 calendars featuring the gorgeous men and women that have been brought here by the dome. So we need volunteers to pose for said calendar.

If we get more than 12 volunteers for each, we'll double some of you up.

[Filter to Steve]
You're Mr. July. No arguments.

Oct. 12th, 2017


You know, I might not fall asleep in class if it was actually interesting. I don't think it's fair to punish me with detention when it's not my fault the teacher is so incredibly boring.


Who: Maggie Greene and OPEN
What: Shopping after her shift
Where: WalMart
When: Thursday
Warnings: Not likely
Status: OPEN

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Oct. 10th, 2017


Some part of me misses teaching. Not enough to try to go back. I don't think the college would hire me anyway, since I kind of left them in a lurch last time. But I miss it. Not the grading papers, or even dealing with the insolent teenagers, but the actual teaching. It was once a passion I felt, well, passionate about. I think that's what I miss more than I miss the teaching. I don't know. I guess I'm rambling, using a lot of words without saying much at all.

I think I'm having a midlife crisis.

Oct. 7th, 2017



All the kids will be at a party on the 20th. We should take advantage of that.

Oct. 5th, 2017


Why does time seem to move so slow in school and so fast the rest of the time?

I want to see you again.

Sep. 28th, 2017


Wow a fair. Too bad I'm probably not cleared for rides but I'd love some really bad for me fair food.


Did I miss some announcement about the fair coming to town?

The games and rides were a surprise when I went on my run this morning.

Sep. 20th, 2017


I haven't been awake too long but I can already tell I'd like to be out of the clinic now.

I hear this place is too weird to be believed.

Sep. 18th, 2017


Who: Shawn & Liz
What: Looking at the stars
Where: A spot near the edge of town
When: Monday night
Warnings: probably not
Status: closed/ongoing

~+~+~+~ )


On this day in 1999, I was shot in my father's cafe when two customers got into a fight. Maria yelled "GUN!" and everyone got down. But not me. I froze and seconds later, I was on the ground, bleeding from my stomach. I would have gone towards the light if not for a boy in my class running towards me. He put his hand on me and the pain went away as he healed me. Today is the day I died and came back. Today is the day my life really began. I will always be thankful for my hybrid guardian angel.

Sep. 17th, 2017


Someone told me in all seriousness there were werewolves here earlier.

She didn't seem to be kidding so I'm going to have to go out on a dangerous limb here. You all talk about the old world here? In the open?


I'd like to announce that the Tea House has pumpkin spice tea as a seasonal offering. It is a black tea flavoured with cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger. I cannot say I understand the phenomenon myself, but I've tried it and it has passed approval. I wouldn't sell something that I wouldn't drink. I think it will be quite popular.

Sep. 16th, 2017


WHO: Bobby Drake and Liz Evans
WHAT: A random meeting; matchup
WHEN: Recently
STATUS: Closed and ongoing
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Oh, it was so lovely out this morning! Cool and crisp and just beautiful.

And I had my first pumpkin spice latte. I really don't know what all the complaining is about. I thought they were wonderful.


I want to tell you something.


Would you...take me on a walk in the woods? I've been avoiding them, but I don't think it would be as scary with you there.

Sep. 15th, 2017


Oh... oh wow. I never thought I'd ever see this place again. I mean, it's been more than a year...

Jill? Jill, are you still here?

Sep. 14th, 2017


50 page research paper due next Monday? Sure. I can do that.


It's not that bad here, you know?

I mean, I know it sucks to be trapped, but I've felt like I was trapped my whole life.

At least here, we're safe.

Sep. 9th, 2017


I was thinking here that I could potentially be a teacher. I think I would be good at it.

Sep. 3rd, 2017


I really think pumpkin flavored cheerios is over kill.

Every food that exists does not need to be pumpkin flavored just because it's pumpkin spice everything season.

We should probably talk about last week.

Sep. 2nd, 2017


Well, I for one am really, really glad not to be 16 anymore. Just saying.

Dawn; Will

I'm so sorry guys. Is there any way I can make it up?

Sep. 1st, 2017


[backdated to morning]

It's quite alarming waking up somewhere that isn't your own bed. I can't wait until this class is over so I can go home where I belong.

Aug. 29th, 2017


Who: Stilinski and Liz
What: Hanging out
When: Tuesday late afternoon
Where: Jendry's Pizzeria
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )

Aug. 26th, 2017


Well, I totally have last month's hair.

Aug. 25th, 2017


Who: Liz and Maya
What: They're both teens
Where: Their house
When: Directly after the Shawn/Liz thread but before the Maya/Shawn thread
Warning: Shouldn't be any
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School is so boring. Why can't they teach stuff that's interesting?

Aug. 24th, 2017



You would not believe my morning.

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