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Feb. 23rd, 2018


I'm learning this place has some awesome people in it and that it also has some people who are way too full of themselves. It feels just like home. I was almost worried it was going to be all sunshine and kittens..phew!

Feb. 15th, 2018


I miss Quality Meats. One of my favorite restaurants back home. Made from scratch ravioli to die for. Hinkles fits the corner diner slot but I need to find a replacement for QM.

Okay so I might be hungry.


What a fascinating little ant farm.

Feb. 14th, 2018


All the flowers and ALL THE CANDY!

Thank you for my treats! <3

I definitely cannot eat all of this by myself.

Well, I could, but I'd rather share! Especially today.


I was having a discussion yesterday, and I think it's important to note that love comes in many forms. Not all love is romantic or sexual, and this does not make it any less valuable or any less satisfying.

Just because you happen to be single on Valentine's Day doesn't mean it has to suck, or you have it.

Celebrate love. Celebrate your friends, your siblings, your family.

Love is about so much more than who is sleeping with who.

Feb. 13th, 2018


Anti-Valentine's Party. Tomorrow. 7 o'clock.

The park, I guess. Unless someone can come up with a better place.

Feb. 12th, 2018


Stella is here! She got here last night.

The dome can be cruel, but it can do good things too.

My world is complete. I mean, I still miss -

Feb. 11th, 2018


Who: Blake and Tia
What: Meeting
Where: The park
When: During the week
Warning: None
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Who: Stella and Blake
What: Stella arrives!
Where: In town
When: Sunday evening
Warnings: Not likely
Status: Closed

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Feb. 10th, 2018


Sometimes I surprise even myself.

Thank you.


So, who wants to be super awesome and help Diana and I start packing in a few weeks? I mean, we can totally do the heavy lifting, but it's definitely more fun with other people. Oh! And someone to keep Champ busy. That's definitely going to be needed!

Feb. 7th, 2018


Maybe this place isn't all that bad.


Okay so I see people talk about movies all the time. What are people's favorite movies and why? I want to try to understand more about it.

Feb. 6th, 2018


After looking through my closet more, I've decided young me thinks living extremely dangerously is fun. Great choices, young me.

Feb. 3rd, 2018


Who: Anna Latham and open
What: random musing
Why: Trin can't sleep
Where: fountain
Rating: potential triggers, tbd if they come up. Will note if they do.
Status: open, inprogress

The wind was a torrent of darkness, among the gusty trees )

Feb. 2nd, 2018


So I decided to get a dog. Hopefully he won't leave.

Meet Lennox )

Feb. 1st, 2018



Jan. 30th, 2018


[Thomas & Lydia]
Newt is gone. I know you don't want me to contact you, but I thought you should know. He's been sent away, and I thought you should know.

[Sam Goode]
I thought you should know, Newt's gone. Sent home. He won't be back to work.

Jan. 26th, 2018


I knew that it was too much to hope for that this newest weirdness would be over after a day or two.

It's very very disconcerting carrying another's memories in your head.

Jan. 23rd, 2018


As awesome as Youtube and Spotify are, I really miss my CD collection.

Jan. 20th, 2018


Hey. I'm going to pick up something for dinner. Any requests?

Jan. 18th, 2018


I have an announcement.

Newt and I are officially dating.

That is all.

Jan. 17th, 2018



Are you aware that you've now twice referred to me as your boyfriend?

Jan. 16th, 2018


So yeah, hi. Hey. Decided I'd go ahead and introduce myself.

I'm Benji Applebaum. 19. A cappella singer. I'm in an a cappella group back home at my university and we're called the Treblemakers and we compete. It's like so amazing. Sadly, I don't know that there's a lot of demand for that around here but I also love theater. Musical theater especially, but all theater is great. Performing live gives me such a rush.

I've got the cutest mouse named Houdini. I'm super into close up magic and a huge nerd. I really like all sorts of fandoms but my favorites are Star Wars and Star Trek.

And I'm gonna stop rambling now. How does Jesse make it look so easy. Besides that he's perfect. So yeah. What's up?


As much as I enjoy the whole freedom to come and go as I please, I should probably find a job.

Jan. 12th, 2018


[ Lydia & Tommy ]

Staying over this weekend at my friend Blake's. I've got my work clothes and my homework so I've got everything I need. Just wanted to give you two a heads up.

Be back home sometime Sunday.

Lydia. I know I thanked you once already, but thank you for opting me out of that class.

[ Blake ]

I'm getting off work soon... see you in a few?


[Blocked from Newt]
I wish Stella was here. I really need my bestie.

Jan. 11th, 2018


How does anyone remember all these dates?

I understand needing to know the information. I understand needing to know when it happened. But shouldn't knowing what happened, why, and what the outcome was as well as the effect on the world be more important than knowing the exact day, month, and year it happened?

Other than that, my other classes went really well today. I enjoyed them, especially my choir and keyboarding classes.

Would anyone want to help me with my maths? I am apparently a natural in English, so I would be willing to help with that in exchange. Someone told me today that typically people who do well with English are bad with Maths and Science, and vice versa. Not sure how true that is, but it was intriguing at the very least.

[ Blake ]

Hey, you.


Who: Castiel and OPEN
Where: The park.
When: Wednesday afternoon.
What: Castiel gets fresh air.
Warnings: TBD, likely low.
Status: Open | Incomplete

... )

Jan. 9th, 2018


It seems like it's the right time to start thinking about the Art & Music Festival for the spring. We usually do that in April.

I know there was just a music festival a couple of months ago, but I'm hoping there's still interest in this.

Jan. 7th, 2018


Well, Madison Valley. I've been here a little over 24 hours, and I have to quite Little Orphan Annie,

I think I'm gonna like it here!

Jan. 6th, 2018


Finn said that if I wrote a message here, people would see it. So, hi. I'm Poe. Just got here.

Back home, I'm a pilot, but Finn tells me that there aren't ships here. I haven't been grounded since I was six and first learning to fly so this is going to be tough.


Hello, Madison Valley.

Thank you. For today. It was nice.


Who: Newt and Blake
What: Blake's arrival
When: Saturday
Warnings: Boys thinking about boys, boys kissing
Status: Closed, Complete

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Jan. 4th, 2018


Well, this is just bloody great.

Not only do I have to go to school, but I spend the entire morning filling out paperwork and taking placement tests only to find out that I will not be in the 11th grade but the 10th.

They wanted to put me in 9th grade but I'm too old and I assured them I would find someone to help assist me in catching up. I declined their help in finding a tutor, as they called it because from what I have been told, the not-us are extremely uncivil toward us.

I am hoping that some of you lot would be willing to show me the ropes around this school klunk er, stuff?

Anyway, how did everyone else's first day back go? I seriously home it was heaps better than mine.

[ Filtered to Lydia ]

You're brilliant. Thomas has said it and I've seen it. I'm trying to utilize the other kids at school if I can, but I may still need your help sometimes. Would you mind?

[ Filtered to Thomas ]

Tommy. Can we find time to hang out soon? I don't care what it is we do. I just need to get my mind off everything and I miss you.

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