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November 21st, 2023

[info]pushedtolead in [info]madisonvalley

It would seem that Thanksgiving, along with any other holiday, will have to be spent with more than one person. Judith has those that she loves and cares about. Those she wants to spend time with on the holidays and I'm fine with that.

I also need to see what else is needed in this house considering how much two of the men eat.

[ Cisco ]

Are there any foods that you are allergic to? I plan to binge a little, especially for Judith's sake, for the holidays. Even if you don't celebrate with us I want to make sure you're fed properly.

[ Murphy ]

Judith would like to have a sleep over. I told her that I would talk to you about it.

[info]logandanvers in [info]madisonvalley

I'm really glad I stayed at home the other day when gravity kept turning off and on.

[info]playsforkeeps in [info]madisonvalley

You know what I'm going to have to make? Especially during these holidays. Goin' to have to make some gumbo. Haven't had any proper gumbo in a while.

[info]tinynecromancer in [info]madisonvalley

Is it horrible of me to say I don't want to celebrate Thanksgiving this year?

I'd rather just hide in Dorian's apartment... that is now mine.


Yeah, Dorian apparently left me his place. I got the letter from the lawyer today. I guess they wanted to be sure he wasn't coming back.

[info]partiallysuper in [info]madisonvalley

Jordan Kent

Do you wanna do something? Just us maybe.

[info]dna_miriam_vamp in [info]madisonvalley

My texts to Caroline are bouncing back to me and I think she's been sent home.

I'll miss her.

[info]honorsthememory in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Zoro and Lan Wangji
What: Training
Where: Random Park
When: 11/21; Afternoon
Warnings: Low; slight spoilers for One Piece live action.
Status: Closed

~*~*~*~*~ )

[info]calmjade in [info]madisonvalley

For those who have lost people to the dome I, unfortunately, cannot offer much. However, I can offer to play my xiao for you. It will give a calming melody and help ease the mind.

[info]recklessandwild in [info]madisonvalley

In today's edition of 'Conversations overheard at Starbucks', you get a double feature.

First one:

Teenage girl: Yeah, Emily's parents don't like you.
Hot emo dad: What are her parents?
Teenage girl: *shows him her phone*
Hot emo dad: Oh, yeah, I slept with both of them in high school.

Second one:

Guy 1: Your girlfriend is pyscho.
Guy 2: No, she's not.
Guy 1: Dude, she didn't cry at the end of Homeward Bound. She's psycho.

The dad and daughter got free drinks, and the guy with the girlfriend got a card for the local help hotline.

[info]scramordie in [info]madisonvalley

With these coming holidays, even though we did not celebrate them back home, I miss my zhiji, my A-Xu. I will, however, close down Empress of China for the holidays. People should be able to spend time with their friends and families.