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May 5th, 2022

[info]werewolf_nicky in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Nick and Mia
What: a proposal
Where: the Titanic first class room
When: the first night that it set sail
Warnings: low
Status: closed/g-doc

Would you marry me? )

[info]magichoodie in [info]madisonvalley

[Filtered to Lizzie]
Should we go check out the Titanic?

[Filtered to The Doctor]
I found a new pack of cards for our War games. They have animal facts on each card.

[Filtered to Tandy]
I had a dream about us back at home. And it made me wonder how Brigid is doing.

[info]bastionofsanity in [info]madisonvalley

It's so strange to think that the Titanic disaster was only twenty-five years old when I was born and now it's been considerably longer.

[info]_shieldless_ in [info]madisonvalley

Finally! Something older than me shows up that isn't going to try to eat anyone.

[info]oldernowyounger in [info]madisonvalley

I think I kinda want to check out the Titanic. Should be interesting to see what they make of a Latina on board.

[info]donthavetostop in [info]madisonvalley


I really hope this portal to the Titantic explains the fountain.

[info]lookingforchris in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Claire and Jedikiah
What: Claire outside the portal
When: Thursday
Where: Outside the Bonnie Belle
Rating: low

To go or not to go )

[info]needstoscream in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Lydia and Kol
What: Lydia sees Kol and decides to speak with him
When: Thursday Afternoon
Where: Streets
Rating: low

A Banshee and a Vampire )

[info]waitforittttt in [info]madisonvalley

Does the Titanic count as a romantic date proposal or is that too morbid?

Gus! Can we go to Titanic just before it hits the iceberg so I can predict the iceberg and the sinking and blow all the old people's minds?

[info]alilblackmagic in [info]madisonvalley

[Filtered to Sean Nast, Alex Manes, Paige W, and Adam Vasic]
I did something incredibly stupid, even for me.
And I fully expect you to yell at me.
I just...can't seem to not make fucking poor decisions these days.

[Filtered to Kate]
I did something incredibly stupid
Nick told me that your boyfriend came back and doesn't remember and that one of your good friends got sent home. Do you need a girl's night? Ice cream? Anything I can do?

[info]misterloislane in [info]madisonvalley

( Lois Lane )

Let's go have dinner on the Titanic.

Date night?

[info]toss_a_coin in [info]madisonvalley

What's a Titanic?

[info]lucifer_sux in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Rory and Tess
What: dinner
Where: Crescent Moon Bayou
When: backdated to Tues.
Warnings: TBD, but should be low

Here's to friendship )

[info]dna_miriam_vamp in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Miriam and Lisa
What: yoga/matchup
Where: the gym where Lisa works
When: Thursday afternoon
Warnings: should be low
Status: closed/matchup

Yes. I am a vampire who enjoys yoga. )