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February 12th, 2022

[info]needstoscream in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Lydia and Theo
What: Kids, kids, everywhere
When: Saturday Morning
Where: Raeken Residence
Rating: low
Status: Starting in Gdoc, finishing in log

So many of them... )

[info]natskidmuses in [info]madisonvalley

Um, yes, hello? Papa? Mama?

I have lost you.

[info]dontchaknow in [info]madisonvalley

Oh goodness gracious.

Is there a Jedikiah here?

It seems I have found someone that belongs to you and me

[info]force_awakens in [info]madisonvalley


We need to talk.


Did you feel it too? There are others here with the Force.

[info]thegooqueen in [info]madisonvalley


So, um, we have a bit of a situation.

[info]randommvkids in [info]madisonvalley

This again.

Timelines are a pain in the ass.

[info]treesarehome in [info]madisonvalley

Okay, it looks like the kids are invading yet again. If anybody needs anything, hit me up -- I've had enough kids show up over the years that I've got way too many storage totes of their stuff.

[info]_shieldless_ in [info]madisonvalley

Text to Nat

>> Good morning.
>> Busy?

[info]randommvkids in [info]madisonvalley

Heeeeey, it's this again!


[info]lacrosse_wolf in [info]madisonvalley

So, uh, this is a lot?

So, warning... when you come back from your run. There's some kids here. One of them is kind of ours?

So, I'm hoping you're kind of used to this? But there's a girl here named Vicky and she says we're your parents

Hey, uh, so, we might have a kid together? A boy named Henrik?

What would you say if I said there was a kid here in my living room who said we're his parents?

[info]lizmvkids in [info]madisonvalley

This shit again.

Guess I won't have to worry about the speech until I return back to my timeline. Can't get in trouble for something when my parents here don't know about it.

[info]mysterion in [info]madisonvalley


Alright, which one of you little shits is mine. I need to know who to trade for… I don’t know, donuts or drugs or whatever.

[info]prefersanimals in [info]madisonvalley

Waking up to two pre-teen girls fighting with each other in my living room was not how I expected to start my day.

They've finally managed to start getting along, thank God.

[Allison H.]

So, you know how I said I wish I could introduce you to Clem? Well, looks like we've got the chance now.

[info]agelessfearless in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Caroline, Stan, and their daughter, Ruth
When: Saturday evening
Where: Their place
What: Kid plot? Ruth shows up and leave everyone stunned. The end.
Rating: Low?
Status: Closed; Incomplete

Caroline almost fell over. )

[info]randommvkids in [info]madisonvalley

Uncle Stephen? Aunt Cara?

... Mommy?

I don't think I like it here.

[info]lizmvkids in [info]madisonvalley

I'm back! I forgot how weird it is seeing little me again.

Who else is here that I know and ended up dropped back here as well?

[info]not_ben in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Alec and Mary
What: A wild child appears
When: Feb 12
Where: Alec's apartment
Rating: low (a lil bit of making out before a kid shows up)

Interruptions )

[info]needstobreathe in [info]madisonvalley

You know, for all the times I've had kids show up, I'm really surprised this is the first time for this one.

Because I currently have a small bundle of adorable demanding to see Mama Kate.

[info]bos_bff in [info]madisonvalley




After a good thirty minutes of freaking out, now I can type and tell you I woke up to a baby snake that then turned into an adorable kid who really wants to see her daddy.

[info]randommvkids in [info]madisonvalley

I should probably be more weirded out by this than I am.

Any chance there's a Tess or Kevin Burkhoff running around here somewhere?

[info]tasergoddess in [info]madisonvalley

So You Woke Up With A Surprise Kid

1. Don't panic

2. This usually lasts about a week.

3. If you need clothes for a 4-5 year old girl, I have stuff you can borrow

4. Seriously, don't panic.

[info]jenskids in [info]madisonvalley

This isn't Santa Barbara.

Does anyone know a Detective Juliet O'Hara or a Burton Guster? How about Chief Vick or Detective Lassiter?

[info]iheartresearch in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Leo Fitz and Rosa Ortecho (plus the kids)
What: Waking up to a discovery
When: Saturday morning
Where: His place
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )

[info]crystalplot in [info]madisonvalley

net - melina lokidottir

I've heard this might happened before, but this is the first time it's happened to me.

Is there anything fun to do in this time period?

[info]crystalplot in [info]madisonvalley

net - ash vasic

PLEASE tell me mom and dad finally got over themselves and they're together.

[info]crystalplot in [info]madisonvalley

I have a test in three days and I do NOT need this right now. But I guess I should page Dean Winchester and Jo Harvelle. Sigh Uncle Sam, are you here?

[info]eyeingmyrack in [info]madisonvalley

Under 21

Anybody else's parents acting like dorks?

[info]agentplant in [info]madisonvalley

[Sam Winchester]

Please tell me you have 10 kids.

[info]magiccateyes in [info]madisonvalley

[Alec Lightwood]

Alexander, darling, we have a small situation.

Well, two of them.

[info]scast in [info]madisonvalley

Mom, Dad won't come down from the ceiling!

[info]allthebabies in [info]madisonvalley

What the hell? Didn't think the time quake was bad enough to send me to some weird town in Indiana.

Mom? Dad? Are you here, too? Uncle Behrad...Aunt Sara? Anyone?

[info]givesdumbquests in [info]madisonvalley

This is RIDICULOUS. First I’m stuck in in this mortal body and then I’m whisked away to a whole other realm?! How am I supposed to prove my worthiness now?! This is so unfair!!

EDIT: AND NO. I am NOT someone's kid!

[info]natskidmuses in [info]madisonvalley

Well, I guess making your dad's brain melt is kind of fun.

Uncle Daniel and Aunt Vala, you guys are here right?

[Samantha Carter]
Hey mom. Sorry I missed you this morning. Dad say you're going to be shocked to hear from me.

So, uh, hey. I'm Jacob. Jack and Sam's kid from back home. Well, in one reality anyway. I hear they're looking after you here. I thought I should say hi.

[info]notthatkindofdr in [info]madisonvalley

Private to Pepper

Hey, uh... you should come over to my place. Right now.

There's someone here you need to meet.

[info]sandu_shengshou in [info]madisonvalley

I have two tiny children here who are claiming I am their father.

[info]katedanvers in [info]madisonvalley

Private to Alyssa

[sent early this morning]

Hey, so...

You know how weird stuff happens around here all the time? Well, there's a weird thing happening right now.

We have a son.

[info]hisonething in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Bruce Banner & Pepper
What: A Date
When: A billion years ago but still February
Where: Key West Shrimp House
Warnings: Awkward Bruce is adorbs
Status: Closed/completed GDoc

It's been a long time )

[info]asianbeauty in [info]madisonvalley

Well, look who is back again. I hope that my parents are still together, they make the sweetest couple ever. I know it has been awhile, but my parents are Ned Leeds and Melinda Halliwell.

[info]notthatkindofdr in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Bruce Banner & a special visitor
What: Surprise wake up
Where: Bruce's apartment
When: Saturday morning
Warnings: nope
Status: complete

~+~+~+~ )

[info]magsmvkids in [info]madisonvalley


Mom? Dad? Literally anyone?

[info]magsmvkids in [info]madisonvalley

I don't like that I suddenly have a half-sister.

But even less, I don't like that she has to hide who her dad is.

[info]magsmvkids in [info]madisonvalley

[Filtered to Kate D and Trixie]

Mommy and Daddy told me you're both here too.

I'm glad.

[info]hybridoriginal in [info]madisonvalley

My daughter is already here, and I have no need or desire for others.

She is a miracle.

[info]solvedequations in [info]madisonvalley

Um, this is weird...and possibly disastrous

If any child out there is mine, please reply to this post.

This could be so bad

[Filtered to Adults]

I don't know if I have any - I'm really hoping not - but if there are any children out there who might be mine, approach with EXTREME caution. My...species has been known to wipe out their families at this age.

[info]_shieldless_ in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Steve, Darcy, JP and Steph
What: Surprise son
When: Saturday morning
Where: Their place
Warnings: Nah
Status: Close/Complete GDoc

I have a what? )

[info]lizmvkids in [info]madisonvalley

Dad? Mom? I may have accidentally used my abilities and broken something. I swear I didn't mean to do it!

[info]wangji in [info]madisonvalley

I have twin daughters.

Madison is a very odd place.

[info]staghead in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Rowan Fricks & Liam Dunbar
What: Meeting their daughter. (Kidplot)
Where: Rowan's house.
When: Saturday around noon.
Warnings: Most likely low but will update if this changes.
Status: Closed, In progress.

++++ )