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July 9th, 2021

[info]techsavvyshuri in [info]madisonvalley

I've been working on an experiment to see if I could ascertain why some people get chosen to come here.

Long story short, my experiment went haywire, so if you see smoke coming from the casino's basement, that's why. No fires are actually occurring. I promise.

{{ooc: swapping can now commence!}}

[info]godsfave in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Dark Dean & Lisa Braeden
Where: Madison Valley/their house
When: 7/9 - late afternoon
What: Dark Dean pretends to be Dean
Warnings: none

Excuse me, have I died and gone to heaven? Because I’m definitely looking at an angel right now. )

[info]thecanary in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Sara Lance and Dark Dean Winchester
What: A reunion of sorts
Where: Street in town
When: Friday after this
Warnings: References to character death
Status: complete

What the hell, Winchester )

[info]thecanary in [info]madisonvalley

[Filter to Sam Winchester and Adam Milligan]
Heads up - something weird is going on and Dean is not Dean. Well, not our Dean. He's from some other Madison Valley.

[Filter to Leonard Snart]
Something's afoot at the Circle K. Dean grabbed me and kissed me on the street. Apparently he's from some alternate universe where we're together. No idea if this is a widespread thing or not.

[Filter to Verdant Employees]
Are you all you? There seems to be some weirdness happening and I'm not sure if it's localized or a big thing.

[info]knightedwizard in [info]madisonvalley

Backdated to late last night

For anyone who knew her, Karrin Murphy seems to have vanished.

[Magnus Bane]
You're the only one I know I can talk to about this kind of thing.

I think I mucked up.

[info]hates_titanic in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Balthazar and Mirror!Dean
What: An unfortunate meeting
When: Friday
Where: Streets
Rating: low

Are we just paying homage to Bobby Singer? )

[info]needstoscream in [info]madisonvalley

Has anyone seen Scott McCall today?

[info]not_ben in [info]madisonvalley

For the record, I am hotter than Dean Winchester. Also, I'm not the Alec from here so if you women could just stop trying to throw things at me, that'd be great.

[info]ileftnicebehind in [info]madisonvalley

Has anyone talked to Sean? His things are here, but his phone is saying disconnected. I'm starting to get worried.

[info]originalshrink in [info]madisonvalley

Filter to Friends*

There are some people here who might be dangerous. Be on the lookout.

Sam and Dean Winchester and Alex Manes. I don't know any of them, but apparently they are not fond of non-humans.

Maybe you and Charlie should come and stay at my place until this passes.

[ooc: canonmates and basically anyone else she's hung out with]

[info]waitforittttt in [info]madisonvalley


Gus! Are you still Gus? Still bald, black, and beautiful?

Pop Quiz:
Do you like tap dancing?
How do you feel about Pluto?
Are you dating Jules?


You don't have an overwhelming desire to kiss the face off of Gus instead of me, do you?

[info]heardaboutpluto in [info]madisonvalley

Text to Martha

You don't have a moustache, do you?

[info]captainjack_ in [info]madisonvalley

I seem to have misplaced my wife.


[info]wherescarl in [info]madisonvalley

Judith came into the loft, looking for Wanda.

I can't find her anywhere.

( Dawn Summers )

We're going to be keeping Judith with us until Wanda appears again. Is that alright?

[info]staghead in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Rowan Fricks & Mitsuko Souma
What: Mitsuko meeting Mirror!Rowan
Where: On the side of a building.
When: Friday morning.
Warnings: Some violence, fighting, and maybe language. But that's about it most likely.
Status: Closed, In progress.

Read more... )

[info]hates_titanic in [info]madisonvalley


I don't mean to sound like an alarmist, but I'd really like it if you stayed close to home for a while. I'll bribe you if you like. I'll get you a pony or what have you.

[info]not_ben in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Mirror!Mary and Mirror!Alec
What: Arrival to the new Madison Valley
When: Friday
Where: Streets/Starbucks
Rating: low

I don't actually hate this )

[info]kamasickle in [info]madisonvalley

(after this)
[Public; but blocked from Mirrorverse!Rowan]
To anyone who knows Rowan, just a little heads up but she's not quite acting like herself. Something weird is probably going on again.

[Katniss and Primrose]
Please tell me you two are gonna be normal when I get back home.

[info]mel_halliwell in [info]madisonvalley

Has the dome been going crazy again? Cause things sure seem like they changed...yet again...

[info]godsfave in [info]madisonvalley

Has anyone seen Dan Espinoza? I'm really hoping he's here somewhere.

Also, Sam, if you're here, we need to talk.

[info]diamonddaphne in [info]madisonvalley

People seem to not be who they seem to be.....why is that?

[info]callhimant_hony in [info]madisonvalley


Avengers Assemble?

Edited Later

Summoning Superheroes!

Since the Avengers are squabbling.

[info]force_awakens in [info]madisonvalley


I'm just checking in. I was at London Starr working with Leo when I felt a shift in the town. Leo's alright, but some people have changed. Are you alright?


Do you still know me or are you from the other world?

[info]thevaldezinator in [info]madisonvalley

Hey, so... since there's like, a lot of wtf going on around here, just FYI, London Starr won't be like, selling any weapons or doing any orders of the lethal variety until this whatever it is, is over. Sorry for anyone looking to like, LARP this weekend or whatever.

[London Starr People]

We're all like, the same people and not insane, right?

[info]tweeked in [info]madisonvalley

Nope, I'm staying the fuck inside.

[Craig; Kenny can read and respond as well]
I really hope to god you're normal. And if you are, can you tell Kenny to shut the fuck up?!

[info]_shieldless_ in [info]madisonvalley


Hey babe? Things are happening. Do you mind if we take Nate for the night?

[info]bos_bff in [info]madisonvalley


So assuming you're not all Dark Bo right now, I'm going to go over to Kaa's for the night. Don't worry, I'm packing my bear spray and I took one of the katanas. I'll just pretend I'm back home in Russian and everyone's out to kill me. No bigs.

[Vex - Bo can read too]

You better not be some weird Light Fae creepy Vex. If you are, no you cannot borrow my clothes. Unless you're into pastels, then you borrow my clothes and burn anything with a picture of bunny rabbits and Care Bears.

[info]s_spellman in [info]madisonvalley


Hey bestie! Got a job you're gonna love.