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October 25th, 2020

[info]lightningqueen in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Mare Barrow and Lucifer Morningstar
Where: The park.
When: Sunday, October 25.
What: Mare electrocutes Lucifer.
Warnings: Mediumish?
Status: Closed

Do you ever feel like a misfit, everything inside is dark and twisted? )

[info]shadeofmean in [info]madisonvalley

Chidi and Eleanor seemed to have vanished, but their stuff is still here so they should be back. No idea on how long they'll be gone so house party at my place tonight say 8ish. Everyone is welcome!

[info]littlepea in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Penny Kirkman and Open
What: Studying
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: The library
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~+~ )

[info]mel_halliwell in [info]madisonvalley

Halloween has always been my favorite holiday. Cause of how I was raised and everything, I am so looking forward to dressing up and helping to pass out candy before going out and having a good time with people. I always enjoy seeing what people dress up as.

[info]shadeofmean in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Open to Everyone cause she isn't in the mood to deal with party crashers.
What: House party!
Where: Chidi, Eleanor, Brooke, and Emma's house.
When: Sunday night.
Warnings: Hopefully low to medium but let me know if I need to lock this!

Party time. )

[info]asundayproblem in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Luke and Scott
What: Luke gets to meet Ant Man AND see his suit in action!
Where: The town's park.
When: Sunday Morning
Warnings: I don't see any warnings really.
Status: Closed.

This is SO cool! )

[info]asundayproblem in [info]madisonvalley

Today was so cool! I got to meet Ant Man AND see his super cool suit!

Hey, Scott! Thanks, dude! That was freaking awesome!

[Filtered to School Kids]

I did get told that I really do have to go to school which kinda sucks but is not different from home so I guess I'll see you all there tomorrow.


So, I don't know if I really thanked you. Still... thanks for everything so far, man. I mean it.

[info]asundayproblem in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Luke and Sabrina
What: Luke meets the pretty blond witch who shows him around school. He don't know she's a witch yet though.
Where: High School
When: Monday at school.
Warnings: Flirting (onesided likely) so if you are ace or just not into flirtation stuffs, steer clear. Other than that, should be chill.
Status: Closed.

You're pretty really. )

[info]wildgirl in [info]madisonvalley

I feel like I'm going to keep Halloween low-key. And probably no costume because I have zero idea of what I would go as anyway.

[info]silver_eyes in [info]madisonvalley

My birthday is next Saturday. Has it really been a year since I turned eighteen? It went by so fast!

[info]yuuri_katsuki in [info]madisonvalley

( Johanna Mason )

I gave Elliott a Will you spend every Halloween with me??? ring.

[info]wherescarl in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Carl Grimes and Lydia Martin.
What: Discovering a portal.
Where: Near the The Walking Dead portal entrance.
When: Monday, October 26. Morning.
Warnings: Language maybe?
Status: Closed.

Can I pose a question, how do you kill what is dead? )

[info]wherescarl in [info]madisonvalley

Posted after this

Son of a bitch.

There seems to be a portal to my world now.

Alexandria, to be exact.

[Edited later]

There are walkers in my world. Otherwise known as zombies or the undead.

A quick blow to the head will take care of them.

Everyone... be careful, please.