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March 8th, 2020

[info]thecanary in [info]madisonvalley

In honor of International Women's Day, all ladies will get their first drink free and the rest for half off today at Verdant.

[info]hadthatcoming in [info]madisonvalley

My guardian is a madman. In the past week, these are only some of the things he's done.

1.Yodeling. Lots of it.
2. Fed the squirrels nachos.
3. Challenged other residents to pudding wrestling matches in the pool.
4. Climbed people's balconies while drunkenly yelling "I AM SPIDER-MAN!" (To whoever's above us? I am so, so sorry.)
6. Rent checks in a bear trap outside the rental office.
8. Stood in the fitness center in a luchador mask and kept attempting to wrestle other residents.
9. Went trick-or-treating.
10. Stood at the window yelling "Order up!" and throwing hot dogs at people.
11. Attached basketball hoops over people's doors, knocked, and then proceeded to "dunk on them" when they answered.

Whoever's in charge of this town is a bunch of sadists if they willingly put me with this dude.

[info]treesarehome in [info]madisonvalley

Inspired by Sara, we at Bad Axe are also offering an International Women's Day special -- half off any axe-throwing session for all women.

... just come to see us first or we're making you sign a waiver that says we will not be held liable for you chopping off your own body parts because you got drunk and stupid and that you do not hold Verdant responsible because you got drunk there.

Edited in: Same goes for archery tag, for those that might prefer that. We're all about celebrating the love -- or unleashing the frustration.

[info]_claraoswald in [info]madisonvalley

To the genius who decided that Diet Dr Pepper mixed with cream soda was a good idea and packaged it...

I am forever grateful.

[info]tigressheart in [info]madisonvalley

I don't mind being able to travel, but being kidnapped is not my favorite way to travel.

Not to mention, my best friend will turn into a dragon if she can't locate me.

[info]herotruther in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Micah Sanders and Raven Reyes
What: Lab buddies (Matchup)
When: Monday Morning
Where: The Iron Pepper Labs
Warnings: Raven and Micah in the lab
Status: Closed/Ongoing/Matchup

A moose once bit my sister. )

[info]chosenwitch in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Emma Alonso and Open
What: Crash landed in the pool when trying to send herself home and now walking home in wet clothes.
Where: The streets.
When: Sunday afternoon.
Warnings: None from Emma, but will change probably depending who tags in.
Status: Open, In progress.

Read more... )

[info]grimmreaper47 in [info]madisonvalley

Who: John Grimm and Jedikiah Price
What: Coffee run (Matchup)
Where: The Coffee Shop
When: Sunday Afternoon, March 8th
Rating: TBD (likely low)
Status: Closed and Incomplete

Dry roasted goodness )

[info]dragonember in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Mal, Evie (possibly Elrond later?)
What: Best friends reunited
When: Sunday, 3/8 afternoon
Where: Starbucks
Warnings: Low. Teenage angst.
Status: Closed; in progress

you can find me in the space between )

[info]ajellydoughnut in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Clarice Fong, Lorna Dane (Andy if he wants to tag along)
What: Lunch and life talks.
Where: Hinkles
When: Sunday, 3/8 afternoon
Warnings: Low. Moody mutants.
Status: Closed; in progress.

i keep a record of the damage in my life )

[info]evenstar in [info]madisonvalley

Sunday, March 1
Arwen ✦ Aragorn
WHERE: The Park
ABOUT: Reuniting and Explanations
STATUS: Closed/On-Going

All of my memories keep you near, In silent moments imagine you here )

[info]tauriel in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Tauriel and Open
What: Exploring and Singing
When: Backdated to Wednesday
Where: Outskirts Wherever Someone Wants To Find Her
Warnings: None


Just you and me on my island of hope a breath between us could be miles Read more... )

[info]mel_halliwell in [info]madisonvalley

I swear this year just seems to be flying by. I mean we are already in March and it seems like we just started the year. School will be out pretty soon and summer will begin. Next year I will be a high school graduate, I am excited about the upcoming year. I haven't stopped smiling, everything in my life is falling into place.

[info]pryde in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Daisy Johnson, Johanna Mason, and Kitty Pryde
What: Old Friends Catching Up
When: Saturday Night
Where: Lou's
Warnings: Possible Talk Of Violence and Death


Eyes wired shut running through my brain I've blown away again the fear of failing I want to make it back to me Read more... )

[info]risky_touch in [info]madisonvalley

March always comes with weird memories. Possibly because a few of my closest friends and I often celebrated Saint Patrick's Day together here and now, part of that grouping is gone. I've been a hermit, lately, for various reasons. I'm grateful for Johanna, for not letting me get too bad.

Sometimes, having hundreds of voices in one's head is not exactly the kindest thing to deal with. Also I'm grateful for having a place to work out at with one of my best friends. She puts up with a lot, thank goodness.

is it Spring yet? ugh.