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January 29th, 2020

[info]thevaldezinator in [info]madisonvalley

[Private to Nico]

Hey, you want to hang out on Saturday?

And not like at home. Look, I know there will be people there, but what if I pretend to be your wing-man bodyguard and scare them away?

[Private to Jason]

How much do you think Nico would hate me if I dragged him (and you) to the GSA dance thing?

[Private to Elliot]

Hey, can I ask you a totally inappropriate question for someone who just met you?

[info]allergictolemon in [info]madisonvalley

[To Wanda and Carson]

Superbowl's this weekend, right? We should probably watch the game for John to keep the routine for the kids. I was reading stability is really important at their ages.

[To John Grimm (and Jack O'Neill)]

Are you interested in attending the farmhouse for Superbowl? I know Sheppard is gone and everything.

[info]has_flashes in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Liz Parker and OPEN
What: Clothing somehow is more confusing now
Where: Walmart
When: Wednesday afternoon
Rating: Low

She knew she wasn't in style )

[info]mel_halliwell in [info]madisonvalley

I can’t believe how fast 2020 is going. So far the year is going great. Ned and I a few weeks back made it official and spent that weekend at the Shire. It was awesome. Can’t wait for more adventures and see what else awaits. Work and school is going pretty good too. I have to say that 2020 has started out great and hope the streak continues.

[info]wholovesthesun in [info]madisonvalley

This plaec and its rules is shite.

Coming fromm someone whos dead thta's saying something.

[info]alsoflexible in [info]madisonvalley

WHO: Emma Carstairs and Julian Blackthorn
WHERE: At the gym
WHEN: Early morning, Jan 29
WHAT: Julian gets hurt during practice
STATUS: Complete

... )