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December 8th, 2018

[info]phryne_fisher in [info]madisonvalley

A bored Phryne on her own is never a good thing.

I am on the search for friendly male company for tomorrow evening.

[info]designerevie in [info]madisonvalley


Who gifts a mermaid blanket to a grown woman? Also, the ratio of purple to blue is out of balance so I need tribute as well.

[info]notasdevoted in [info]madisonvalley


I've been here for almost two months already but it seems kind of boring. Didn't everyone say weird stuff happens here?

[info]bestnerd in [info]madisonvalley

[Filtered to adults with teenagers as wards]

Is anything not a landmine anymore???

[Mal | Birkhoff]

Can we talk about tonight when you come home?

[info]thelastcharmed in [info]madisonvalley

You really appreciate Christmas more when you have a whole family to celebrate with.

[info]libertydies in [info]madisonvalley

The smell of those spiced pine cones is one of the most wonderful smells. Pine in general is a wonderful fresh smell in general though.

[info]astrosearcher in [info]madisonvalley

[Text to Ty]

>> Padme and I are doing some research
>> So I probably will be home late

[info]josh_josephson in [info]madisonvalley

*voice to text*


My name is Joshua, son of Joseph. I've been in this strange world for eight days.

So, Bjorn, you were right, this is the future, but it is so far into the future for me that it might as well be another world. I've been learning about your form of currency, and what you call electricity. The Romans I am told had indoor, but it was only for the wealthy. It seems so common now, and in winter as well, how is it is to keep clean and warm here. in my own time, only parts of the market sell coffee, but here it is so common, and so many variations.

I would..if it's no trouble to anyone, I would appreciate a sort of guide in this place. I've been able to work some things, like the television and the stove, but in terms of things are done, and so forth, some extra help is needed.

Something I have been wondering for awhile. This..this festival called Christmas, with the figure called Santa Clause. Who is he? Is he a god in this place? Seems one of the most humane gods I've ever heard of-giving presents to children as a reward for being good, I could get behind a god like that, and I only worship the One.

[info]imthechemistyo in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Jessica Jones and Jesse Pinkman.
What: Getting drinks.
Where: Lou's.
When: Backdated to Thursday, December 6.
Warnings: TBD.
Status: Closed | Incomplete

... )

[info]itsawinterthing in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Stiles Stilinski and open
What: Podcast
When: Saturday night
Where: Broadcast on the network
Warnings: TBD but the topic is fanfiction
Status: Open

[ooc note: replying to this works like a network and is the same amount of points, it is podcast being done live and people would have gotten an alert on the network]

Read more... )

[info]phryne_fisher in [info]madisonvalley


I've been told that you are about as fond of being bored as I am.

Would you like to get together and not be bored?

[info]anameforherself in [info]madisonvalley


Are you and Bucky still hosting Sunday dinners?


You realize that it's well past the time to pick a tree, right?


Would you be interested in a Christmas movie night with some adult hot chocolate?

[info]eldritch_magic in [info]madisonvalley


I may require your input on a possible idea for Scarlett's Christmas present. Given your odd fascination with my love life, perhaps you would be interested in offering your advice?