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October 10th, 2017

[info]feralgreywolf in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Kate and Clayton Danvers
What: Talking
Where: Pack House Kitchen
When: Tuesday, lunchtime-ish
Warnings: ...
Status: Closed, Complete

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[info]combatskirt in [info]madisonvalley

WHO: Weiss Schnee and Thalia Grace
WHAT: Meeting in the woods/Matchup
WHEN: Tuesday afternoon
WHERE: The woods
WARNINGS: None really
STATUS: Closed/Matchup/Complete

* * * * * )

[info]shadowed_will in [info]madisonvalley

Guess what Zee did for us?! Guess! Guess!

You'll never guess.

She built Training Terrain one of these:

Video under cut of American Ninja Warrior course )

Isn't it AMAZING?! She's amazing!

Because she was able to design and build this for us....

Training Terrain is going to run a Warrior Course competition!!

There are going to be two different categories: Enhanced (for people who can up their speed and strength - or basically aren't comparable to human abilities) and Human (for the normals of the world).

There's a $100 fee to have unlimited access to the course from October 11 to October 31. On Friday Nov 3, we'll have everyone do their competition runs. Watching on the 3rd is open to all! And if needed, competition runs will continue on the 4th.

Register below and be sure to give Zee a high five for this when you see her next!

[info]ranthemaze in [info]madisonvalley

Our house has a roof!

Thanks to everyone who helped out. There's still a lot to do but at least we don't have to worry about getting wet this winter, which is a huge relief.

[info]bestofmankind in [info]madisonvalley

Some part of me misses teaching. Not enough to try to go back. I don't think the college would hire me anyway, since I kind of left them in a lurch last time. But I miss it. Not the grading papers, or even dealing with the insolent teenagers, but the actual teaching. It was once a passion I felt, well, passionate about. I think that's what I miss more than I miss the teaching. I don't know. I guess I'm rambling, using a lot of words without saying much at all.

I think I'm having a midlife crisis.

[info]wekeepbreathing in [info]madisonvalley

Why are people such idiots? I work at WalMart. WalMart is not exactly an uptown, classy place. We carry a lot of WalMart specific brands, and not so much big labels. Seriously. It's enough to make me want to quit some days.

[info]paidthepryce in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce and OPEN
What: Enjoying a beautiful day
Where: The Park
When: Mid day
Warnings: Not likely
Status: OPEN

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[info]tremors084 in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Daisy, Johanna, & Rogue
What: The formation of The Jawbreakers. ...otherwise known as a slumber party.
Where: Daisy and Johanna's house
When: evening
Warnings: Have you met them? Who knows!
Status: closed (for safety, honestly); ongoing

And now people talk to me I’m slipping out of reach now )

[info]stabstabmyterms in [info]madisonvalley

So this is Earth.

It's very boringquaintnot what I imagined

How do we leave?

[info]thefieryheart in [info]madisonvalley

This place again. How long've I been gone?

Tea, Kenny, Melissa, you better not have given my bed away just cause I skipped town.

[info]azarathians in [info]madisonvalley

Robin? Beast boy? Wondergirl, anyone?

[info]thefieryheart in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Jo and Ella
What: Porter Girls gotta stick together
Where: Main Street
When: Evening
Warnings: Not likely
Status: Closed

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[info]iscrewgirls in [info]madisonvalley

Alright, dome. You brought back Fiona and now Ella. Give me back Clove and we'll be square.

[info]firstdonoharm in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Carson Beckett and Lissa Dragomir
What: Actually seeing each other
When: Tuesday evening
Where: The clinic
Warnings: TBD but probably none
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )

[info]eldritch_magic in [info]madisonvalley

As much as I want this to be just a simple stop in my search for Loki, I have a feeling that I will be wholly disappointed.